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Working together is a particular strength of information professionals, in all sectors. In the area of health information in particular, the potential for using the Internet for collaborative working is immense. Since it was first formally described in 2004, what is currently known as Web 2.0 has affected every library and information sector. Web 2.0 has tremendous potential to transform health information delivery still further. Although there have been many individual articles examining Web 2.0 applications and methods of working, and there are many individual examples of best practice, substantive works that synthesise this experience in one volume are rare. This new book is designed to meet this need, by drawing together international case studies and reflections on using Web 2.0. Topics covered include: RSS to social networking, information literacy to supporting clinical care, and more. The book blends practical insights, theory and reflective approaches to offer a cohesive overview of how Web 2.0 is already changing health and medical information work. Main strands include: Enhancing medical, nursing and health education; Information literacy in a health information environment; Supporting research; Supporting clinical care; Developing a service presence using Web 2.0; and, Using social networking to develop an outreach service. Although the focus of the book is health information, it would be relevant to anyone who would like to gain an insight into this innovative and cost-effective method of delivering and sharing information. It is equally relevant for those new to Web 2.0, or those with more experience wishing to gain further insight into its application.
"The collaborative potential of innovations such as blogs, wikis and RSS feeds could revolutionise health information. Looking at what has been achieved so far allows us to think about what we can do in the future. This is valuable reading for those who are wondering where there place is in the brave new world of web 2.0" - Information World Review
Paula Younger is Library Manager, North Somerset Healthcare Library, Weston General Hospital, Weston-super-Mare; Peter Morga is Head of Medical & Science Libraries, Medical Library, Cambridge University.