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Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides, Second Edition, is the definitive, indispensable reference for peptide researchers, biochemists, cell and molecular biologists, neuroscientists, pharmacologists, and endocrinologists. Its chapters are designed to be a source for workers in the field and enable researchers working in a specific area to examine related areas outside their expertise.
Peptides play a crucial role in many physiological processes, including actions as neurotransmitters, hormones, and antibiotics. Research has shown their importance in such fields as neuroscience, immunology, pharmacology, and cell biology. The second edition of Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides presents this tremendous body of knowledge in the field of biologically active peptides in one single reference. The section editors and contributors represent some of the most sophisticated and distinguished scientists working in basic sciences and clinical medicine.
- Presents all aspects of biologically active peptides in one resource
- Features more than 20 sections spanning plant, bacterial, fungal, venom, and invertebrate peptides to general peptides
- Includes immunological, inflammatory, cancer, vaccine, and neurotrophic peptides
- Discusses peptide precursors, mRNA distribution, processing, and receptors, not just pathophysiological implications
"This extensive volume, containing 260 contributions divided into twenty-one sections, is presented by editor Kastin… Most chapters discuss families of proteins, although some target individual peptides. The first several sections cover peptides important to plants, bacteria, fungi, invertebrates, amphibians, and animal venom. The remainder addresses peptides in systems relevant to human physiology,…"--ProtoView.com, February 2014 "This edition has been updated to present recent advances in the field and edited to enforce uniformity in style…No other currently available book thoroughly covers such a wide array of areas related to peptide research in a single, all-encompassing volume. This should be regarded as an essential and invaluable reference for all with an interest in biologically active peptides, from novice researchers to accomplished scientists." Rating: 5 Stars--Doody.com, January 17, 2014 "This extensive volume, containing 260 contributions divided into twenty-one sections, is presented by editor Kastin… Most chapters discuss families of proteins, although some target individual peptides. The first several sections cover peptides important to plants, bacteria, fungi, invertebrates, amphibians, and animal venom…The last two sections touch on peptide synthesis, processing, and newer research in the field."--Reference & Research Book News, December 2013