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Blue Dragon, White Tiger

Blue Dragon, White Tiger

S. Robertson | Chang Sen Feng | Shifu Hwang | Cheney Crow


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Written during the Tang dynasty, this unusual tantric guide documents a sexual tantra that is thought to have been practiced by kings for several dynasties, before losing favor to a more ascetic approach to Taoism. According to legend, the author was last seen on the edge of a precipice, clasping the book to his chest, and proclaiming the sincerity of his practice.

Translated into English for the first time, this illuminating text carefully describes the methods of this sexual internal alchemy practice, pursued strictly for the spiritual advancement of the practitioner, and undertaken only once desire and attachment for a consort had been overcome. Cloaked in metaphor, the techniques and attendant virtues of the practice are presented in beautiful poetry and prose, with explanatory commentaries throughout.

This is an important historical text that will provide a fascinating insight into ancient tantric practices for anyone with an interest in Taoism, Chinese history and philosophy, and tantra or meditation practices.

Master Chang Sen Feng was an active Taoist master during the Tang Dynasty (660-780 AD). He was schooled in the Chai Tzan tradition, which he practiced, expanded and taught. His personal practice led him to explore techniques that favored the use of sexual energy as a source for internal alchemy. This text, his record of the practice, disappeared for over 700 years before it was rediscovered by Jie Yi Tze during the Ming Dynasty. Shifu Hwang is a practicing Taoist from Chuen Zen School. Currently, he lives in Texas, USA. Master Hwang has devoted his adult life to promoting Taoism and balanced health care. In 1996, he established TaiChi People Herb Co. Recently, he established Immortal Cancer Care Foundation for alternative cancer care education. Cheney Crow grew up in Washington, D.C. and graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in New York. She lived and worked in England, France and Spain for several years before completing her PhD in Linguistics, then teaching at the University of Texas at Austin. She studied Long Form Yang Style and Sword Form Tai Chi with Shifu Hwang.