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Electrotechnology in Mining

Electrotechnology in Mining

N. Marinovic


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Book Details


Both mining and electrical engineers need to bear in mind the following specific requirements of electrical applications in mining. 1) Economy of electrical plant and equipment in relation to the cost price of the extracted mineral ores, governed by the specific exploitation conditions, 2) Reliability of electrical plant and equipment for extractive operations, operational efficiency, and plant and personnel safety. 3) Special safeguards to counteract the additional hazards posed by the use of electric power, and by electrical phenomena in general. The book has been written along these lines, dealing with those topics which highlight the aspects of electrical engineering of relevance for mining engineers and aspects of mining operations that electrical engineers need, to meet the above-mentioned basic requirements governing the introduction and use of electrical plants and systems in mines.
This book is intended as a text book and will be of use to students, and colleges as well as to mining and electrical engineers.