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Emergency Procedures for the Small Animal Veterinarian E-Book

Emergency Procedures for the Small Animal Veterinarian E-Book

Signe J. Plunkett



The new edition of the hugely successful Emergency Procedures for the Small Animal Veterinarian gives you all the information you need to form a diagnosis quick and accurately, establish a prognosis and recommend treatment for a patient suffering and illness, injury or toxic event.
Easy-to-read bullet-point text gives quick access to the most essential information needed to treat emergency cases quickly and efficiently. Loads of practical appendices of commonly used drugs and supplements, drugs in special circumstances (e.g. safe drugs in pregnancy, drugs to avoid in renal failure, etc.), clinical chemistry and laboratory data, conversion tables, and many more, are included for easy reference to essential data.
With step-by-step coverage of cardiopulmonary emergencies, trauma gastrointestinal emergencies, toxicological events, a greatly expanded chapter on exotic pets, and much more, Emergency Procedures for the Small Animal Veterinarian gives you the facts you need to help you save more lives faster!

  • All you need to know to manage every small animal emergency case you will encounter
  • Many excellent and practical appendices of drugs, poisons, lab data, haematology
  • Takes the diagnosis-prognosis-treatment approach to every emergency situation
  • Easy-to-access format, with concise text and lots of lists
  • Divided into organ systems, making it easy to locate information in a hurry
  • Handy information on what to tell the owner in emergency injury situations
  • Expanded chapter on Emergencies in Exotic Species
  • Text updated throughout
  • Information on drugs is updated
  • New cover design to make the new edition stand out
  • Flexicover to protect the book against heavy usage - this is not a book that will remain on the shelves

  • Table of Contents

    Section Title Page Action Price
    Front Cover cover
    Half title page i
    Dedication ii
    Emergency Procedures for the Small Animal Veterinarian iii
    Copyright Page iv
    Table Of Contents v
    Preface vii
    Acknowledgments viii
    List of contributors ix
    1 Supportive therapy 1
    Acid–base disturbances 1
    Respiratory acidosis 1
    Respiratory alkalosis 3
    Nonrespiratory acidosis (metabolic acidosis) 4
    Nonrespiratory alkalosis (metabolic alkalosis) 5
    Strong ion approach 5
    Oxygen therapy 7
    Hypoxemia 7
    Assessment of hypoxemia 8
    A – a gradient 9
    : ratio (or P:F ratio) 9
    FiO2 x 5 9
    Pulse oximetry 9
    Venous 10
    Supplemental oxygen therapy 10
    Fluid therapy 16
    Fluid types 18
    Routes of fluid therapy 24
    How much fluid? 26
    Fluid rate during anesthesia 28
    Blood pressure assessment 28
    Intra-abdominal pressure 33
    Nutritional support 35
    Enteral nutrition 35
    Parenteral nutrition (PN) 40
    Analgesia 44
    References / further reading 49
    Acid–base disturbances 49
    Oxygen therapy 49
    Fluid therapy 50
    Blood pressure assessment 50
    Intra-abdominal pressure 51
    Nutritional support 51
    Analgesia 52
    2 Shock 53
    Introduction 53
    Causes and types of shock 53
    Hypovolemic or circulatory shock 54
    Diagnosis 54
    Prognosis 56
    Treatment 56
    Cardiogenic shock 57
    Distributive shock 58
    Anaphylactic shock and acute allergic reactions 58
    Sources 58
    Diagnosis 58
    Prognosis 59
    Treatment 59
    Septic shock and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) 61
    Etiology 61
    Diagnosis 62
    Differential diagnosis 65
    Prognosis 65
    Treatment 65
    References / further reading 71
    Hypovolemic or circulatory shock 71
    Cardiogenic shock 71
    Distributive shock 72
    Septic shock and SIRS 72
    3 Cardiovascular emergencies 73
    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 73
    Basic life support 74
    A = airway 74
    B = breathing 74
    C = cardiac massage 75
    Future possibilities 77
    Internal cardiac massage (ICM) 77
    Arrhythmias 79
    Defibrillation 80
    Advanced life support 81
    D = drug therapy (See Table 3.1) 81
    E = evaluate status 85
    Care of the patient post-resuscitation 86
    Congestive heart failure 90
    Diagnosis 90
    Prognosis 91
    Treatment 91
    Canine cardiomyopathy 93
    I. Dilated form (DCM) 93
    Diagnosis 93
    Differential diagnosis 94
    Prognosis 94
    Treatment 94
    II. hypertrophic form (HCM) 96
    Diagnosis 96
