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Atomic and Molecular Processes describes radiative and collisional processes involving atoms or molecules. Organized into 21 chapters, this book emphasizes the developments in these processes stimulated by the growth of interest in space science, astrophysics, and plasma physics.
The book initially discusses the general theory of magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole radiation and the calculations and observations on individual atoms, as well as the forbidden transitions. The text then explores general topics on forbidden and allowed lines and bands; photoionization; photodetachment; recombination and attachment; elastic and inelastic scattering of electron; and energy loss by slow electrons. Discussions on collision broadening of spectral features and encounters between atomic systems including range, energy loss, excitation, ionization, detachment, charge transfer, elastic scattering, mobility, diffusion, relaxation in gases, and chemical reactions are provided in other chapters. A chapter is devoted to the use of high-temperature shock waves, and accounts of other main experimental methods are given.