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Control and Dynamic Systems, Volume 22: Decentralized/Distributed Control and Dynamic Systems, Part 1 deals with advances in techniques for the analysis and synthesis of decentralized or distributed control and dynamic systems.
This book begins with a unique presentation of important results and techniques that decentralized control systems often face due to the fact that the individual systems in a collection or set of decentralized control systems are somewhat incomplete. The controllability, observability, implications, and powerful techniques for stabilization and control of decentralized systems are also discussed. The next chapters describe the covariance equivalent realizations with application to model reductions of large-scale systems and decentralized estimation and control of one-way connected subsystems. This publication concludes with a presentation of the multivariable feedback and decentralized control that reviews fundamental results extending multivariable theory from conventional control systems to the highly challenging problems of decentralized control.
This volume is beneficial to students and researchers conducting work on decentralized or distributed control and dynamic systems.