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Electrons in Solids 2e

Electrons in Solids 2e

Richard Bube


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Book Details


Electrons in Solids, Second Edition: An Introductory Survey introduces the reader to electrons in solids and covers topics ranging from particles and waves to the free electron model, energy bands, and junctions. Optical and electrical properties are also discussed, along with magnetic properties. The wavelike properties of all of matter are chosen as an integrating theme into which to weave such themes as crystal lattice vibrations (with their effect on electron mobility and electrical and thermal conductivity), electromagnetic waves (with their effect on optical reflection and absorption), and electronic transport in solids (with its dependence on the wavelike properties of electrons).
This book is comprised of 11 chapters and begins with an overview of particles and waves, together with classical views of electrons, light, and energy. The general properties of waves are then discussed, with particular reference to traveling waves, standing waves, transverse waves, and longitudinal waves. Lattice waves, light waves, and matter waves are also considered. The reader is also introduced to wave equations, boundary conditions, and general wave properties. The remaining chapters are devoted to optical, electrical, and magnetic properties as well as junctions, including metal-metal junctions, metal-semiconductor junctions, and metal-semiconductor junctions.
This monograph is intended for undergraduates and first-year graduate students with a background primarily in materials science, metallurgy, or one of the other engineering disciplines.