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Book Details
Public libraries have changed beyond anyone's predictions in the past ten years and are at a vital stage in their historical development. This timely book is the first standalone text to examine the role and services of the UK public library in the 21st century context. The book discusses the nature and functions of the modern public library service, from its beginnings as the street-corner university, through its delivery of state-of-the-art services and beyond. At the heart of the book is a passionate argument for the professional and public significance of the public library service. The key chapters are: public libraries - the modern context; historical development of public libraries; equity of access; cultural and leisure roles; information, advice and informed citizenship; lifelong learning; the impact of ICT; management, governance and budgeting issues; performance measurement and evaluation; professional and staffing issues; marketing, branding and buildings; and, the public library of tomorrow. Of interest to all students and researchers of library and information science, as well as professionals in public libraries, this book is an advocacy tool for an essential service consistently under pressure.
David McMenemy BA(Hons) MSc MCLIP FHEA is a Lecturer in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde. He has over 10 years’ experience in public libraries, with roles in reference and lending services, digitization, and, finally, working on the roll-out programme for the People’s Network in a large city service. He is a former editor of Library Review and has co-authored several books for Facet Publishing including Delivering Digital Services: a handbook for public libraries and learning centres, Librarianship: an introduction and The Public Library Training Handbook: a frontline service delivery manual.
"...provides a clear overview of the main issues relating to public libraries and would provide a valuable introduction for those with little previous knowledge of the sector." - New Library World