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Organometallic Syntheses

Organometallic Syntheses

John Eisch


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Nontransition-Metal Compounds is the second volume in the series Organometallic Syntheses and presents various procedures for the nontransition-metal compounds. Topics also covered in this volume include sensitive liquids, sample transfer, and inert atmosphere provision.
The text is divided into two major parts. Part I is mostly procedural as it offers directions and suggestions in different processes such as (a) establishment of an inert atmosphere and solvent medium; (b) evaluation of purity, mode of mixing, and solvent type; and (c) isolation and purification of reaction products. Organometallic products, particularly its physical and chemical characteristics, are also tackled. In Part II, around 85 nontransition-metal organometallic compounds and the reliable procedures used for their synthesis are presented.
This particular volume will be of help to students both in the fields of chemistry and biology.