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Social Skills and Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Social Skills and Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Lynn Plimley and Maggie Bowen


Additional Information

Book Details


Individuals with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) have difficulty in communicating and socializing. They perceive the world in a very different way to most people, and often find the behaviour of those around them confusing and unfair. This book examines the concerns around inappropriate social behaviour that those living and working with children and adults face on a day-to-day basis. It discusses preventative measures and intervention strategies, and uses real-life case studies to illustrate these. Issues covered include: - an overview of what difficulties might be encountered at different stages in life. - strategies that can be used to alleviate the problems. - how to recognize triggers and create stress-free environments. - hints and tips for those living and working with individuals with ASDs.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
* Preface
1. Gender issues related to seeds and tool management
2. The project cycle and project management
3. Initial project assessment, or scoping
4. Project information requirements
5. Assessments
6. Project data
7. Technical information on seeds and tools
8. Project implementation
9. Long-term considerations
* Appendices
1. Outline of an emergency preparedness plan
2. Measurement conversion table
3. Assessment report format
4. Example of a mind map
5. Project budget
6. Botanical names of some common crops in English and Latin
7. Calculating storage areas
8. Sample distribution form
9. Layout for final project report
* Further reading