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Mims' Medical Microbiology

Mims' Medical Microbiology

Richard Goering | Hazel Dockrell | Mark Zuckerman | Ivan Roitt | Peter L. Chiodini



Mims’ Microbiology makes it easy for you to learn the microbiology and basic immunology concepts you need to know for your courses and USMLE. Using a clinically relevant, systems-based approach, this popular medical textbook accessibly explains the microbiology of the agents that cause diseases and the diseases that affect individual organ systems. With lavish illustrations and straightforward, accessible explanations, Mims’ Microbiology makes this complex subject simple to understand and remember.

  • Learn about infections in the context of major body systems and understand why these are environments in which microbes can establish themselves, flourish, and give rise to pathologic changes. This systems-based approach to microbiology employs integrated and case-based teaching that places the "bug parade" into a clinical context.
  • Grasp and retain vital concepts easily thanks to a user-friendly color-coded format, succinct text, key concept boxes, and dynamic illustrations.
  • Effectively review for problem-based courses with the help of chapter introductions and "Lessons in Microbiology" text boxes that highlight the clinical relevance of the material, offer easy access to key concepts, and provide valuable review tools.
  • Approach microbiology by body system or by pathogen through an extensively cross-referenced "Pathogen Review" section.
  • Access the complete contents online at, along with downloadable illustrations…150 multiple choice review questions... "Pathogen Parade"...and many other features to enhance learning and retention.
  • Enhance your learning and absorb complex information in an interactive, dynamic way with Pathogen Parade – a quickly searchable online glossary of viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
  • Deepen your understanding of epidemiology and the important role it plays in providing evidence-based identification of key risk factors for disease and targets for preventive medicine. A completely re-written chapter on this topic keeps abreast of the very latest findings.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Mims’ Microbiology Medical iii
Copyright iv
Preface v
Acknowledgements vi
Contributors vi
Student Consultants vii
Contents viii
A contemporary approach to microbiology xi
Introduction xi
Microbes and parasites xi
The conventional distinction between ‘microbes’ and ‘parasites’ is essentially arbitrary xi
The context for contemporary medical microbiology xi
Host response is the outcome of the complex interplay between host and parasite xi
Emerging or re-emerging diseases continue to pose new microbiologic problems xi
Microbiology Past, Present and Future xii
Infectious diseases are still killers in the resource-rich world xii
Infectious diseases are a major problem in the resource-poor world, particularly in children xii
Infections continue to emerge or re-emerge xiii
Modern lifestyles and technical developments facilitate transmission of disease xiii
What of the future? xiii
The Approach Adopted in this Book xiv
Section 1: The adversaries – microbes 1
Chapter 1: Microbes as parasites 3
The varieties of microbes 3
Prokaryotes and eukaryotes 3
All organisms other than viruses and prions are made up of cells 3
Bacteria are prokaryotes, all other organisms are eukaryotes 3
Gram-negative bacteria have an outer lipopolysaccharide-rich layer 4
Microparasites and macroparasites 4
Microparasites replicate within the host 4
Organisms that are small enough can live inside cells 4
Living inside or outside cells 4
Pathogens within cells are protected from many of the host's defence mechanisms 4
Living outside cells provides opportunities for growth, reproduction and dissemination 4
Systems of classification 5
Classification of bacteria and viruses 5
Correct identification of bacteria below the species level is often vital to differentiate pathogenic and non-pathogenic f ... 5
Classification of viruses departs even further from the binomial system 6
Classification assists diagnosis and the understanding of pathogenicity 6
Chapter 2: The bacteria 7
Structure 7
Bacteria are ‘prokaryotes’ and have a characteristic cellular organization 7
Bacteria are classified according to their cell wall as Gram-positive or Gram-negative 7
Many bacteria possess flagella 8
Pili are another form of bacterial surface projection 8
Nutrition 9
Bacteria obtain nutrients mainly by taking up smallmolecules across the cell wall 9
All pathogenic bacteria are heterotrophic 9
Growth and division 10
A bacterial cell must duplicate its genomic DNA before it can divide 11
Replication must be accurate 11
Cell division is preceded by genome segregation and septum formation 11
Bacterial growth and division are important targets for antimicrobial agents 11
Gene expression 11
