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Book Details
Covering a wide range of topics related to neutron and x-ray optics, this book explores the aspects of neutron and x-ray optics and their associated background and applications in a manner accessible to both lower-level students while retaining the detail necessary to advanced students and researchers. It is a self-contained book with detailed mathematical derivations, background, and physical concepts presented in a linear fashion. A wide variety of sources were consulted and condensed to provide detailed derivations and coverage of the topics of neutron and x-ray optics as well as the background material needed to understand the physical and mathematical reasoning directly related or indirectly related to the theory and practice of neutron and x-ray optics. The book is written in a clear and detailed manner, making it easy to follow for a range of readers from undergraduate and graduate science, engineering, and medicine. It will prove beneficial as a standalone reference or as a complement to textbooks.
- Supplies a historical context of covered topics.
- Detailed presentation makes information easy to understand for researchers within or outside the field.
- Incorporates reviews of all relevant literature in one convenient resource.
"Among his topics are neutron refractive index in materials and fields, the magnetic scatter of neutrons in paramagnetic materials, diffractive X-ray and neutron optics, neutron and X-ray optics in general relativity and cosmology, and neutron and charged particle magnetic optics."--Reference & Research Book News, October 2013