    Prognosis 97
    Treatment 97
    Feline cardiomyopathy 97
    Hypertrophic form (hcm) 97
    Diagnosis 97
    Prognosis 98
    Treatment 98
    Dilated form 99
    Diagnosis 100
    Prognosis 100
    Treatment 100
    Arterial thrombosis or thromboembolism 101
    Clinical signs 102
    Diagnostic procedures 102
    Prognosis 103
    Therapeutic plan 104
    Pericardial effusion 105
    Etiology 105
    Diagnosis 106
    Prognosis 107
    Treatment 107
    Hypertensive crisis 108
    History 108
    Clinical signs 108
    Laboratory tests 108
    Diagnostic imaging 109
    Other diagnostics 109
    Prognosis 109
    Treatment 109
    Caval syndrome of heartworm disease 110
    Diagnosis 110
    Prognosis 111
    Treatment 111
    Syncope 112
    Etiology 112
    Differential diagnosis 113
    Diagnosis 113
    Prognosis 114
    Treatment 114
    References / further reading 115
    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 115
    Congestive heart failure 117
    Canine cardiomyopathy 117
    Feline cardiomyopathy 118
    Arterial thromboembolism 118
    Pericardial effusion 118
    Hypertensive crisis 119
    Caval syndrome of heartworm disease 119
    Syncope 119
    4 Respiratory emergencies 120
    Upper airway obstruction (choking) 120
    Laryngeal obstructions 120
    Diagnosis 120
    Differential diagnosis 120
    Prognosis 120
    Treatment 120
    Tracheal and tracheobronchial obstructions 121
    Diagnosis 121
    Differential diagnosis 122
    Prognosis 122
    Treatment 122
    Laryngeal paralysis 123
    Etiology 123
    Diagnosis 124
    Differential diagnosis 124
    Prognosis 124
    Treatment 124
    Tracheal collapse 125
    Diagnosis 125
    Differential diagnosis 126
    Prognosis 126
    Emergency treatment 126
    Medical management 127
    Infectious tracheobronchitis 128
    Diagnosis 128
    Prognosis 128
    Treatment – uncomplicated 129
    Treatment – complicated 129
    Aspiration pneumonitis and pneumonia 129
    Etiology 129
    Diagnosis 130
    Differential diagnosis 130
    Prognosis 130
    Treatment 131
    Pulmonary thromboembolism 131
    Etiology 131
    Diagnosis 132
    Differential diagnosis 132
    Prognosis 133
    Treatment 133
    Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema 133
    Etiology 133
    Diagnosis 134
    Prognosis 134
    Treatment 134
    Acute lung injury and respiratory distress syndrome 135
    Etiology 135
    Diagnosis 136
    Differential diagnosis 137
    Prognosis 137
    Treatment 137
    Feline chronic bronchial disease (feline asthma) 138
    Diagnosis 138
    Differential diagnosis 138
    Prognosis 138
    Treatment (acute) 138
    Treatment (maintenance) 139
    Pleural effusion 139
    Diagnosis 139
    Differential diagnosis 140
    Prognosis 141
    Treatment 141
    References / further reading 143
    Upper airway obstruction (choking) 143
    Laryngeal paralysis 143
    Tracheal collapse 143
    Infectious tracheobroncHitis 144
    Aspiration pneumonia 144
    Pulmonary thromboembolism 144
    Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema 144
    Acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome 144
    Feline chronic bronchial disease (feline asthma) 144
    Pleural effusion 144
    5 Traumatic emergencies 145
    HBC (hit by car / auto accident victims) 145
    Diagnosis 145
    A = airway 145
    C and R = cardiovascular and respiratory 145
    A = abdomen 145
    S = spine 145
    H = head 145
    P = pelvis 146
    L = limbs 146
    A = (peripheral) arteries 146
    N = (peripheral) nerves 146
    Differential diagnosis 147
    Prognosis 147
    Treatment (depending on severity of injuries) 147
    Four-quadrant peritoneal tap 154
    Diagnostic peritoneal tap 154
    Diagnostic peritoneal lavage 155
    Peritoneal fluid analysis 155
    Pneumothorax 156
    Diagnosis 156
    Prognosis 157
    Treatment 157
    Traumatic diaphragmatic hernias 159
    Diagnosis 160
    Differential diagnosis 160
    Prognosis 160
    Treatment 161
    Degloving injuries 162
    Diagnosis 162
    Prognosis 163
    Treatment 163
    Bite wounds and lacerations 164
    Diagnosis 164
    Prognosis 165
    Treatment 165
    Gunshot wounds 167
    Etiology 167
    Diagnosis 167
    Differential diagnosis 168
    Prognosis 168
    Treatment 168
    Fractures 170
    Diagnosis 170
    Prognosis 170
    Treatment 170
    Amputations 172
    Diagnosis 172
    Prognosis 172
    Treatment 172
    Coxofemoral luxation 173
    Elbow luxation 174
    Dehiscence 176
    Etiology 176
    Diagnosis 176
