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Getting the Most Out of the Research Experience

Getting the Most Out of the Research Experience

Brian Roberts


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Book Details


Entering research can be an apprehensive time - even for established researchers. Research is an emotional process that involves the researcher as a person, not just as someone who applies methods. Rather than an obstacle course of difficulties, it should also be enjoyable and exhilarating. Research can and should be fun. Loaded with advice on everything from organizing interpretations to coping with stress, the author takes the researcher through the research process, addressing the practical and subjective issues all face.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Nuevas amenazas y edad
Los gobiernos responsables y ciudadanos activos
Calidad, imparcialidad y rendición de cuentas en la ayuda humanitaria internacional
Las soluciones a largo plazo a los problemas a largo plazo
Los recursos para la acción humanitaria en el siglo XXI
La construcción de un futuro más seguro