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The Innovating Organization:

The Innovating Organization:

Andrew M Pettigrew and Evelyn M Fenton


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Book Details


'The contributors have collectively put forward new theories of change and management which have been informed by various programmes of research. A notable resource for both researchers and practitioners as they continue to understand the cross-disciplinary nature of the dialogue on organizations' - Leadership and Organization Development Journal. This is the first major study of new network forms of organizing. The rich array of data generated provides fresh insights into the network organization, and suggests new methodologies for organizational research.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Acknowledgements iv
Foreword v
Reading the audit vii
Introduction viii
The audit 1
Overview 2
• Organisations 2
• Areas of work, specialisms and interests 3
Regions of activity 8
Hazard expertise 11
Work and skills 14
• Work content 14
• Skills 17
Education and training courses 20
• UK based academic courses 20
• UK based training courses 22
Networks 24
• Questionnaire results 24
• Professional/technical associations 27
• Development networks 27
• Conclusions: problems and potentials 29
Funding 32
The Overseas Development Administration 32
Other official sources 36
Charitable trusts and foundations 37
Other funders 39
Conclusions 45
Information sources 48
• Libraries and information centre 48
• Bookshops 48
• Journals 49
• Databases 49
• The Internet 50
Summary of organisational activities 53
Current activities 58
The directory 75
Directory of organisations 76
IDNDR focal points 101
Directory of individuals 111
Appendices 129
1. World Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction, Yokohama, 1994: Strategy Paper 130
2. Current networks 132
3. Summary of research methodology and audit questionnaire 135