    Differential diagnosis 176
    Prognosis 176
    Treatment 177
    References / further reading 177
    HBC (hit by car / auto accident victims) 177
    Pneumothorax 178
    Traumatic diaphragmatic hernias 178
    Bite wounds and bite wounds 179
    Degloving injuries 179
    Gunshot wounds 179
    Fractures 179
    Amputations 180
    Coxofemoral luxation 180
    Elbow luxation 180
    Dehiscence 180
    6 Environmental emergencies 181
    Drowning (immersion injury) 181
    Diagnosis 181
    Differential diagnosis 182
    Prognosis 182
    Treatment 182
    Electrocution 183
    Diagnosis 183
    Differential diagnosis 183
    Prognosis 183
    Treatment 183
    Heat stress and heat stroke 184
    Diagnosis 184
    Differential diagnosis 185
    Prognosis 186
    Treatment 186
    Hypothermia and frostbite 187
    Diagnosis 188
    Clinical signs of hypothermia 188
    Clinical signs of frostbite 188
    Treatment 188
    Treatment of hypothermia 188
    Treatment of frostbite 189
    Smoke inhalation 189
    Diagnosis 189
    Differential diagnosis 191
    Treatment 191
    References / further reading 193
    Drowning (immersion injury) 193
    Electrocution 194
    Heat stress and heat stroke 194
    Hypothermia and frostbite 194
    Smoke inhalation 194
    7 Dermatologic emergencies 195
    Abscessation 195
    Diagnosis 195
    Prognosis 195
    Treatment 195
    Burns 196
    Diagnosis 196
    Prognosis 197
    Treatment 197
    Cutaneous foreign bodies 199
    Etiology 199
    Diagnosis 199
    Differential diagnosis 200
    Prognosis 200
    Treatment 200
    (Acute moist) dermatitis (pyotraumatic dermatitis) 201
    Diagnosis 201
    Prognosis 202
    Treatment 202
    Toxic epidermal necrolysis and erythema multiforme 202
    Diagnosis 202
    Differential diagnosis 203
    Prognosis 203
    Treatment 203
    Juvenile cellulitis (juvenile pyoderma, puppy strangles) 203
    Etiology 203
    Diagnosis 203
    Differential diagnosis 204
    Prognosis 204
    Treatment 204
    Aural (or auricular) hematoma 204
    Etiology 204
    Diagnosis 205
    Differential diagnosis 205
    Prognosis 205
    Treatment 205
    Acute otitis externa 206
    Etiology 206
    Diagnosis 207
    Prognosis 208
    Treatment 208
    Anal sac disease 209
    Etiology 209
    Diagnosis 210
    Differential diagnosis 210
    Prognosis 210
    Treatment 210
    References / further reading 211
    Abscesses 211
    Burns 211
    (Acute moist) dermatitis (pyotraumatic dermatitis) 211
    Toxic epidermal necrolysis and erythema multiforme 211
    Juvenile cellulitis (juvenile pyoderma, puppy strangles) 211
    Aural (or auricular) hematoma 211
    Acute otitis externa 212
    Anal sac disease 212
    8 Hematologic emergencies 213
    Canine anemia 213
    Etiology 213
    Diagnosis 213
    Prognosis 215
    Treatment 215
    Long-term therapy 219
    Feline anemia 219
    Etiology 219
    Diagnosis 220
    Prognosis 221
    Treatment 221
    Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (imt, itp) 224
    Diagnosis 224
    Differential diagnosis 226
    Prognosis 226
    Treatment 226
    Coagulopathies 228
    Etiology 228
    Diagnosis 228
    Differential diagnosis 230
    Prognosis 230
    Treatment 230
    Epistaxis 231
    Etiology 231
    Diagnosis 232
    Prognosis 232
    Treatment 233
    Disseminated intravascular coagulation (dic) 233
    Diagnosis 233
    Prognosis 235
    Treatment 235
    Hemoperitoneum 236
    Etiology 236
    Diagnosis 236
    Differential diagnosis 237
    Prognosis 237
    Treatment 237
    References / further reading 238
    Canine anemia 238
    Feline anemia 239
    Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia 239
    Coagulopathies 240
    Epistaxis 240
    Disseminated intravascular coagulation 241
    Hemoperitoneum 241
    9 Gastrointestinal emergencies 242
    Salivary mucoceles and ranulas 242
    Etiology 242
    Diagnosis 242
    Differential diagnosis 242
    Prognosis 242
    Emergency treatment 243
    Esophageal foreign bodies 243
    Diagnosis 243
    Differential diagnosis 244
    Prognosis 244
    Treatment 244
    Acute abdominal pain 247
    Etiology 247
    Diagnosis 247
    Prognosis 250
    Treatment 250
    Peritonitis 255
    Forms of secondary peritonitis 255
    Diagnosis 256
    Differential diagnosis 258
    Prognosis 258
    Treatment 258
    Gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV) 264
    Etiology 264
    Diagnosis 264
    Prognosis 265
    Treatment 266
    Acute canine (viral) gastroenteritis 270
    Diagnosis 270
    Differential diagnosis 272