Most genes are transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA) 12
Transcription 12
Transcription is initiated at promoters 12
Transcription usually terminates at specific termination sites 12
mRNA transcripts often encode more than one protein in bacteria 12
Translation 12
Translation begins with formation of an initiation complex and terminates at a STOP codon 12
Transcription and translation are important targets for antimicrobial agents 13
Regulation of gene expression 13
Bacteria adapt to their environment by controlling gene expression 13
Expression of many virulence determinants by pathogenic bacteria is highly regulated 13
The most common way of altering gene expression is to change the amount of mRNA transcription 13
The principles of gene regulation in bacteria can be illustrated by the regulation of genes involved in sugar metabolism 13
Expression of bacterial virulence genes is often controlled by regulatory proteins 13
Many bacterial virulence genes are subject to positive regulation by ‘two-component regulators’ 14
Regulation of virulence genes often involves a cascade of activators 15
In some instances the pathogenic activity of bacteria specifically begins when cell numbers reach a certain threshold 15
Survival under adverse conditions 16
Some bacteria form endospores 16
Mobile genetic elements 16
Many bacteria possess small, independently replicating (extrachromosomal) nucleic acid molecules termed plasmids and bacte ... 16
Widespread use of antimicrobials has applied a strong selection pressure in favour of bacteria able to resist them 16
Plasmids can carry virulence genes 16
Plasmids are valuable tools for cloning and manipulating genes 16
Bacteriophages are bacterial viruses that can survive outside as well as inside the bacterial cell 17
Transposition 17
Insertion sequences are the smallest and simplest ‘jumping genes’ 18
Transposons are larger, more complex elements, which encode multiple genes 18
Mobile genetic elements promote a variety of DNA rearrangements which may have important clinical consequences 20
Other mobile elements also behave as portable cassettes of genetic information 20
Mutation and gene transfer 20
Mutation 20
Changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA can occur spontaneously or under the influence of external agents 20
Bacterial cells are not defenceless against genetic damage 21
Bacterial DNA repair has provided a model for understanding similar, more complex processes in humans 22
Gene transfer and recombination 22
Transformation 22
Some bacteria can be transformed by DNA present in their environment 22
Transduction 22
Transduction involves the transfer of genetic material by infection with a bacteriophage 22
Conjugation 22
Conjugation is a type of bacterial ‘mating’ in which DNA is transferred from one bacterium to another 22
The genomics of medically important bacteria 23
Application of genomics facilitates identification 24
Various approaches to the detection and utilization of genomic sequence information exist 24
DNA microarrays provide a means for the ‘parallel processing’ of genomic information 25
At present, DNA microarrays are finding use in two main applications: identification of mutations and studies on gene expr ... 25
Major groups of bacteria 26
Chapter 3: The viruses 27
Viruses share some common structural features 27
The outer surface of the virus particle is the part that first makes contact with the membrane of the host cell 27
Infection of host cells 27
Virus particles enter the body of the host in many ways 28
Viruses show host specificity and usually infect only one or a restricted range of host species. The initial basis of spec ... 28
Once in the host's cytoplasm the virus is no longer infective 28
Replication 29
Viruses must first synthesize messenger RNA (mRNA) 29
RNA viruses produce mRNA by several different routes 29
Viral mRNA is then translated in the host cytoplasm to produce viral proteins 29
Viruses must also replicate their nucleic acid 30
Replication of viral DNA occurs in the host nucleus – except for poxviruses, where it takes place in the cytoplasm 31
The final stage of replication is assembly and release of new virus particles 31
Outcome of viral infection 31
Viral infections may cause cell lysis or be persistentor latent 31
Some viruses can ‘transform’ the host cell into a tumour or cancer cell 31
Tumour formation as a result of viral infection: direct and indirect mechanisms 33
Viral oncogenes have probably arisen from incorporation of host oncogenes into the viral genome during viral replication 33
Major groups of viruses 33
Chapter 4: The fungi 37
Major groups of disease-causing fungi 37
Importance of fungi in causing disease 37
Fungal pathogens can be classified on the basis of their growth forms or the type of infection they cause 37
Control of fungal infection 38
Chapter 5: The protozoa 41
Protozoa can infect all the major tissues and organs of the body 41
Protozoa have evolved many sophisticated strategies to avoid host responses 41
