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Biochemical Actions of Hormones V4

Biochemical Actions of Hormones V4

Gerald Litwack


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Biochemical Actions of Hormones, Volume IV explores the significant developments toward understanding the primary effects of hormones in cellular receptors at the molecular level.
This volume is composed of nine chapters, and begins with a review of the developments in affinity labeling that relate principally to the determination of the mechanisms of hormone action. The following chapters examine the role of prostaglandins in ovarian function and the methods for measuring protein synthesis and degradation in the heart and skeletal muscle. These topics are followed by discussions on the regulation of cholesterol synthesis by individual hormones; the regulatory mechanisms modulating the responsiveness of pineal gland to ß-adrenergic receptor stimulation; and the unitary mechanism of thyrotropin-releasing hormone action in target cells. The remaining chapters cover the insulin binding and insulin receptors from a variety of tissues and diverse species. These chapters also look into the physiology, molecular action, and biological effects of androgens and cyclic adenosine monophosphate.
This book will be of great benefit to endocrinologists.