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Handbook of Membrane Channels

Handbook of Membrane Channels

Camillo Peracchia


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This handbook provides a thorough account of recent directions in membrane channel research. Each subject is covered in terms of channel biophysics, pharmacology, and molecular biology. The introductory chapter reviews methodologies of molecular biology currently used for studying molecular structure and function of membrane channels and specific domains in channel proteins.
The value of this book is that it illustrates the diversity of channel form and function in biological membranes; it utterly dispels the notion that ion channels are owned by the nervous system....The book gives equal weight to beasts from more exotic physiological climes--epithelial Cl- channels, gap junctions, aquaporins, cyclic nucleotide-activated channels, mitochondrial K+ channels, exocytotic fusion-pores, channels in bacteria, yeast, and protozoa, and the Ca2+-release channels of intracellular membranes.