Protozoa use a variety of routes to infect humans 41
Chapter 6: The helminths and arthropods 43
The helminths 43
Transmission of helminths occurs in four distinct ways 43
The outer surfaces of helminths provide the primary host–parasite interface 43
Life cycles 44
Many helminths have complex life cycles 44
The larvae of flukes and tapeworms must pass through one or more intermediate hosts, but those of nematodes can develop to ... 44
Helminths and disease 44
Adult tapeworms are acquired by eating undercooked or raw meat containing larval stages 44
The most important flukes are those causing schistosomiasis 44
Certain nematodes that infect humans are highly specific; others are zoonoses 45
Survival of helminths in their hosts 45
The arthropods 46
Many arthropods feed on human blood and tissue fluids 46
Arthropod infestation carries the additional hazard of disease transmission 46
Chapter 7: Prions 49
‘Rogue protein’ pathogenesis 49
Section 2: The adversaries–host defences 65
Chapter 9: The innate defences of the body 67
The body has both ‘innate’ and ‘adaptive’ immune defences 67
Defences against entry into the body 67
A variety of biochemical and physical barriers operate at the body surfaces 67
Defences once the microorganism penetrates the body 68
Two types of professional phagocyte 68
Macrophages are widespread throughout the tissues 68
Polymorphs possess a variety of enzyme-containing granules 69
Phagocytosis and killing 71
Phagocytes recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) 71
The phagocyte is activated through PAMP recognition 71
The internalized microbe is the target for a fearsome array of killing mechanisms 71
Phagocytes are mobilized and targeted onto the microorganism by chemotaxis 73
Activation of the complement system 73
Complement synergizes with phagocytic cells to produce an acute inflammatory response 74
C9 molecules form the ‘membrane attack complex’, which is involved in cell lysis 74
Acute phase proteins 75
Other extracellular antimicrobial factors 77
Interferons are a family of broad spectrum antiviral molecules 77
Extracellular killing 78
Natural killer cells attach to virally infected cells, allowing them to be differentiated from normal cells 78
Eosinophils act against large parasites 79
Chapter 10: Adaptive responses provide a ‘quantum leap’ in effective defence 83
The role of antibodies 83
The acute inflammatory response 83
Antibodies act as adaptors to focus acute inflammatory reactions 83
Antibody complexed with antigen activates complement through the ‘classical’ pathway 85
The acute inflammatory reaction can also be initiated by antibody bound to mast cells 86
Activation of phagocytic cells 86
Antigen–antibody complexes activate phagocytic cells 86
Blocking microbial reactions 86
Antibodies block microbial interactions by combining with one of the reacting molecules 86
The role of T lymphocytes 86
Defence against intracellular organisms 86
Most T lymphocytes bind to peptide derived from intracellular organisms complexed with major histocompatibility complex 87
T lymphocytes help macrophages kill intracellular parasites 87
Extracellular attack on large infectious agents 89
Defensive cells attack the antibody-coated surfaces of parasites 89
Local defences at mucosal surfaces 90
Larger parasites, such as nematodes, within the lumen of the gut pose special problems 91
A subset of T cells bearing γδ receptors dominates the mucosal epithelium 91
Chapter 11: The cellular basis of adaptive immune responses 95
B- and T-cell receptors 98
B and T cells can be distinguished by their surface markers 98
Each lymphocyte expresses an antigen receptor of unique specificity on its surface 98
Clonal expansion of lymphocytes 98
The role of memory cells 99
Vaccination depends upon secondary immune responses being bigger and brisker than primary responses 99
Stimulation of lymphocytes 101
T lymphocytes are activated by antigen presented on specialized cells 101
Some antigens stimulate B cells without the need for intervention by T lymphocytes 101
Antibody production frequently requires T-cell help 102
Cytokines 102
Cytokines are soluble intercellular communication factors in the immune response 102
Cytokine production helps to define T-helper subsets (cf. Table 10.2) 102
Regulatory mechanisms 105
Unlimited expansion of clones must be checked by regulatory mechanisms 105
Antibody itself has feedback potential 106
Immune responses can be controlled by regulatory T cells 106
Tolerance mechanisms 106
Tolerance mechanisms prevent immunologic self-reactivity 106
T cells are more readily tolerized than B cells at a given antigen concentration 106
Section 3: The conflicts 109
Chapter 12: Background to the infectious diseases 111
Microbes rapidly evolve characteristics that enable them to overcome the host's defences 111
Host–parasite relationships 111
The speed with which host adaptive responses can be mobilized is crucial 111
