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Healthy Eating in  Primary Schools

Healthy Eating in Primary Schools

Sally Robinson


Additional Information

Book Details


Developed with the support of the Kent Healthy Schools Programme to encourage primary schools to promote healthy eating, this resource takes a whole-school, holistic approach towards children's eating and relates to the PSHE Curriculum and the Healthy Schools Programme. There is a good blend of easily accessible information on healthy eating supported by individual case studies. The three sections cover: a summary of the range of children's eating issues; strategies for promoting healthy eating and preventing, recognising and dealing with eating problems; and examples of lesson plans related to the physical, emotional and social aspects of children's eating.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
¿Qué es Esfera?
La Carta Humanitaria
Principios de Protección
Norma Humanitaria Esencial
Abastecimiento de Agua, Saneamiento y Promoción de la Higiene (WASH)
Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición
Alojamiento y Asentamiento
Anexo 1: Fundamentos jurídicos de Esfera
Anexo 2: El Código de Conducta
Anexo 3: Abreviaciones y Acrónimos