Observing Children with Attachment Difficulties in School
Helen Worrall | Sian Templeton | Netty Roberts | Ann Frost | Kim Golding | Eleanor Durrant | Jane Fain | Cathy Mills
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Emotional difficulties in children aged 5-11 can display themselves in a range of different behaviours, and it is important for staff in schools to be able to identify and address these problems, and to provide appropriate help.
This easy-to-use tool provides an observation checklist which enables staff to identify behavioural patterns in children with social and emotional difficulties, analyse the emotional difficulties underlying these behaviours and establish what kind of help and support the children need. Behavioural responses are categorised within clearly outlined topics, including behaviour, play and relationship with peers, attachment behaviours, emotional state in the classroom and attitude to attendance. Checklists and diagrams identify different 'styles' of relating (secure, avoidant, ambivalent), to help school staff who work with children and their families to respond appropriately to the individual needs of each child. A range of handouts include activities designed to provide emotional support, to focus and regulate behaviour and enable the child to develop important social and emotional skills.
Suitable for use with children aged 5-11, this tool will be an invaluable resource for teachers, teaching assistants, learning support staff, school counsellors and educational psychologists.
[W]ith increasing numbers of [staff] now becoming aware of the impact of relational trauma and loss upon the capacities of children in their care, tools such as those recommended here are welcomed. This book provides clear descriptors of some of the possible vulnerabilities around for these children and a framework through which to make sense of these vulnerabilities with an attachment focus... Dr Golding and her colleagues have made a significant contribution to inclusive practice by contributing this book'
Much of what these children need to learn can't be learnt alone through text books. They need you and me. Relationships matter. Let's take up our responsibility in ensuring that these children experience healthy secure attachment in our care so that they can be all that they can and want to be, making valuable contributions towards our shared society.
From the Foreword by Louise Bombèr, Attachment Support Teacher Therapist
This book is well written and beautifully presented, overfilling with useful information. It is an excellent resource for teachers, teaching assistants, educational psychologists and play therapists to help understand the sensitive emotional needs of children and identify what kind of support to put in place.
Play for Life
Building on its excellent companion book for preschool settings, Kim Golding et al beautifully demonstrate how to use their Observation Checklist for understanding and developing support and action programs in school settings for children from age 5 to 11. They clearly describe attachment theory and its implications for understanding the emotional and social difficulties that often emerge from attachment difficulties and insecure attachment styles. They provide a context for understanding the child's behavioural challenges which will greatly assist in developing relationship-focused interventions. Finally, with this core attachment perspective they show how to use their Checklist to develop a specific profile of the child and an action program that best meets his unique developmental needs. In short, the authors' Observational Checklist and the action plans that are certain to emerge from its use, will enable the educator to develop very sensitive and sophisticated interventions to best meet the child's attachment, emotional, and social needs.
Daniel A. Hughes, Ph.D., Licenced Psychologist and author of Building the Bonds of Attachment, 2nd edition
Kim S. Golding is a consultant clinical psychologist with a special interest in parenting. She was involved in the setting up and evaluation of an inter-agency project in Worcestershire, UK, which is now part of the Integrated Service for Looked After Children (ISL). She is author of Observing Children with Attachment Difficulties in Preschool Settings, Creating Loving Attachments (co-authored with Daniel A. Hughes) and Nurturing Attachments. Jain Fain is an early years practitioner for ISL, supporting the transition of children from early years settings into school. Cathy Mills was a teacher for many years before retiring in 2011. She now works with the Greenfingers Project offering therapeutic gardening and art sessions to looked after children. Helen Worrall is a support teacher for ISL, with over 10 years' experience of teaching children with special needs. Netty Roberts is a Foundation and Key Stage 1 teacher with ISL, with a special interest in working with children with special needs. Eleanor Durrant is currently completing a doctorate in clinical psychology, with a special interest in attachment. Sian Templeton is an educational psychologist. Previously, she taught in primary education.