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Hepatitis - ECAB

Hepatitis - ECAB

Abhijit Chowdhury


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Book Details


Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver, which can be classified as acute or chronic depending upon the duration of the condition. Various etiological agents have been correlated with the occurrence of various forms of the disease. The developed countries have a majority of drug-induced and toxic liver injury, while the developing countries like India present with a majority of feco-oral and blood borne transmissions of the disease. Viral hepatitis virtually constitutes a separate etiological group. It causes a set of typical clinical, biochemical, and histological changes with or without icterus resulting from hepatic cell damage. It may be acute or chronic. The acute form causes considerable morbidity and mortality, and the chronic sequelae may prove to be fatal by resulting in liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Hepatitis A and E are transmitted feco-orally, while B and C are transmitted only through blood/secretions. Hepatitis D occurs only in association with hepatitis B. Morphological pattern of liver injury in acute hepatitis varies with etiology and severity of insult. The typical lesion in all forms of acute viral hepatitis is panlobular infiltration with mononuclear cells, predominantly lymphocytes, hepatic cell necrosis, and variable degree of cholestasis, Kupffer cell hyperplasia. In fulminant hepatic failure, massive hepatic necrosis results in a soft shrunken liver.

All forms of acute viral hepatitis run similar clinical course, which include incubation period after infection during which they are asymptomatic, followed by prodromal, icteric, and convalescent phases. Extrahepatic manifestations of viral hepatitis include renal, neurological, and hematological disorders. Most patients with acute viral hepatitis recover with supportive management. Hospitalization is required only in severe cases as evidenced by prolonged PT, altered sensorium, deep jaundice with ascites. Identification of etiology of acute hepatitis is of prime importance for the treatment of hepatitis. Definitive therapy is needed in drug-induced hepatitis. Most mild forms of viral hepatitis resolve with supportive treatment. Progressive liver failure mandates urgent liver transplantation. Prognostic models (Kings’ College criteria, Clichy’s criteria) have been developed for early identification of patients who would require liver transplant.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover \r Front Cover
Front Matter \r ia
ECAB Clinical Update:Gastroenterology/Hepatology id
Copyright if
About the Authors ib
Contents ib
Introduction 1
ECAB Clinical Update InformationHepatitis i
An Approach to Hepatitis 3
Epidemiology of Acute Hepatitis 4
Patho-Morphological Alteration in Acute Hepatitis 6
Clinical Features 7
Approach to Acute Hepatitis 10
Treatment Outline 10
Summary 13
Diagnosis of Chronic Hepatitis 15
It is Only \"Chronic Hepatitis\", Neither \"Active\" Nor \"Persistent 17
Clinical Diagnosis of Chronic Hepatitis is Imperfect 18
Assessment of Liver Fibrosis is the Current Focus 20
What Raises Suspicion: The First Step in Diagnosis 22
Liver Biopsy and Histological Examination is the Gold Standard in the Diagnosis of Chronic Hepatitis 24
Light Microscopic Appearance 25
Scoring in Chronic Hepatitis 28
Metavir System 33
Noninvasive Assessment in Chronic Hepatitis31-33 34
Panels of Serological Markers for Assessment of Liver Fibrosis and Chronic Hepatitis 35
Transient Elastography 37
Etiology is Important in Diagnosis 39
Diagnostic Approach in Chronic Hepatitis 43
Acute Viral Hepatitis 49
Hepatitis A 50
Hepatitis B 52
Hepatitis C 57
Hepatitis D 60
Hepatitis E 62
Herpes Simplex Virus 63
Varicella Zoster Virus 64
Epstein-Barr Virus 64
Cytomegalovirus 65
Human Parvovirus B19 65
Adenovirus 66
Yellow Fever 66
Rubella (German Measles) and Rubeola (Measles) 66
Coxsackie Virus B 66
Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B 71
Chronic Inactive HBsAg Carrier State 72
HBeAg-Negative CHB 72
Management of HBeAg-Negative CHB 73
Recommendation 79
Management of HBeAg-Positive CHB 79
Recommendation 80
Recommendation for Children, Pregnant Women, and Cirrhotics 80
Recommendation for Vaccination 82
Case Studies Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B 86
Case Study 1 86
History 86
Clinical Examination 86
Investigations 86
Diagnosis 86
Management 86
Outcome 86
Case Study 2 87
History 87
Clinical Examination 87
Investigations 87
Diagnosis 87
Management 87
Outcome 87
Case study 3 88
Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C 90
Natural History of Hepatitis C VIRUS Infection 91
Laboratory Testing for Hepatitis C VIRUS Infection 91
Liver Biopsy in Chronic Hepatitis C 92
Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C 92
Conclusion 97
Case Study 1 100
History 100
Clinical Examination 100
Investigations 100
Diagnosis 100
Non-viral Chronic Hepatitis 104
Disease Spectrum 105
Approach to the Problem 105
Cryptic Form of Chronic Hepatitis 108
Summary 112
ECAB ClinicalUpdate:Gastroenterology/HepatologyOther Books in This Series 113