Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Ageing
Kath Browne | Jane Traies | Mike Sutherland | Mike Phillips | Jason Lim | Roger Newman | Richard Ward | Jose Catalan | Leela Bakshi | Lindsay River | Ian Rivers | Sally Knocker | Kathryn Almack | Gary L. Stein | Stephen Pugh | Andrew King | Gareth Owen | Ann Cronin | Elizabeth Price | Robin Wright | Stacey Halls | Rebecca Jones | Nick Maxwell | Louis Bailey
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Book Details
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people often face unique challenges as they grow older. It is vital that those providing them with care and support understand their needs, wishes and experiences.
This book demonstrates how biographical approaches can increase understanding about the distinct perspectives of older LGBT people, enhancing inclusive care and support. Chapters explore people's expectations and fears surrounding care and service provision, the impact of discrimination, and specific issues such as HIV, dementia and end-of-life care. The importance of understanding people's whole lives in order to meet their needs is demonstrated, drawing on the examples of community projects that provide services and build networks. The voices of older LGBT people are heard throughout the book through the use of case examples and original research.
This insightful book will be essential reading for all those supporting or caring for older LGBT people, as well as students and researchers in the health and social work fields.
Equally grounded in contemporary scholarship and practice, and representing an impressive array of authors, this volume nicely captures the lived experiences of LGBT elders as a 'story' in itself and to illuminate paths to more effective service provision in later life. Timely, sophisticated, accessible, and attentive to context, this is a must-read for anyone working with and/or interested in LGBT elders - and, indeed, the increasingly diverse ageing population more widely.
Dr. Dana Rosenfeld, Senior Lecturer, Keele University, UK and author of The Changing of the Guard: Lesbian and Gay Elders, Identity, and Social Change
This important book should be recommended reading for all health and social care practitioners working with older people, not just those with an existing interest in LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) issues.
Older LGBT people have too often been characterised as 'invisible' or 'ignored'. This ground-breaking book challenges this idea and offers vital insight into practice based on understanding individuals, their life histories, personal identities and circumstances. This book is essential for realising person-centred support and promoting genuine choice and control for older LGBT people -- an evolving population in a changing social care landscape.
Dr. Sarah Carr, Senior Research Analyst, Social Care Institute for Excellence and Visiting Fellow, Centre for Government and Charity Management, London South Bank University
This is a hopeful book that would make a great addition to any LGBT aging professional's library.
Gray Pride Parade Blog
This book is a useful introduction to the issues facing many older gay people today. A recommended read for all health and social care professionals working with older people.
James Taylor, Senior Health Officer, Stonewall, UK
This book provides an invaluable insight into the needs of the older lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) community in relation to ageing, future care and support... a thought-provoking read... recommend this book to all healthcare professionals involved in the care of older people, as well as those who have an interest in the health and social welfare of LGBT individuals.
Nursing Standards