    Prognosis 272
    Treatment 272
    Gastrointestinal obstruction and intussusception 278
    Etiology 278
    Diagnosis 278
    Differential diagnosis 280
    Prognosis 280
    Treatment 280
    Feline diarrhea 284
    Etiology 284
    Diagnosis 284
    Prognosis 285
    Treatment 285
    Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (hge) 286
    Diagnosis 286
    Differential diagnosis 287
    Prognosis 287
    Treatment 287
    Colitis 288
    Diagnosis 288
    Differential diagnosis 289
    Prognosis 289
    Treatment 289
    Rectal prolapse 290
    Etiology 290
    Diagnosis 290
    Prognosis 291
    Treatment 291
    Perineal hernia 292
    Diagnosis 292
    Differential diagnosis 292
    Prognosis 292
    Treatment 293
    Acute hepatic failure 293
    Etiology 293
    Diagnosis 294
    Prognosis 296
    Treatment 296
    Hepatic encephalopathy 298
    Etiology 298
    Diagnosis 298
    Prognosis 300
    Treatment 300
    Feline hepatic lipidosis 301
    Etiology 301
    Diagnosis 302
    Differential diagnosis 302
    Prognosis 303
    Treatment 303
    Feline cholangiohepatitis 305
    Etiology 305
    Diagnosis 306
    Differential diagnosis 307
    Prognosis 307
    Treatment 307
    Pancreatitis 308
    Etiology 308
    Diagnosis 308
    Diagnostic imaging 310
    Complications and sequelae 311
    Differential diagnosis 311
    Prognosis 311
    Treatment 311
    References / further reading 314
    Salivary mucocoeles and ranulas 314
    Esophageal foreign bodies 315
    Acute abdominal pain 315
    Peritonitis 315
    Gastric dilatation and volvulus 316
    Acute canine (viral) gastroenteritis 317
    Gastrointestinal obstruction and intussusception 317
    Feline diarrhea 318
    Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis 318
    Colitis 318
    Rectal prolapse 318
    Perineal hernia 319
    Acute hepatic failure 319
    Hepatic encephalopathy 319
    Feline hepatic lipidosis 320
    Feline cholangiohepatitis 320
    Pancreatitis 320
    10 Metabolic and endocrine emergencies 322
    Diabetes mellitus 322
    Diagnosis 322
    Differential diagnosis 323
    Prognosis 323
    Treatment 323
    Diabetic ketoacidosis 325
    Diagnosis 325
    Prognosis 326
    Treatment 326
    Hyperglycemia hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome of diabetes mellitus (hhs) 330
    Prognosis 331
    Treatment 331
    Hypoglycemia 332
    Diagnosis 332
    Differential diagnosis 333
    Prognosis 334
    Treatment 334
    Hypoadrenocorticism (addisonian crisis) 335
    Diagnosis 335
    Differential diagnosis 336
    Prognosis 336
    Treatment 337
    Shar pei fever syndrome 338
    Diagnosis 338
    Differential diagnosis 338
    Prognosis 338
    Treatment 338
    References / further reading 339
    Diabetes mellitus 339
    Diabetic ketoacidosis 340
    Hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome of diabetes mellitus 340
    Hypoglycemia 340
    Hypoadrenocorticism (addisonian crisis) 341
    Shar pei fever syndrome 341
    11 Urinary emergencies and electrolyte disorders 342
    Acute renal failure (ARF) 342
    Etiology 342
    Diagnosis 343
    Differential diagnosis 345
    Prognosis 345
    Treatment 346
    Chronic renal failure (CRF) 351
    Etiology 351
    Diagnosis 352
    Differential diagnosis 353
    Prognosis 354
    Treatment 354
    Pyelonephritis 358
    Diagnosis 358
    Differential diagnosis 359
    Prognosis 359
    Treatment 360
    Hematuria and hemoglobinuria 360
    Diagnosis 360
    Differential diagnosis 361
    Prognosis 362
    Treatment 362
    Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) (not obstructed) 363
    Etiology 363
    Diagnosis 363
    Prognosis 364
    Treatment 364
    Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) (urethral obstruction) 365
    Etiology 365
    Diagnosis 365
    Prognosis 366
    Treatment 366
    Canine urolithiasis 370
    Etiology 370
    Diagnosis 371
    Differential diagnosis 373
    Prognosis 374
    Treatment 374
    Uroabdomen 377
    Etiology 377
    Diagnosis 378
    Differential diagnoses 379
    Prognosis 379
    Treatment 379
    Hypercalcemia 380
    Etiology 380
    Diagnosis 380
    Prognosis 380
    Treatment 380
    Hypocalcemia 381
    Etiology 381
    Diagnosis 381
    Prognosis 382
    Treatment 382
    Hyperkalemia 383
    Etiology 383
    Diagnosis 384
    Prognosis 385
    Treatment 385
    Hypokalemia 387
    Etiology 387
    Diagnosis 387
    Prognosis 388
    Treatment 388
    Hypernatremia 389
    Etiology 389
    Diagnosis 389
    Prognosis 390
