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Book Details
Chromatography Today provides a comprehensive coverage of various separation methods: gas, liquid, thin-layer, and supercritical fluid-chromatography, and capillary electrophoresis. Particular attention is paid to the optimization of these techniques in terms of kinetic parameters and retention mechanisms. When these facts are understood, method selection and optimization becomes a more logical process. Sample preparation methods are treated fully as they frequently represent an integral part of the total analytical method. Also described are preparative-scale separations used for isolating significant amounts of product which are generally achieved under conditions that are not identical to those used for analytical separations. The most common hyphenated methods used for sample identification are discussed from the perspective of the information they yield and the requirements of common interfaces.
The scope and level of discussion are designed to be appropriate for various user groups. This book should be suitable for use as a graduate-level student textbook in separation science, a text for professional institutes offering short courses in chromatography, and as a self-study guide for chromatographers to refresh their knowledge of the latest developments in the field. The book is extensively illustrated with over 200 figures, 110 tables and 3,300 references, largely to the contemporary literature.
...a balanced and easy to read text.
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
The presentation is clear and readable... This is a worthy successor to the earlier volume and can be strongly recommended to all chromatographers.
Analytica Chimica Acta
It is virtually impossible to do justice to a book of this size in such a short review. ...immensely valuable, and it will certainly take pride of place in my collection of chromatography reference books.
Chemistry in Britain
This book is highly recommended for advanced undergraduate students of analytical chemistry, and is a must for practising analytical chemists. Every chapter incorporates an extensive bibliography that gives easy access to original literature. Although it is a multi-authored text it has been well compiled, so that there is no overlap of topics or ideas, and the style is very consistent. It can be emphasized that no other single current textbook on separation science gives so much for so little.
LC-GC International
This reviewer has rarely seen a more detailed and comprehensive coverage of the entire subject of general chromatography in a single volume than in this excellent review. ...a very informative, readable and indeed enjoyable book that must be regarded as an essential addition to the bookshelves of a wide variety of users. The book will be of great value to graduate students, research workers, and, as a working reference, professional organizations running chromatographic courses.
Society for General Microbiology Quarterly
This is perhaps the best value book I have come across on chromatography in general, with 1000 pages on gas, liquid supercritical fluid and thin-layer methods. The coverage of HPLC is naturally the most extensively (almost 300 pages), and includes a reasonable up-to-date introduction to capillary electrophoresis.
Laboratory Equipment Digest
...this book is a handy reference text and largely succeeds in its stated aims.
Chemistry in Australia
There are many books on chromatography. Some are interesting, but others represent a must; this one belongs to latter category. It is written not only for students, as it is a real course, but also for teachers and especially for users of chromatography, as it was conceived in a very practical spirit. In my opinion, it is one of the three best books published these last few years.
Here is the ultimate text and reference book for the senior student and for the conscientious practitioner. Although adequate in its own right, a comprehensive reference and further reading list follows each chapter.
ESRISAT/Australian Mineral Foundation
...best used as a good information source and in this regard is virtually unique and well worthy of acquisition.
The Analyst
G.A. Parker (Professor Emeritus), University of Toledo, OH, USA
As a reference source in chromatography this text is excellent. The authors write clearly representing material which is easily understood by the reader. I have enjoyed teaching from this text. It was successfully received by the students in my class.
...an important, if not vital, addition to any institution where chromatography is taught or is used... will, for many students and teachers alike, become the definitive general textbook in this vast subject area for many years to come.
Journal of Chromatography A