Diagnosis and Management of Ovarian Disorders
Albert Altchek | Liane Deligdisch | Nathan Kase
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Book Details
This updated second edition of Diagnosis and Management of Ovarian Disorders provides thorough, yet succinct insight into the ever-changing realm of ovarian disorders. It presents a novel multidisciplinary approach to the subject as described by clinicians, surgeons, pathologists, basic scientists and related medical researchers. Topics covered include reproductive technology, early diagnosis of ovarian cancer, and management of menopause among others. The breadth of information provided by this book will appeal to clinicians and researchers involved in the study and treatment of ovarian disorders.
* Includes updated information on early diagnosis of ovarian cancer
* Reviews new diagnostic techniques for ovarian disorders
* Discusses latest information on reproductive technology
* Presents translational treatment linking laboratory research with clinical medicine
Praise for the First Edition
"...a comprehensive overview of the biology of the ovary that cannot be found elsewhere."
-Stephen C. Rubin, M.D. in THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE (December 19, 1996)