    Treatment 390
    Hyponatremia 391
    Etiology 391
    Diagnosis 391
    Prognosis 392
    Treatment 392
    Hypophosphatemia 392
    Etiology 392
    Diagnosis 393
    Prognosis 393
    Treatment 393
    Hypomagnesemia 394
    Etiology 394
    Diagnosis 394
    Prognosis 395
    Treatment 395
    References / further reading 395
    Acute renal failure 395
    Chronic renal failure 396
    Pyelonephritis 396
    Hematuria and hemoglobinuria 397
    Feline lower urinary tract disease: not obstructed 397
    Feline lower urinary tract disease: obstructed 397
    Canine urolithiasis 398
    Uroabdomen 398
    Hypercalcemia 398
    Hypocalcemia 399
    Hyperkalemia 399
    Hypokalemia 399
    Hypernatremia 400
    Hyponatremia 400
    Hypophosphatemia 400
    Hypomagnesemia 400
    12 Reproductive emergencies 401
    Dystocia 401
    Etiology 401
    Diagnosis 401
    Prognosis 402
    Treatment 402
    Fading neonatal syndromes (neonatal mortality) 404
    Etiology 404
    Diagnosis 405
    Prognosis 406
    Treatment 406
    Mastitis 407
    Diagnosis 407
    Differential diagnosis 407
    Prognosis 407
    Treatment 407
    Pyometra (pyometritis) 408
    Diagnosis 408
    Differential diagnosis 408
    Prognosis 409
    Treatment 409
    Vaginal edema (hyperplasia) or prolapse and uterine prolapse 410
    Diagnosis 410
    Differential diagnosis 410
    Prognosis 410
    Treatment 410
    Paraphimosis 411
    Diagnosis 411
    Differential diagnosis 412
    Prognosis 412
    Treatment 412
    Acute prostatitis 413
    Diagnosis 413
    Differential diagnosis 413
    Prognosis 413
    Treatment 414
    References / further reading 414
    Dystocia 414
    Fading neonatal syndromes (neonatal mortality) 414
    Mastitis 414
    Pyometra (pyometritis) 415
    Vaginal edema (hyperplasia) or prolapse and uterine prolapse 415
    Paraphimosis 415
    Acute prostatitis 415
    13 Neurologic and ocular emergencies 416
    Head trauma 416
    Diagnosis 416
    Prognosis 418
    Treatment 418
    (Acute) myelopathies (paraparesis / paraplegia) 420
    Diagnosis 420
    Differential diagnosis 421
    Prognosis 421
    Treatment 421
    Lower motor neuron diseases 423
    I. Polyradiculoneuritis (‘coonhound paralysis’) 423
    Prognosis 423
    Treatment 423
    II. Myasthenia gravis 424
    Prognosis 425
    Treatment 425
    III. Botulism 425
    Prognosis 426
    Differential diagnosis 426
    Treatment 426
    IV. Tick paralysis 426
    Prognosis 427
    Treatment 427
    V. Other illnesses 427
    Tetanus 427
    Diagnosis 427
    Differential diagnosis 428
    Prognosis 428
    Treatment 429
    Vestibular disorders 431
    Diagnosis 431
    Differential diagnosis 432
    Prognosis 432
    Treatment 432
    Shaking and tremors 433
    Definitions 433
    Diagnosis 433
    Differential diagnoses 433
    Prognosis 434
    Treatment 434
    Canine seizures 434
    Diagnosis 434
    Differential diagnosis 435
    Prognosis 436
    Treatment 436
    Feline seizures 440
    Diagnosis 440
    Differential diagnosis 440
    Prognosis 441
    Treatment 441
    Altered mentation and coma 443
    Definitions 443
    Diagnosis 443
    Differential diagnosis 443
    Prognosis 444
    Treatment 444
    Acute ulcerative keratitis 444
    Etiology 444
    Diagnosis 445
    Prognosis 445
    Treatment 445
    Corneal foreign bodies 447
    Diagnosis 447
    Prognosis 447
    Treatment 447
    Anterior uveitis 448
    Etiology 448
    Diagnosis 448
    Differential diagnosis 449
    Prognosis 449
    Treatment 449
    Hyphema 450
    Definition 450
    Etiology 450
    Diagnosis 451
    Prognosis 451
    Treatment 451
    Proptosed globe 452
    Diagnosis 452
    Prognosis 452
    Treatment 453
    Acute glaucoma 454
    Diagnosis 454
    Prognosis 455
    Treatment 455
    Sudden blindness 456
    Diagnosis 456
    Differential diagnoses 456
    Prognosis 457
    Treatment 457
    References / further reading 457
    Head trauma 457
    Acute myelopathies 457
    Lower motor neuron diseases 458
    Vestibular disorders 459
    Shaking and tremors 459
    Canine seizures 459
    Feline seizures 460
    Altered mentation or coma 460
    Tetanus 461
    Acute ulcerative keratitis 461
    Corneal foreign bodies 461
    Anterior uveitis 461
    Hyphema 462
    Proptosed globe 462
    Acute glaucoma 462
    Sudden blindness 462
    14 Toxicologic emergencies 464
    Acetaminophen toxicosis 464
    Mode of action 464
    Sources 464
    Toxic dosages 465
    Diagnosis 465
    Dogs 465
    Cats 465
    Prognosis 465
    Treatment 466