Adaptation by both host and parasite leads to a more stable balanced relationship 114
Causes of infectious diseases 115
More than 100 microbes commonly cause infection 115
Koch's postulates to identify the microbial causes of specific diseases 116
Conclusions about causation are now reached using enlightened common sense 116
Possible problems in assigning disease aetiology 117
The biologic response gradient 117
It is uncommon for a microbe to cause exactly the same disease in all infected individuals 117
Chapter 13: Entry, exit and transmission 119
Receptor molecules 119
Exit from the body 119
Sites of entry 119
Skin 119
Microorganisms gaining entry via the skin may cause a skin infection or infection elsewhere 119
Biting arthropods 120
The conjunctiva 120
Respiratory tract 120
Some microorganisms can overcome the respiratory tract's cleansing mechanisms 120
Interfering with cleansing mechanisms 121
Avoiding destruction by alveolar macrophages 121
Gastrointestinal tract 121
Some microorganisms can survive the intestine's defences of acid, mucus and enzymes 121
Crude mechanical devices for attachment 123
Mechanisms to counteract mucus, acids, enzymes and bile 123
Successful intestinal microbes must counteract or resist mucus, acids, enzymes and bile 123
Microbial exotoxin, endotoxin and protein absorption 123
Urogenital tract 124
Microorganisms gaining entry via the urogenital tract can spread easily from one part of the tract to another 124
Vaginal defences 124
Urethral and bladder defences 124
Mechanism of urinary tract invasion 124
Oropharynx 125
Microorganisms can invade the oropharynx when mucosal resistance is reduced 125
Oropharyngeal defences 125
Mechanisms of oropharyngeal invasion 125
Exit and transmission 125
Microorganisms have a variety of mechanisms toensure exit from the host and transmission 125
Number of microorganisms shed 126
Stability in the environment 126
Number of microorganisms required to infect a fresh host 127
Other factors affecting transmission 127
Types of transmission between humans 127
Transmission from the respiratory tract 127
Respiratory infections spread rapidly when people are crowded together indoors 127
Transmission from the gastrointestinal tract 129
Intestinal infection spreads easily if public health and hygiene are poor 129
Transmission from the urogenital tract 129
Urogenital tract infections are often sexually transmitted 129
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) 130
Semen as a source of infection 130
Perinatal transmission 130
Transmission from the oropharynx 130
Oropharyngeal infections are often spread in saliva 130
Transmission from the skin 131
Skin can spread infection by shedding or direct contact 131
Shedding to the environment 131
Transmission in milk 131
Transmission from blood 131
Blood can spread infection via arthropods or needles 131
Vertical and horizontal transmission 132
Vertical transmission takes place between parents and their offspring 132
Transmission from animals 132
Humans and animals share a common susceptibility to certain pathogens 132
Invertebrate vectors 133
Insects, ticks and mites – the bloodsuckers – are the most important vectors spreading infection 133
Passive carriage 133
Biologic transmission 133
Other invertebrate vectors spread infection either passively or by acting as an intermediate host 134
Transmission from vertebrates 134
Many pathogens are transmitted directly to humans from vertebrate animals 134
Domestic pets or pests? 135
Chapter 14: Immune defences in action 137
Antimicrobial peptides protect the skin against invading bacteria 137
Complement 137
The alternative pathway and lectin binding pathways of complement activation are part of the early defence system 137
Acute phase proteins and pattern recognition receptors 137
C-reactive protein is an antibacterial agent produced by liver cells in response to cytokines 137
Macrophages can recognize bacteria as foreign using Toll-like receptors 138
Collectins and ficolins 138
Fever 139
It is probably unwise to generalize about the benefit or otherwise of fever 139
Natural killer cells 139
Natural killer cells are a rapid but non-specific means of controlling viral and other intracellular infections 139
Phagocytosis 139
Phagocytes engulf, kill and digest would-be parasites 139
Intracellular killing by phagocytes 140
Phagocytes kill organisms using either an oxidative or a non-oxidative mechanism 140
Oxidative killing 140
Oxidative killing involves the use of ROIs 140
The way in which ROIs actually kill microorganisms is controversial 140
Cytotoxic lipids prolong the activity of ROIs 141
Non-oxidative killing 141
Non-oxidative killing involves the use of the phagocyte's cytotoxic granules 141
Nitric oxide 141
Cytokines 142
Cytokines contribute to both infection control andinfection pathology 142
Interferons 142
IFNα and IFNβ constitute a major part of the early response to viruses 143
Other cytokines 143
TNFα production can be good or bad 143
Antibody-mediated immunity 144
Speed, amount and duration 144
