Contemporary Controversies in Foot and Ankle Surgery, An Issue of Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery - E-Book
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Topics include: Hammer Toe Surgery: Arthroplasty, Arthrodesis, or Plantar Plate Repair?; End Stage Hallux Rigidus: Cheilectomy, Implant or Arthrodesis?; Early Weightbearing of the Lapidus Arthrodesis; Is it Feasible?; End Stage Ankle Arthritis; Exostectomy, Implant or Arthrodesis?; Gastrocnemius Recession or Tendo-Achilles Lengthening for the Diabetic Foot?; Subtalar Joint Arthroeresis and its Role in Pediatric or Adult population; and Diabetic Charcot Foot and Ankle Reconstruction: Internal, External or Combined Fixation?