    Albuterol 468
    Mode of action 468
    Sources 468
    Toxic dosages 468
    Diagnosis 468
    Prognosis 469
    Treatment 469
    Amitraz toxicosis 469
    Mode of action 469
    Sources 470
    Toxic dosages 470
    Diagnosis 470
    Differential diagnosis 470
    Prognosis 470
    Treatment 470
    Amphetamine toxicosis 472
    Mode of action 472
    Sources 472
    Toxic dosages 473
    Diagnosis 473
    Differential diagnosis 473
    Prognosis 473
    Treatment 473
    Anticoagulant rodenticide toxicosis 475
    Mode of action 475
    Sources 475
    Diagnosis 476
    Differential diagnosis 477
    Prognosis 478
    Treatment 478
    Antihistamine and decongestant toxicosis 480
    Mode of action 480
    Sources 480
    Toxic dosages 480
    Diagnosis 480
    Differential diagnosis 481
    Prognosis 481
    Treatment 481
    Arsenic toxicosis 483
    Mode of action 483
    Sources 483
    Toxic dosages 483
    Diagnosis 483
    Differential diagnosis 483
    Prognosis 484
    Treatment 484
    Aspirin toxicosis 486
    Mode of action 486
    Sources 486
    Toxic dosages 486
    Diagnosis 486
    Differential diagnosis 487
    Prognosis 487
    Treatment 487
    Baclofen intoxication 492
    Toxin 492
    Sources 492
    Toxic dosages 492
    Diagnosis 492
    Prognosis 492
    Treatment 493
    Batteries 493
    Mode of action 493
    Diagnosis 494
    Prognosis 494
    Treatment 494
    Beta blockers 495
    Mode of action 495
    Sources 495
    Diagnosis 495
    Differential diagnosis 496
    Prognosis 496
    Treatment 496
    Blue-green algae INTOXICATION 497
    Toxin 497
    Mode of action 498
    Sources 498
    Toxic dosages 498
    Diagnosis 498
    Differential diagnosis 499
    Prognosis 499
    Treatment 499
    Boric acid / borates / boron toxicosis 500
    Mode of action 500
    Sources 500
    Toxic dosages 500
    Diagnosis 500
    Differential diagnosis 500
    Prognosis 501
    Treatment 501
    Bread dough 503
    Toxin 503
    Mode of action 504
    Sources 504
    Toxic dosages 504
    Diagnosis 504
    Prognosis 504
    Treatment 504
    Bromethalin toxicosis 505
    Mode of action 505
    Sources 505
    Toxic dosages 505
    Diagnosis 505
    Differential diagnosis 506
    Prognosis 506
    Treatment 506
    Calcium channel BLOCKER INTOXICATION 509
    Toxin 509
    Mode of action 509
    Sources 509
    Toxic dosages 509
    Diagnosis 509
    Prognosis 510
    Treatment 510
    Carbon monoxide TOXICITY 512
    Toxin 512
    Mode of action 512
    Sources 512
    Toxic dosages 512
    Diagnosis 512
    Prognosis 512
    Treatment 513
    Chocolate and caffeine toxicosis 513
    Mode of action 513
    Sources 513
    Toxic dosages (Tables 14.2 and 14.3) 513
    Diagnosis 514
    Differential diagnosis 515
    Prognosis 515
    Treatment 515
    Cholecalciferol toxicosis 517
    Mode of action 517
    Sources 517
    Toxic dosages 517
    Diagnosis 517
    Differential diagnosis 518
    Prognosis 518
    Treatment 518
    Citrus oil extract toxicosis (limonene and linalool toxicosis) 520
    Mode of action 520
    Sources 520
    Toxic dosages 521
    Diagnosis 521
    Differential diagnosis 521
    Prognosis 521
    Treatment 521
    Cocaine intoxication 523
    Mode of action 523
    Sources 523
    Toxic dosages 523
    Diagnosis 523
    Differential diagnosis 523
    Prognosis 524
    Treatment 524
    N,N-deithyltoluamide (deet) toxicosis 526
    Mode of action 526
    Sources 526
    Toxic dosages 526
    Diagnosis 526
    Differential diagnosis 526
    Prognosis 526
    Treatment 526
    Ethylene glycol intoxication 528
    Mode of action 528
    Sources 528
    Toxic dosages 528
    Diagnosis 528
    Differential diagnosis 530
    Prognosis 530
    Treatment 530
    Garbage intoxication (enterotoxemia) 537
    Mode of action 537
    Sources 538
    Toxic dosages 538
    Diagnosis 538
    Differential diagnosis 539
    Prognosis 539
    Treatment 539
    Glow jewelry 542
    Toxin 542
    Mode of action 542
    Sources 543
    Toxic dosages 543
    Diagnosis 543
    Prognosis 543
    Treatment 543
    Grapes and raisins TOXICITY 543
    Toxin 543
    Mode of action 544
    Sources 544
    Toxic dosages 544
    Diagnosis 544
    Differential diagnosis 544
    Prognosis 544
    Treatment 545
    Herb, vitamin and natural supplement toxicosis 545
    Definitions 545
    Diagnosis 550
    Treatment 550
    Household product intoxication 552
    Bleaches 552
    Diagnosis 552
    Treatment 552
    Corrosives 553
    Acids 553
    Diagnosis 553
    Treatment 553
    Alkalis 554
