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Family Therapy in Focus

Family Therapy in Focus

Mark Rivett | Eddy Street


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Book Details


Drawing on many years' experience in practice, teaching and research, Mark Rivett and Eddy Street present philosophical, sociological and empirical views of family therapy. Balancing the perceived benefits against the potential limitations, they pose questions, which challenge those within the profession to think hard about their role.

} does family therapy work?

} can those most in need really be helped?

} is family therapy a means of social control?

} who does professionalization help?

While most texts offer a straightforward and uncritical perspective, in contrast Family Therapy in Focus aims to stimulate debate among practitioners and to help trainees adopt a more reflective and critical attitude towards their own professional development and the development of their profession.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Nuevas amenazas y edad
Los gobiernos responsables y ciudadanos activos
Calidad, imparcialidad y rendición de cuentas en la ayuda humanitaria internacional
Las soluciones a largo plazo a los problemas a largo plazo
Los recursos para la acción humanitaria en el siglo XXI
La construcción de un futuro más seguro