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MSP430-based Robot Applications

MSP430-based Robot Applications

Dan Harres


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Book Details


This book provides a careful explanation of the basic areas of electronics and computer architecture, along with lots of examples, to demonstrate the interface, sensor design, programming and microcontroller peripheral setup necessary for embedded systems development. With no need for mechanical knowledge of robots, the book starts by demonstrating how to modify a simple radio-controlled car to create a basic robot. The fundamental electronics of the MSP430 are described, along with programming details in both C and assembly language, and full explanations of ports, timing, and data acquisition. Further chapters cover inexpensive ways to perform circuit simulation and prototyping.

Key features include:

  • Thorough treatment of the MSP430’s architecture and functionality along with detailed application-specific guidance
  • Programming and the use of sensor technology to build an embedded system
  • A learn-by-doing experience

With this book you will learn:

  • The basic theory for electronics design

                 - Analog circuits

                 - Digital logic

                 - Computer arithmetic

                 - Microcontroller programming

  • How to design and build a working robot
  • Assembly language and C programming
  • How to develop your own high-performance embedded systems application using an on-going robotics application
  • Teaches how to develop your own high-performance embedded systems application using an on-going robotics application
  • Thorough treatment of the MSP430’s architecture and functionality along with detailed application-specific guidance
  • Focuses on electronics, programming and the use of sensor technology to build an embedded system
  • Covers assembly language and C programming

"This book teaches readers how to build a robot based on the Texas Instruments (TI) MSP430 microcontroller. To make things clear, the author presents a concrete case: creating a basic robot from a simple radio-controlled car. Enthusiasts are targeted: high school and college students eager to build their first robots, and computer geeks wishing to drill down to the machine level.", January 2014

"The Texas Instruments MSP430 is a small, low power consumption microcontroller with a wide range of uses in embedded devices. In this book, Harres provides a guide to using them in robotics projects. The book emphasizes a hands-on approach where the reader will learn about robotics by constructing actual robots. The reader is not assumed to have any advanced technical background beyond algebra, trigonometry, basic programming knowledge, soldering skills, and high school level knowledge of electromagnetic physics." --Reference & Research Book News, December 2013