    Diagnosis 554
    Treatment 554
    Disinfectants 554
    Phenol and phenolic compounds 554
    Diagnosis 555
    Treatment 555
    Pine oil disinfectants 555
    15 Emergencies in exotic species 690
    Avian species 690
    Avian cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 690
    Protocol for critically ill avian patients 690
    Avian sedation 690
    Avian fluid therapy 691
    Avian nutritional support 695
    Avian emergencies 695
    Drug dosages 707
    Chinchillas (chinchilla lanigera) 709
    Chinchilla fluid therapy 710
    Chinchilla nutritional support 710
    Common diseases and health problems of chinchillas 710
    Recommended drug dosages for chinchillas 714
    Ferrets (mustela putorius furo) 715
    Ferret nutritional support 716
    Venipuncture in ferrets 716
    Intravenous catheter placement in ferrets 717
    Urethral catheterization of the male ferret 717
    Ferret cardiopulmonary resuscitation 718
    Common diseases and health problems of ferrets 718
    Recommended drug dosages for ferrets 723
    Fish 725
    Diagnostic procedures 725
    Common diseases and health problems of fish 726
    Recommended drug dosages for fish 728
    Gerbils (meriones unguiculatus) 729
    Fluid therapy 729
    Nutritional support 729
    Common diseases and health problems of gerbils 730
    Recommended drug dosages for gerbils 730
    Guinea pigs (cavia porcellus) 731
    Guinea pig fluid therapy 732
    Guinea pig nutritional support 732
    Common diseases and health problems of guinea pigs 732
    Recommended drug dosages for guinea pigs 736
    Hamsters (Golden, mesocricetus auratus, Phodopus spp.) 737
    Fluid therapy 737
    Nutritional support 737
    Common diseases and health problems of hamsters 738
    Recommended drug dosages for hamsters 740
    Hedgehogs (african, atelerix albiventris) 740
    Fluid therapy 741
    Nutritional support 741
    Common diseases and health problems of hedgehogs 742
    Recommended drug dosages for hedgehogs 743
    Lizards 744
    Clinical pathology 745
    Venipuncture in lizards 745
    Fluid administration in lizards 745
    Surgical techniques 747
    Common diseases and health problems of lizards 747
    Recommended drug dosages for lizards 750
    Pot-bellied pigs (vietnamese) 751
    Venipuncture sites 751
    Common diseases and health problems of pot-bellied pigs 752
    Recommended drug dosages for pot-bellied pigs 753
    Rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus) 754
    Endotracheal intubation in the rabbit 756
    Rabbit fluid therapy 756
    Rabbit nutritional support 756
    Rabbit CPR 757
    Intravenous catheter placement in the rabbit 757
    Venipuncture in the rabbit 758
    Common diseases and health problems of rabbits 758
    Recommended drug dosages for rabbits 765
    Rats (rattus norvegicus) 766
    Fluid therapy 767
    Nutritional support 767
    Common diseases and health problems of rats 767
    Recommended drug dosages for rats 769
    Snakes 769
    Clinical pathology 769
    Venipuncture in snakes 770
    Fluid administration in snakes 770
    Surgical techniques 771
    Common diseases and health problems of snakes 771
    Recommended drug dosages for snakes 774
    Sugar gliders (petaurus breviceps) 775
    Venipuncture 775
    Fluid therapy 776
    Nutritional support 776
    Common diseases and health problems of sugar gliders 776
    Recommended drug dosages for sugar gliders 778
    Tortoises and turtles (chelonia) 778
    Fluid therapy 780
    Common diseases and health problems of tortoises and turtles 780
    Recommended drug dosages for tortoises and turtles 782
    References / further reading 783
    Avian species 783
    Chinchillas 783
    Ferrets 784
    Fish 784
    Guinea pigs 784
    Hedgehogs 784
    Lizards 784
    Pot-bellied pigs 785
    Rabbits 785
    Rats 785
    Snakes 785
    Sugar gliders 786
    Tortoises and turtles 786
    Appendices 787
    I. Analgesics 787
    II. Blood crossmatching 789
    Method A (from Kirk, 1983, with permission of Elsevier) 789
    Method B 789
    III. Blood component indications 790
    IV. Fluid therapy 791
    V. Guidelines for potassium supplementation 793
    VI. Insulin preparations available 793
    VII. Poison control agencies in the USA 793
    VIII. Poisonous plants 793
    Aconite 793
    Almond 793
    Aloe 794
    Aloe vera 794
    Amaryllis 794
    Amaryllis hybrid 794
    American holly 794
    American nightshade 795
    American yew 795
    Angel’s trumpet 795
    Apple 795
    Apple of Peru 795
    Apple of Sodom 795
