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Success in Innovation

Success in Innovation

Jan Verloop


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Success in Innovation tackles its subject from a novel perspective: instead of focusing on factors for success, it specifically examines the factors for failure. Similar books often attempt to stimulate more effort on innovation with success stories and methods. But innovation is risky business and most innovative ideas fail. By understanding the typical pitfalls and hurdles in the process, and how to avoid or manage them, readers can significantly improve their chances of success.

Success in Innovation is broad in scope and useful to managers, consultants, entrepreneurs, tech start-ups — anyone with a stake in new and powerful ideas, products, businesses, or methods. This book helps readers work smarter, not simply more.

  • Provides guidelines for assessing innovative ideas
  • Includes methods for valuing innovation
  • Discusses the danger points in the innovation process
  • Explains the planning and development processes
  • Includes innovation models
  • Discusses the methods for risk assessment

"He concentrates here not so much on the creative process of coming up with an innovation, but on the necessary other elements, such as making sure there is financing and a sufficient market…ultimately the book has a positive message as it instructs the reader on how they are most likely to cross the ‘Valley of Death’ with a new innovation."--Reference & Research Book News, October 2013 "The single book I would recommend to high-tech start-ups" - Steven Bowns, Director Technology Futures "The first book to explain the Valley of Death in financial terms" - Susan Robertson, CFO Oxford Catalysts