Affinity 145
Antibody classes and subclasses (isotypes) 145
Blocking and neutralizing effects of antibody 145
Immobilization and agglutination 145
Lysis 145
Opsonization 146
Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity 146
Cell-mediated immunity 146
T-cell immunity correlates with control of bacterial growth in leprosy 146
Further evidence for the protective effects of IFN γ 146
Cytokine signatures 147
Th17 T cells 147
Is a positive delayed-type hypersensitivity skin test an indicator of immunity? 148
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes kill by inducing ‘leaks’ in the target cell 149
Recovery from infection 149
Nutrition may have more subtle effects on immunity to infection 151
Chapter 15: Spread and replication 153
Features of surface and systemic infections 154
A variety of factors determine whether an infection is a surface or a systemic infection 154
In systemic infections, there is a stepwise invasion of different tissues of the body 154
Rapid replication is essential for surface infections 155
Mechanisms of spread through the body 155
Spread to lymph and blood 155
Invading microbes encounter a variety of defences on entering the body 155
Spread from blood 156
The fate of microorganisms in the blood depends upon whether they are free or associated with circulating cells 156
Each circulating microorganism invades characteristic target organs and tissues 156
Spread via nerves 156
Certain viruses spread via peripheral nerves from peripheral parts of the body to the central nervous system and vice versa 156
Spread via cerebrospinal fluid 157
Once microorganisms have crossed the blood–cerebrospinal barrier, they spread rapidly in the cerebrospinal fluid spaces 157
Spread via other routes 157
Rapid spread from one visceral organ to another can take place via the pleural or peritoneal cavity 157
Genetic determinants of spread and replication 158
The pathogenicity of a microorganism is determined by the interplay of a variety of factors 158
Genetic determinants in the host 158
The ability of a microorganism to infect and cause disease in a given host is influenced by the genetic constitution of the ... 158
Susceptibility often operates at the level of the immune response 158
Genetic determinants in the microbe 158
Virulence is often coded for by more than one microbial gene 158
Other factors affecting spread and replication 159
The brain can influence immune responses 159
Chapter 16: Parasite survival strategies and persistent infections 163
Strategies to evade natural non-adaptive defences such as the phagocyte 163
Strategies to evade adaptive defences 163
Strategies to evade adaptive defences are more sophisticated than those for evading innate defences 163
Parasite survival strategies 164
Viruses are particularly good at thwarting immune defences 164
Some microbes are able to persist in the host 164
Strategies for evading host defences cause a rapid ‘hit-and-run’ infection 164
Concealment of antigens 165
Remaining inside cells without their antigens being displayed on the surface prevents recognition 165
Colonizing privileged sites keeps the microbe out of reach of circulating lymphocytes 165
Mimicry sounds like a useful strategy, but does not prevent the host from making an antimicrobial response 167
Microbes can conceal themselves by taking up host molecules to cover their surface 167
Immune modulation 167
Infection during early embryonic life 168
Production of large quantities of microbial antigen or antigen–antibody complexes 168
Exploiting ‘gaps’ in the host's immune repertoire 168
Upsetting the balance between Th1 and Th2 responses 168
Regulatory T cells 168
Antigenic variation 169
The best known example of mutation is the influenza virus 169
The classic example of recombination involves influenza A virus 169
Gene switching was first demonstrated in African trypanosomes 169
Gene switching is thought to result in the relapsing persistent course of certain infections 170
Immunosuppression 170
Many virus infections cause a general temporary immunosuppression 170
Different microbes have different immunosuppressive effects 171
Certain microbe toxins are immunomodulators 171
Successful microbes often interfere with signalling between immune cells, with cytotoxic T-cell recognition or with host a ... 172
Some microbes interfere with the local expression of the immune response in tissues 172
Persistent infections 173
Persistent infections represent a failure of host defences 173
Latent infections can become patent 174
Reactivation of latent infections 175
Reactivation is clinically important in immunosuppressed individuals 175
It is useful to distinguish two stages in reactivation 175
Chapter 17: Pathologic consequences of infection 179
Pathology caused directly by microorganism 179
Direct effects may result from cell rupture, organ blockage or pressure effects 179
Exotoxins are a common cause of serious tissue damage, especially in bacterial infection 179
