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Scar Management - ECAB

Scar Management - ECAB

Niti Khunger | Anil Ganjoo


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A number of scar revision techniques can be utilized to treat specific types of scars, in combination with each other or with adjunctive therapies to achieve optimal results. Pathological conditions like hypertrophic scars and keloids are still challenging. Though a number of therapies exist to treat keloids, such as intralesional steroids and anti-metabolites, cryosurgery, to name a few, none are definitive in treatment. Understanding the molecular basis of keloids may lead to development of new therapies. Striae, also known as ‘stretch marks’, are extremely common, disfiguring and a real challenge to treat. Management of striae is a neglected field of research. Except for topical retinoids, the efficacy satisfactorily. Current treatment options include chemical peels, lasers and collagen induction therapy, with a tendency towards active intervention. However, studies are necessary to determine treatment strategies which produce results that are effective with minimal adverse effects.

Post-acne scarring is one of the most common causes of facial scars, causing considerable cosmetic disability. Acne is a common skin disorder, unfortunately affecting a large number of teenagers. Usually patients have a combination of different types of scars; hence no single modality is useful. A combination of procedures is generally required for a satisfactory cosmetic outcome. The use of fractional lasers is gaining importance, as it is a minimally invasive procedure as compared to aggressive resurfacing procedures of the past. Collagen induction therapy is another promising technique. Today, patients are also getting up-to-date information about the various modalities available for scar treatment through media, such as magazines, advertisements and internet. However, exaggerated advertisements and information from nonprofessional sources, particularly with regard to lasers can influence patient expectations and result in unrealistic expectations. Patients need to understand that deep scars cannot be eliminated fully and can only be improved. They usually have high expectations from procedural techniques. Proper counseling is extremely important for a happy and satisfactory outcome. Current innovations and techniques in scar prevention and management and increasing use of minimally invasive surgeries are paving the way toward smoother, less noticeable scars. Every surgeon practicing aesthetics should be well versed with modalities of scar management and this is the aim of this clinical update.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover\r Front Cover
Front matter\r ia
Copyright id
Contributors ie
About the Authors ig
Contents ii
Preface i
Wound Healing: Care and Prevention of Unsatisfactory Scars 1a
Introduction 1a
Wound Healing 2
Pathophysiology of Wound Healing1 3
Inflammatory Phase 3
Proliferative Phase 3
Remodeling Phase 5
Factors Affecting Wound Healing 6
Scars: Prevention and Care 8
What Can be Labeled as a Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory Scar? (Figures 1 and 2) 8
Classification of Scars 10
Preventive Steps for Better Scar Outcome 12
Wounds and Their Management 12
Planning of Surgical Incisions 16
Physical Properties of Skin and Planning of Incision 16
Technique of Wound Closure 18
Suture Material and Suturing Technique 18
Care and Management of Unfavorable Scar 24
Non-Surgical 24
Surgical 27
Pressure Therapy 27
Occlusive Dressings (Figure 14) 27
Scar Massage and Splintage 29
Corticosteroids 29
Onion Extract Gels 30
Laser Therapy 30
Radiotherapy 30
Cryotherapy 31
Inhibitors of Gene Transfer 31
Anti-Inflammatory Agents 31
Antihistamines 32
Calcium Antagonists 32
Skin Fillers 32
Tattooing 32
Surgery for Scar Improvement 32
Technique of Z-plasty 37
Trap Door Scar 37
Dermabrasion 37
Tissue Expansion (Figures 19a-c and 20a-c) 38
Scar Management Guidelines in Indian Context 38
Global Update in Wound Healing and Scar Management 41
Fetal Wound Healing 41
New Research Products for Scar Management 42
Altering Physical Properties of Collagen and its Effect on Hypertrophic Scar and Keloid Formation 43
Summary 44
Multimodality Scar Management Program-An Approach 48a
Introduction 48a
Objective of Scar Management 49
Patient Information and Evaluation 49
Does the Patient Really Need Scar Revision? 50
Is the Anxiety of the Patient Disproportionate to the Appearance of the Scar? 50
Is the Presence of the Scar Causing Professional or Social Impairment? 50
Scar Assessment 50
Update on Current Treatment Options 51
Conservative Techniques/Non-Surgical Techniques 51
Topical Therapy 51
Allium Cepa or Onion Extract 52
Topical Steroids 53
Topical Hypopigmenting Agents 54
Topical Psoralens 54
Topical Vitamin E 55
Topical Retinoids 55
Topical Imiquimod 55
Polyurethane Dressing 56
Silicone Gels and Sheets 57
Intralesional Therapies 58
Intralesional Steroids 58
Alternative Intralesional Therapies 58
Pressure Therapy 59
Resurfacing Techniques 60
Chemical Peels 60
Cryotherapy 61
Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion 61
Lasers for Scar Revision 63
Ablative Laser Resurfacing 63
Non-Ablative Lasers 64
Elevation Techniques 66
Scar Augmentation by Fillers, Fat or Dermal Matrix 66
Subcision 67
Punch Excision and Grafting Techniques 68
Excisional Techniques 70
Scar Excision and Suturing, Serial Excision 70
Scar Irregularization Techniques 71
Broken Line Scar Revision Techniques-Z-Plasty, W-Plasty, Geometric Broken Line 71
Multimodality Approach to Management 71
Elevated Scars 71
Depressed Scars 72
Hyperpigmented Scars 72
Depigmented Scars 77
Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids 77
Wide Scars 78
Contracted Scars 78
Newer Options 78
Collagen Induction Therapy (Microneedling, Dermaroller) 78
Systemic Topiramide 78
Summary 81
Striae Distensae 85a
Synonyms 85a
Introduction 85a
Etiology 86
Pregnancy 86
Puberty 87
Hereditary 87
Obesity 87
Cushing's Syndrome 88
Body-building 88
Anorexia Nervosa 88
Systemic Corticosteroids 88
Potent Topical Corticosteroids 88
Disorders of Connective Tissue 88
Following Augmentation Surgeries 89
Others 89
Risk Factors 89
Pathophysiology 89
Histopathology 90
Clinical Features 91
Grading 92
Differential Diagnosis 92
Investigations 93
Update on Current Treatment Options 93
Fresh Striae 93
Topical Creams and Emollients 93
Peels 94
Injections 94
Electrophonophoresis 94
Alternative Medicine 95
Home Remedies 95
Anecdotal 95
Mature Striae 95
Microdermabrasion 95
Collagen Induction Therapy (Dermarollers) 96
Laser Surgery 96
Plastic Surgery 98
Prognosis 100
Update in Indian Context 100
Personal Clinical Experience 100
Summary 101
Acne Scar Management-A Review of Current Trends 105a
Pre-Operative Work-Up 107
Punch Elevation10 108
Punch Excision11 108
Punch Grafting 108
Subcision12 109
TCA Chemical Reconstruction13-15 109
Resurfacing 109
Fractional Lasers 113
Intralesional Triamcinolone Acetonide 115
Silicone Gel Dressings 116
Fillers 117
Chemical Peels4 117
Adjunctive Treatment 117