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The Challenges of Educational Leadership:Values in a Globalised Age

The Challenges of Educational Leadership:Values in a Globalised Age

Michael Bottery


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Book Details


'It should be essential reading at the National College for School Leadership' - Michael Duffy, Times Educational Supplement. 'This book continues Michael Bottery's principled and persuasive assault on the application by policy makers of fashionable, shallow and decontextualized solutions (in this case leadership) to fundamental problems and issues in the definition, design and purposes of education' -. Jenny Ozga, Professor of Educational Research, Centre for Educational Sociology University of Edinburgh. In this book, the author presents critical issues about the purposes of educational leadership. He examines how 'official' concepts of leadership are driven by demands which are not always to the educational, political or social benefit of practitioners.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Preface vii
Acknowledgements ix
Acronyms x
Background 1
Setting 2
Livestock disease and animal health services 4
Animal health improvement training programme 8
The farm and veterinary clinic , 9
The training course - selection and content 10
The beginners course 12
Training resources 13
The medicine kit 17
The refresher course 19
AHITP follow-up role 20
Refresher course survey 21
Field visits 22
Introduction 22
Palpa District 24
VAHWs in Baugha Pokhara Thok 31
South Lalitpur 33
VAHWs in South Lalitpur 38
Conclusions 41
Appendices 46
Appendix 1: Diseases treated by the VAHWs 46
Appendix 2: Beginners' course contents 48
Appendix 3: Refresher course contents 49
Appendix 4: The AHITP recommended medicine kit 50