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Modern Problems in Condensed Matter Sciences, Volume I: Surface Polaritons: Electromagnetic Waves at Surfaces and Interfaces describes the basic properties of surface polaritons and the methods of generating these waves in the laboratory at frequencies of interest to condensed matter physicists.
The selection first elaborates on surface phonon polaritons in dielectrics and semiconductors and surface exciton polaritons from the experimental viewpoint. Discussions focus on interface polaritons; surface vibrations in anisotropic crystals; experimental methods for the excitation and study of surface polaritons; and surface vibrations in isotropic crystals. The publication then ponders on surface electromagnetic wave propagation on metal surfaces; thermally stimulated emission of surface polaritons; and effects of the transition layer and spatial dispersion in the spectra of surface polaritons.
The text takes a look at surface polaritons at metal surfaces and interfaces and resonance of transition layer excitations with surface polaritons. Topics include resonance of the film phonon with the substrate surface phonon polaritons; investigations of surface modifications in ultra-high vacuum; and use of surface plasma waves for the investigation of solid-liquid and solid-solid interfaces.
The selection is a dependable reference for physicists and engineers wanting to conduct research on surface polaritons.
...the volume is the first of its kind to unify the subject by presenting in depth the basic properties of surface polaritons as well as discussing the methods of generating them in the laboratory and their current use as surface probes. As such the book should attract a wide readership not only from surface scientists, but from other members of the solid-state physics community.
Philosophical Magazine