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Chemistry and Technology of Silicones

Chemistry and Technology of Silicones

Walter Noll


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Chemistry and Technology of Silicones retains the nature of a monograph despite its expanded scope, giving the reader in condensed form not only a wide-ranging but also a thorough review of this rapidly growing field. In contrast to some other monographs on organosilicon compounds that have appeared in the interim, the silicones occupy in this edition the central position, and the technological part of the work is entirely devoted to them.
This book comprises 12 chapters, and begins with a general discussion of the chemistry and molecular structure of the silicones. The following chapters then discuss preparation of silanes with nonfunctional organic substituents; monomeric organosilicon compounds RnSiX4-n; and organosilanes with organofunctional groups. Other chapters cover preparation of polyorganosiloxanes; the polymeric organosiloxanes; other organosilicon polymers; production of technical silicone products from polyorganosiloxanes; properties of technical products; applications of technical silicone products in various branches of industry; esters of silicic acid; and analytical methods.
This book will be of interest to practitioners in the fields of molecular chemistry.