Inactivation of toxins without altering antigenicity results in successful vaccines 180
Mode of action of toxins and consequences 180
Bacteria may produce enzymes to promote their survival or spread 182
Toxins may damage or destroy cells and are then known as haemolysins 182
Toxins may enter cells and actively alter some of the metabolic machinery 183
Diphtheria toxin blocks protein synthesis 183
Cholera toxin results in massive loss of water from intestinal epithelial cells 183
Tetanus and botulinum toxins are among the most potent affecting nerve impulses 183
Toxins as magic bullets 183
Diarrhea 183
Diarrhea is an almost invariable result of intestinal infections 183
Pathologic activation of natural immune mechanisms 183
Overactivity can damage host tissues 183
Endotoxins are typically lipopolysaccharides 184
Endotoxin shock is usually associated with systemic spread of organisms 185
The cytokine most closely linked to disease is TNF 186
Complement is involved in several tissue-damaging reactions 186
Disseminated intravascular coagulation is a rare but serious feature of bacterial septicaemia 187
Mast cell degranulation in response to LPS is usually secondary to IgE antibody formation 187
Pathologic consequences of the immune response 187
Overreaction of the immune system is known as ‘hypersensitivity’ 187
Each of the four main types of hypersensitivity can be of microbial or non-microbial origin 187
Type I hypersensitivity 187
Allergic reactions are a feature of worm infections 187
Type II hypersensitivity 187
Type II reactions are mediated by antibodies to the infectious organism or autoantibodies 187
In blood-stage malaria, microbial antigens attach themselves to host cells 187
Antimyocardial antibody of group A β -haemolytic streptococcal infection is the classic autoantibody triggered by infectio ... 187
Type III hypersensitivity 188
Immune complexes cause disease when they become lodged in tissues or blood vessels 188
Occupational diseases associated with inhalation of fungi are the classic examples of immune complex deposition in the tis ... 189
Another well-known model of immune complex disease is serum sickness 189
Type IV hypersensitivity 189
Cell-mediated immune responses invariably cause some tissue destruction, which may be permanent 189
From the medical viewpoint, granuloma formation is the most important type IV response 189
The clinical features of schistosomiasis are produced by cell-mediated immunity 190
Antibodies can also cause enhancement of pathology, as in dengue 191
Skin Rashes 191
A variety of skin rashes have an immunologic origin 191
The SARS coronavirus caused lung immunopathology and T-cell loss 191
The hygiene hypothesis – are we too clean? 192
Viruses and cancer 192
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is associated with adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma 192
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma and lymphoma including post-transplant lymphoprolifer ... 193
Epstein–Barr virus is associated with Burkitt's lymphoma 193
Epstein–Barr virus is also associated with Hodgkin's lymphoma and lymphomas in immunosuppressed individuals 193
Certain human papillomavirus infections are associated with cervical cancer 193
Human papillomavirus infection is associated with squamous cell carcinoma of the skin 194
Hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses are major causes of hepatocellular carcinoma 194
Several DNA viruses can transform cells in which they are unable to replicate 194
Kaposi's sarcoma is caused by HHV-8 195
Bacteria associated with cancer 195
Section 4: Clinical manifestation and diagnosis of infections by body system 197
The Clinical Manifestations of Infection 197
Chapter 18: Upper respiratory tract infections 199
The upper and lower respiratory tracts form a continuum for infectious agents 199
Two useful generalizations can be made about upper and lower respiratory tract infections: 199
Rhinitis 199
Rhinoviruses and coronaviruses together cause more than 50% of colds 199
Common cold virus infections are diagnosed by clinical appearance 199
Treatment of the common cold is symptomatic 200
Pharyngitis and tonsillitis 200
About 70% of acute sore throats are caused by viruses 200
Cytomegalovirus infection 201
Cytomegalovirus can be transmitted by saliva, urine, blood, semen and cervical secretions 201
Cytomegalovirus infection is often asymptomatic, but can reactivate and cause disease when cell-mediated immunity (CMI) de ... 201
Cytomegalovirus infection can cause fetal malformations and pneumonia in immunodeficient patients 204
Antiviral treatment options in CMV infection 204
Prevention of CMV infection 204
Epstein–Barr virus infection 204
Epstein–Barr virus is transmitted in saliva 204
The clinical features of EBV infection are immunologically mediated 205
Epstein–Barr virus remains latent in a small proportion of B lymphocytes 206
Laboratory tests for diagnosing infectious mononucleosis should include viral capsid antigen IgM detection 206
