Epigenetic Regulation in the Nervous System
J. David Sweatt | Michael J. Meaney | Eric J. Nestler | Schahram Akbarian
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Epigenetic Regulation in the Nervous System addresses current understanding of the roles of epigenetic processes at the molecular/cellular level, their impact on neural development and behavior, and the potential roles of these mechanisms in neurological and psychiatric disorders. This award-winning volume spans molecular epigenetics, development, cellular physiology and biochemistry, synaptic and neural plasticity, and behavioral models, and is unique in covering epigenetically based disorders of the central nervous system.
Behavioral epigenetics is the study of how environmental factors alter behavior, addressing the fundamental mechanisms that shape development and individual vulnerability/resilience to adverse behavioral outcomes. By understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in epigenetic modulation, researchers may be able to develop targeted therapies for those individuals in whom it malfunctions.
Edited by the most highly regarded leaders in the field, this book offers a comprehensive review of behavioral epigenetics and a balanced treatment of the strengths and weaknesses in experimentation in this area. Covering background material as well as topics of current interest, it serves both as a cutting-edge resource and a foundational reference. The book will benefit neuroscience researchers and graduate students with an interest in the links between gene regulation and behavior, as will clinicians dealing with disorders such as addiction, depression, and schizophrenia.
- BMA Medical Book Awards 2014 - Highly Commended, Neurology, British Medical Association
- BMA Medical Book Awards 2014 - First Prize, Neurology, British Medical Association
- 2013 PROSE Award winner for Best in Reference Works and Best Single Volume Reference in Science from the Association of American Publishers
- Presents a unified view of epigenetic mechanisms from behavior to genes and everything in between
- Discusses clinically relevant disorders in the context of epigenetics research, making the volume appealing to clinicians as well as basic scientists
- Provides numerous practical examples for the new investigator to facilitate implementation of research in neuroepigenetics
"The book is primarily intended for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, active researchers and physician-scientists newly interested in the emerging field….Sweatt is also responsible for the book’s extensive illustrations, which are copies of his paintings depicting the role of epigenetic processes in the brain, and relate to work under way in his lab."--UAB News online, February 25, 2013 "Sweatt, Meaney, Nestler, and Akbarian present the first foundational work to address molecular, cellular, behavioral, and clinical roles for epigenetic mechanisms in the nervous system…This unique book is targeted for physicians and scientists, as well as researchers and students."--Reference & Research Book News, October 2013