Speak, Move, Play and Learn with Children on the Autism Spectrum
Corinda Presley | America X. Gonzalez | Maciej Zawadzki | Lois Jean Brady
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Book Details
This practical resource is brimming with ideas and guidance for using simple ideas from speech and language pathology and occupational therapy to boost communication, sensory integration, and coordination skills in children on the autism spectrum. Suitable for use in the classroom, at home, and in community settings, it is packed with easy-to-follow, goal-oriented activities and lesson plans centering around arts and crafts, music-making, cookery, sensory activities, and skills for daily living. The activities all use materials and objects which are readily available in the home or classroom, and can easily be adapted to suit children of different abilities, including those who are non-verbal.
This book is perfect for teachers, speech and language pathologists, and occupational therapists who need fresh and effective activity ideas for the classroom or therapy room, as well as for parents and other caregivers who want to help their child on the autism spectrum to speak, move, play...and learn!
Lois Brady does all things well...from reviewing and applying the latest "app for autism" to creating and documenting effective techniques that connect our special kids to the world. In this book, two dedicated Occupational Therapists and two Speech and Language Therapists combine their "first-hand learnings, insights and wisdom" to help the rest of us unlock the mysteries of autism. Thank you Lois, America, Maciej and Corinda - and Jessica Kingsley - for doing what you do so well.
Craig Evans, Founder, AutismHangout.com
Creative, fun and informative! Everything a parent, teacher or professional could want in order to create easy lessons for kids on the autism spectrum.
Joanne Lara, MA, founder of Autism Movement Therapy, Inc
Lois Jean Brady is a Speech Language Pathologist with 20 years' experience. She is currently working as a Speech Pathologist and Assistive Technology Specialist at the Spectrum Center School, California. She is the founder of Rancho La Paz, a non-profit organization for individuals on the spectrum. America X. Gonzalez is a Speech Language Pathologist Assistant working in several institutions in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has an Associate Teacher degree and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology. She lives in Benicia, California. Maciej Zawadzki is an Occupational Therapist working at the Spectrum Center. Corinda Presley is an Occupational Therapist at the Communication Works Center in Oakland, California. She has worked with children with autism and developmental delays since 2002. She has a special interest in integration and processing and is completing her certification for The Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT).
It is a book that speaks with an enthusiastic voice and encourages readers to be motivated to try new ideas. There is something for everyone involved in caring for and teaching children with Autism.
The Word Pool
This book belongs on every teacher and parent's bookshelf. Its empowering and forward-thinking formulae are so much fun that entire classrooms will want to participate. A fun and functional book from experts who know how to get results.
Laura Shumaker, author of A Regular Guy: Growing Up with Autism