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Evidence-based practice is a paradigm that originated within healthcare but is rapidly migrating to other fields. It involves applying the results from rigorous research studies to professional practice in order to improve the quality of services to clients. Familiarity with these methods has caused an increasing number of information professionals to turn a critical eye to their own practice. Is it possible to adapt this model to librarianship and information work? To what extent are its skills and techniques transferable to the various areas of professional practice? Is it desirable for information professionals to integrate research findings into their day-to-day decision-making? These and other related issues are discussed in this book, the first to examine this key topic in depth. It is divided into three parts: The Context for Evidence-based Information Practice; Skills And Resources for Evidence-based Information Practice; and Using the Evidence Base in Practice. This last part explores each of the six domains of evidence-based librarianship identified in research, to demonstrate the application of evidence-based information practice in a practical decision-making context. These chapters with their associated Special Topics present concise summaries of evidence-based information practice within generic areas of work, together with practical examples of the application of evidence-based principles and methods. This book is of wide interest to all new and established information professionals, both those in fields such as healthcare where the evidence-based paradigm is already impacting on their work, and those in other fields encountering it for the first time. It is a core text in departments of library and information work.
"...an important resource for information professionals interested in developing and improving their practical skills and/or in improving the quality of research in library and information science." - Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship
"Any text that encourages research and evaluation within the profession deserves a positive press. The book contains a good balance of theory and practical advice for practitioners and researchers in information management." - New Library World
Andrew Booth BA(Hons) MSc DipLib MCLIP is Director of Information Resources and Senior Lecturer in Evidence-based Healthcare at the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield. Andrew is an experienced trainer of end users and NHS librarians, and has developed the ADEPT course for teaching evidence-based principles throughout six NHS regions. In 2003 he chaired the International Programme Committee for the second Evidence-based Librarianship Conference in Edmonton, Canada, and is chair of the CILIP Health Libraries Group Research Working Party. He is on the editorial boards of Evidence-based Healthcare and Health Information and Libraries Journal. Anne Brice BA(Hons) DipLib MCLIP is Head of Knowledge and Information Sciences at the Public Health Resource Unit, Oxford. Anne is seconded to the National electronic Library for Health (NeLH), where she is responsible for the development of the Specialist Libraries programme, building knowledge networks and communities of practice around specialist health care domains. Anne developed the CASP Finding the Evidence training programme for enhancing the teaching and learning skills of librarians, and has a long held interest in continuing professional development. She is on the editorial board of Hypothesis.