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Learning from Baby P

Learning from Baby P

Sharon Shoesmith


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Book Details


Sharon Shoesmith was Director of Children's Services for Haringey in 2007 at the time of the death of Peter Connelly, also known as 'Baby P'.

In Learning from Baby P, she carries out a dispassionate analysis of the events which followed Peter Connelly's death, documenting the responses of the media, politicians and the public. She explores the psychological and emotional responses we share when faced with such horrifying cases of familial child homicide, and how a climate of fear and blame which follows such tragedies can lead to negative consequences for other children at risk of harm, and for the social workers striving to protect them.

Learning from Baby P is a thought-provoking book which aims to deepen understanding and shed light on the difficult relationship between politics, the media and child protection.

At the heart of this formidable, authoritative book is a forensic account of a modern day political witch hunt.
Patrick Butler, Social Policy Editor, The Guardian
The emotional, financial and reputational impact on Sharon Shoesmith and on the other workers who lost their jobs as a result of Baby Peter's death is graphically described, but so too is the careful examination of society's wish in effect to sanitise familial child homicide. It is easier to publicly blame and humiliate workers (who were working to protect children) than it is to accept that a mother has either caused or allowed her child to die.
Andrea Morris, Locality Director, Children’s Services, Devon County Council
Research, Policy and Planning
A detailed and thoroughly engrossing read which succeeds in extending our understanding of the case of Peter Connelly and, more particularly, the socio-emotional, political and media responses to his tragic death and the 'scandal' which was to unfold. Should be read by everyone with an interest in child abuse and how we can begin to seriously address the challenges involved in improving child protection policy and practice.
Nigel Parton, Professor in Applied Childhood Studies, University of Huddersfield, England
This is a very serious and important work of professional and academic scholarship. Sharon Shoesmith is in no way pursuing a personal agenda. Rather, through rigorous and evidence based analysis she discloses the cultural and social conditions that allowed, and still allow, social workers to shoulder the blame for events that actually require sophisticated and thoughtful understanding if we are to learn from the tragedy of Peter Connelly's death. An essential resource for our profession in the struggle to promote and defend the role of social work in modern child welfare and protection.
Andrew Cooper, Professor of Social Work, The Tavistock Centre and University of East London
A cogent, compelling analysis of the blame culture in social work. Essential reading for anyone wishing to understand, reflect and learn from the responses to the high profile familial homicide of Peter Connelly.
Ruth Smith, Publisher, Community Care
Sharon Shoesmith has worked with children for almost 40 years in a career which culminated with her role as Director of Children's Services in the London Borough of Haringey, having previously been one of Her Majesty's Inspectors. She now works as a researcher, writer and public speaker in areas related to education, social care and public perception. Sharon also works as a volunteer with Macmillan Cancer Care at University College Hospital. She completed a PhD in 2015 at the University of London, Birkbeck College.
This is a book which is informed by the head and the heart. It explores what underlay and drove the media and political frenzy of the 'Baby P story', which unjustly and wrongly blamed and vilified Shoesmith and her colleagues and undermined and distorted child protection and social work. Of great relevance to all who work with children and families, hopefully it will be read widely and lessons will be learned by the press and politicians who wielded power without wisdom or integrity.
Ray Jones, Professor of Social Work, Kingston University and St George's, University of London

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Learning from Baby P - The Politics of blame, fear and denial by Sharon Shoesmith 3
Preface\n 11
Introduction 13
Responses to the news of Baby P’s death 15
The impact of Peter Connelly’s death on children’s social care 18
The context of this book 19
The approach of this study 20
Documents used in the research for this book 21
Considering the ethics 22
Structure of the book 24
1. The Background to the Familial Homicide of Peter Connelly 26
Introduction 26
The nature and prevalence of familial child homicide 26
Familial child homicide (1997–2010) 28
The history and perceptions of the London Borough of Haringey and its Council 29
Haringey’s population 29
Haringey’s children 30
Haringey’s child protection services 31
Haringey Council and its past 32
Haringey Council’s improvement and decline 36
Conclusion 38
2. The Denial of Crimes Against Children 40
Introduction 40
Childhood, the family and social care services 41
Sequestration of information about child death 45
The effects of sequestration 46
Growing awareness of ‘child abuse’ 50
Contemporary knowledge of familial child homicide 51
Six high-profile inquiries into familial child abuse and homicide 53
Maria Colwell 54
Jasmine Beckford 56
Events in Cleveland, North-East England 60
The aftermath of the death of James Bulger 64
Satanic abuse 66
Victoria Climbié 66
Conclusion 69
3. Exploring Processes of Blame, Fear and Denial from a Psychosocial Perspective 72
Introduction 72
The place of psychoanalytic concepts in the psychosocial 73
‘Othering’ 77
Denial 79
The dynamics of denial 80
Blaming and scapegoating 83
The effects of social media 84
‘The circulation of affect’ 86
The interaction of the media, politicians and the public 89
The impact of relationships between the media and politicians 89
The media’s role in holding power to account 91
Engagement with the public 94
Two research studies 97
Conclusion 99
4. The Socio-Political and Cultural Context of the Death of Peter Connelly 102
Introduction 102
The impact of Labour policies on families and children’s social care 103
New Labour policies for children and families 103
Labour and social care policies in Every Child Matters (ECM) 108
The delivery of social care 109
Systems of governance, partnership and accountability 111
Inspection of Children’s Services 112
The impact of Labour’s Every Child Matters (ECM) initiative 113
The science of child abuse and its effects 113
Risk management 116
Serious Case Reviews (SCRs) 118
The impact of models of public accountability 119
The political context preceding public knowledge of the familial homicide of Peter Connelly 123
Conclusion 128
5. The Narrative about Baby P Emerges 130
Introduction 130
Tuesday 11 November 2008 131
Wednesday 12 November 2008 138
The exchange at Prime Minister’s Question Time 140
Ed Balls reacted 142
David Cameron’s article in the Evening Standard 143
The responses of members of the public on day 2 148
Thursday 13 November 2008 150
David Cameron’s letter published in the Sun 151
Ed Balls changed his position 155
Haringey Council politicians 158
The responses of members of the public on day 3 159
Friday 14 November 2008 162
The responses of members of the public on day 4 165
Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 November 2008 167
The responses of members of the public on day 5 172
From virtual to actual presence on the streets 176
Uncertainty, power and familial child homicide 177
Conclusion 179
6. The Identification of a Cultural Trope that Blames Social Workers for Harm to Children 181
Introduction 181
Mediated populist engagement 182
Distortions of ‘public accountability’ 185
Bringing closure 187
Identifying and defining the cultural trope 194
The potency of the cultural trope 197
Ofsted’s accusation of deceit 197
Presentations in court 198
The ‘official’ Serious Case Review (SCR2) 199
How far-reaching is the cultural trope? 203
The inquest for Peter Connelly 206
Transcending Blame, Fear and Denial 208
The crime of familial child homicide 211
The cultural trope and the proposed crime of ‘wilful neglect’ 213
New opportunities 218
Where next? 221
Appendix 1 - Who’s Who? 225
Appendix 2 - Glossary 228
Appendix 3 - The Research Materials and Their Uses 231
Bibliography 238
Notes 259
Subject Index 263
Author Index 269