    Apricot 796
    Asparagus fern 796
    Autumn crocus 796
    Avocado 796
    Azalea 796
    Baby’s breath 797
    Barbados pride 797
    Begonia 797
    Bird of paradise 797
    Bird’s eye primrose 797
    Bittersweet 797
    Black walnuts 798
    Blue cardinal flower 798
    Buckeye 798
    Bull nettles 798
    Buttercup 798
    Calla lily 798
    Cardboard palm 799
    Cardinal flower 799
    Carnation 799
    Carolina allspice 799
    Carolina horse nettle 799
    Castor bean 800
    Castor oil plant 800
    Cherry 800
    Chinaberry 800
    Chinese jade 800
    Choke cherry 801
    Chrysanthemum 801
    Climbing lily 801
    Corn plant 801
    Crab-eyes 801
    Crocus 802
    Crowfoot 802
    Cyclamen 802
    Daffodil 802
    Daisy 802
    Day lily 802
    Devil’s ivy 803
    Desert azalea (desert rose) 803
    Diffenbachia 803
    Dog laurel 803
    Dumbcane 803
    Dwarf poinciana 803
    Easter lily 804
    Elderberry 804
    Elephant’s ear 804
    English holly 804
    English ivy 804
    English walnut 805
    Eucalyptus 805
    European mistletoe 805
    Feverfew 805
    Field garlic 805
    Flag 805
    Foxglove (purple) 806
    Gardenia 806
    Garlic 806
    Geisha girl 806
    Geranium 806
    German primrose 807
    Gladiola 807
    Gloriosa lily 807
    Glory lily 807
    Grapefruit 807
    Heavenly bamboo 807
    Hedge plant 808
    Hellebore (Christmas rose) 808
    Holly 808
    Hops 808
    Hyacinth 808
    Hydrangea 808
    Indian tobacco 809
    Iris 809
    Jamestown weed (jimson weed) 809
    Japanese yew 809
    Jequirity bean 809
    Jerusalem cherry 810
    Jessamine (yellow) 810
    Jonquil 810
    Kalanchoe 810
    Kidney bean tree 810
    Lantana 810
    Lily 811
    Lily-of-the-valley 811
    Lovage 811
    Love apple 811
    Lupin, lupine 811
    Macadamia nut 811
    Manchineel 812
    Marguerite 812
    Marijuana 812
    Mescal 812
    Mistletoe 812
    Monkshood 813
    Mother in law plant 813
    Mountain laurel 813
    Mushrooms 813
    Naked lady 813
    Nettle spurge 813
    Nightshade 814
    Nipplefruit 814
    Norfolk pine 814
    Oleander 814
    Onion 814
    Orange (calamondin) 815
    Palma christi 815
    Peach 815
    Pencil cactus 815
    Peyote 815
    Pieris (lily-of-the-valley bush) 815
    Philodendron 816
    Plum 816
    PoinsettIa 816
    Poison hemlock 816
    Poison ivy 816
    Poison oak 817
    Poison sumac 817
    Poke 817
    Pokeweed 817
    Potato 817
    Pothos 817
    Precatory bean 818
    Prim 818
    Primula 818
    Privet 818
    Rhododendron 818
    Rosary pea 818
    Sago palm (false) 819
    Schefflera 819
    Sloe 819
    Star potato vine 819
    Stinging nettle 820
    Thorn apple 820
    Tobacco 820
    Trumpet vine 820
    Tulip 820
    Vinca 820
    Wahoo (burning bush, spindle tree) 821
    Water hemlock 821
    Wisteria / wistaria 821
    Wolfsbane 821
    Yaupon 821
    Yew 822
    IX. Relatively nontoxic ingestions 822
    X. Drugs with potential adverse effects during pregnancy 823
    XI. Drugs safe for use during pregnancy 825
    XII. Drugs to avoid in severe renal failure 825
    XIII. Drugs requiring dose reduction in patients with renal failure 826
    XIV. Commonly used formulae 827
    XV. Constant rate infusion formulae 828
    XVI. Drugs commonly administered by CRI 829
    XVII. Metric conversion chart (approximations) 830
    XVIII. Body surface area table for dogs and cats 831
    XIX. Commonly used emergency drugs (approximate dosage) 832
    References / further reading 859
    I Analgesics 859
    II Blood cross matching 859
    III Blood component indications 859
    IV Fluid therapy 860
    V Guidelines for potassium supplementation 860
    VI Insulin preparations available 860
    VIII Poisonous plants 860
    IX Relatively nontoxic ingestions 860
    X Drugs with potential adverse affects during pregnancy 861
    XI Drugs safe for use during pregnancy 861
    XII Drugs to avoid in severe renal failure 861
    XIII Drugs requiring dose reduction in patients with renal failure 861
    XIV Commonly used formulae 861
    XV Constant rate infusion formulae 861
    XVI Drugs commonly administered by CRI 861
    XVII Metric conversions chart (approximations) 861
    XVIII Body surface area tables 861
    XIX Commonly used emergency drugs (approximate dosages) 861
    Index 862
    A 862
    B 865
    C 866
    D 869
    E 870
    F 872
    G 873
    H 874
    I 877
    J 877
    K 878
    L 878
    M 879
    N 880
    O 881
    P 882
    R 884
    S 886
    T 887
    U 888
    V 889
    W 890
    X 890
    Y 890
    Z 890