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For friends, family members and carers of people with dementia, understanding the condition and coping with the impact it has on their lives can be extremely challenging. This book, written specifically for these groups, explores each stage of the "journey with dementia" and explains not only how it will affect the person with the condition, but also those around them, and how best to offer support and where to get professional and informal assistance. It focuses on the progressive nature of dementia and the issues that can arise as a result, and gives practical advice that can help to ensure the best possible quality of life both for the person with dementia and the people around them.
A comprehensive and practical introduction to the condition, this book is essential reading for anyone who has a friend or relative with dementia.
This is a really sensible book and will be very helpful to anyone with a relative or friend who has dementia. It has a well-informed, gentle tone. It avoids being patronising whilst easy to read and understand. It is laced with quotes from carers and people with dementia and is very careful about the terms used so no offence is caused.
Faith in Older People - e-newsletter
Although I had the support of an Admiral Nurse when George developed vascular dementia, this book would have been invaluable. It is wise, informative and readable. It reaches out to everyone affected by dementia.
Diana Melly, writer and widow of jazz legend George Melly, who had dementia in his final years
It is the most helpful resource I have yet found for family and friends of those with dementia and for those in the early stages of the disease.
Plus, The Magazine of the Christian Council on Ageing
The book is comprehensive in as it covers all aspects of dementia care, ranging from information on practical caring approaches to medical and legal advice. Moreover, its clarity and directness make it suitable for most readers, even those who have little or no prior knowledge of the field.
Caring for a close one with dementia is not something that families choose to do but neither is it something they can easily avoid if the situation arises. Whilst each experience will vary, having information and an understanding of what to expect can be a powerful thing. Pulsford and Thompson have written this valuable text that takes family carers on a journey through dementia, providing essential information along the way.
Karen Harrison Dening, Head of Admiral Nursing (Interim) and Practice Development Lead, Dementia UK
The ambition of the authors was to write a book for anyone wanting to know more about dementia, and committed to making life for a person with dementia the best it can be. They have succeeded in a fashion that combines information, education and compassion...for anybody caught up in the confusion of dementia this book will be a comforting and instructive companion.
Dr Graham Stokes, Director of Dementia Care, Bupa Care Services
Dave Pulsford is Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing at the University of Central Lancashire, UK. Rachel Thompson is Dementia Project Lead for the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and is an Admiral Nurse with Dementia UK. Both have significant experience of nursing in dementia care in practice, research, teaching, and professional writing in this field.
This is a really sensible book and will be very helpful to anyone with a relative or friend who has dementia. It has a well-informed, gentle tone. It avoids being patronising whilst easy to read and understand.
Faith in Older People
This is a book written with sensitivity... The authors clearly have extensive knowledge of dementia care. The book covers a wide range of issues that can arise for people experiencing dementia and provides useful insights into the challenges that caring for somebody brings... helpful and honest... This is a useful reference book and I would also recommend it to health and social care students and professionals who could gain a holistic view of the dementia journey from diagnosis to end of life.
The Journal of Dementia Care
This book is what family and friends of people with dementia have been longing for: step-by-step expert guidance and practical support for the twists and turns of the whole journey. Realistic and reassuring, it will enhance the lives of people with dementia and those who love them. A must-read.
Barbara Pointon MBE, dementia campaigner who cared for her husband, Malcolm Pointon, who had Alzheimer's disease