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Special Needs and Early Years:A Practitioner's Guide

Special Needs and Early Years:A Practitioner's Guide

Kate Wall


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Book Details


This is one of the best books I have read on special needs and the very young and I thoroughly recommend it to all with a professional or personal interest in this area' - Special Children 'This is an exemplary introductory textbook for students, and a veritable mine of information. Undoubtedly, this is an early years/special needs book that many readers can and will relate to' - Sheila Wolfendale, European Journal of Special Needs Education 'This well crafted -practitioners guide- thoughtfully addresses the many issues that practitioners face when they consider their involvement in early education in the context of work with special educational needs. Those who read this book will find that they know a little more about these important issues and may find themselves challenged to reflect on their personal attitudes towards inclusive education: ideally becoming better providers for children with learning difficulties'- Cathy Nutbrown, Journal of Early Childhood Research

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1. Introduction
The farmer-led extension workshop
What is farmer-led extension?
Actors in farmer-led extension
The remainder of the book
2. Challenges to agricultural extension in the twenty-first century
The changing global scene
The challenge to agriculture
Challenges for extension
3. Extension experiences in agriculture and natural resource
management in the 1980s and 1990s
Changing concepts and practice
Disenchantment with the public sector
Natural resource management and 'sustainability'
Looking ahead
4. Origins and examples of farmer-to-farmer extension
Latin America
5. Principles and methods in farmer-to-farmer extension
Latin America
6. Roles and responsibilities in farmer-to-farmer extension
Extension workers and support agencies
7. Issues and problems in farmer-to-farmer extension
Selection of farmer-extensionists
Payment and time allocation
Work location
Gender issues
8. Farmer field schools
Origins and principles
Methods and strategies
Role of professionals
Linking farmers
Links with research
Training of farmers and professionals
Selection of participants
Gender issues
9. Problem censuslproblem solving
10. NGO-government collaboration
Why are NGOs and government agencies willing to work together?
How do NGOs and government agencies work together?
Benefits fiom collaboration
Problems encountered in collaboration
Lessons learned fiom collaboration
11. Other approaches to farmer-led extension
Supporting farmers' research
Limiting inputs to facilitation only
Helping farmers to access information
Combining institution-based training and farmer-led extension
Provision of fee-based service paid by farmers
12. Impact assessment and evaluation
Individual or household-level assessment
Project-level assessment
Regional or national-level assessment
How to monitor, evaluate, and measure impact?
Indicators for assessing farmer-led extension
13. Reaching more farmers
Scaling up
Scaling out
Constraints and positive influences
Environmental factors
Factors internal to the extension system
Factors internal to the community
Factors common to the extension system and the community .
14. Lessons and conclusions
Categorizing the experiences
Prospects for expansion
Appendix 1: Workshop participants
Workshop organizers
Appendix 2: Papers cited and summarized