Treatment of EBV infection is limited 206
Cancers associated with EBV 206
Epstein–Barr virus is closely associated with Burkitt's lymphoma in African children 206
Epstein–Barr virus is closely associated with other B-cell lymphomas in immunodeficient patients 206
Epstein–Barr virus infection is also closely associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma 207
Bacterial infections 207
Complications of Strep. pyogenes infection 207
Complications of Strep. pyogenes throat infection include quinsy, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, rheumatic heart disease ... 207
Diagnosis 208
A laboratory diagnosis is not generally necessary for pharyngitis and tonsillitis 208
Parotitis 208
Mumps virus is spread by airborne droplets and infects the salivary glands 208
Treatment and prevention 208
Otitis and sinusitis 209
Otitis and sinusitis can be caused by many viruses and a range of secondary bacterial invaders 209
Acute otitis media 209
Common causes of acute otitis media are viruses, Strep. pneumoniae and H. influenzae 209
Otitis externa 209
Causes of otitis externa are Staph. aureus , Candida albicans and Gram-negative opportunists 209
Acute sinusitis 210
Acute epiglottitis 210
Acute epiglottitis is generally due to H. influenzae capsular type B infection 210
Acute epiglottitis is an emergency and necessitates intubation and treatment with antibiotics 210
Oral cavity infections 210
Saliva flushes the mouth and contains a variety of antibacterial substances 210
Oral candidiasis 211
Changes in the oral flora produced by broad-spectrum antibiotics and impaired immunity predispose to thrush 211
Caries 211
In the USA and Western Europe, 80–90% of people are colonized by Streptococcus mutans , which causes dental caries 211
Periodontal disease 211
Actinomyces viscosus , Actinobacillus and Bacteroides spp. are commonly involved in periodontal disease 211
Chapter 19: Lower respiratory tract infections 213
Laryngitis and tracheitis 213
Parainfluenza viruses are common causes of laryngitis 213
Diphtheria 213
Diphtheria is caused by toxin-producing strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae and can cause lifethreatening respiratory o ... 213
Diphtheria toxin can cause fatal heart failure and a polyneuritis 213
Diphtheria is managed by immediate treatment with antitoxin and antibiotic 214
Contacts may need chemoprophylaxis or immunization 214
Diphtheria is prevented by immunization 214
Whooping cough 214
Whooping cough is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis 214
B. pertussis infection is associated with the production of a variety of toxic factors 214
Whooping cough is managed with supportive care and erythromycin 215
Whooping cough can be prevented by active immunization 215
Acute bronchitis 215
Acute bronchitis is an inflammatory condition of the tracheobronchial tree, usually due to infection 215
Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis 216
Infection is only one component of chronic bronchitis 216
Bronchiolitis 216
Around 75% of bronchiolitis presentations are caused by respiratory syncytial virus infection 216
Respiratory syncytial virus infection 216
Respiratory syncytial virus is the most important cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants 216
Respiratory syncytial virus infection can be particularly severe in young infants 216
The manifestations of RSV infection appear to have an immunopathologic basis 216
Respiratory syncytial virus RNA is detectable in throat swab specimens, and ribavirin is indicated for severe disease 217
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) 217
Pneumonia 217
Microorganisms reach the lungs by inhalation, aspiration or via the blood 217
The respiratory tract has a limited number of ways in which it can respond to infection 217
A wide range of microorganisms can cause pneumonia 218
Bacterial pneumonia 218
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the classic bacterial cause of acute community-acquired pneumonia 218
A variety of bacteria cause primary atypical pneumonia 219
Patients with pneumonia usually present feeling unwell and with a fever 220
Patients with pneumonia usually have shadows in one or more areas of the lung 220
Pneumonia is the most common cause of death from infection in the elderly 220
Sputum samples are best collected in the morning and before breakfast 220
The usual laboratory procedures on sputum specimens from patients with pneumonia are Gram stain and culture 220
Microbiologic diagnosis of atypical pneumonia is usually confirmed by serology 221
Pneumonia is treated with appropriate antimicrobial therapy 221
Prevention of pneumonia involves measures to minimize exposure, and pneumococcal immunization post-splenectomy and for tho ... 221
Viral pneumonia 221
Viruses can invade the lung from the bloodstream as well as directly from the respiratory tract 221
Parainfluenza virus infection 221
There are four types of parainfluenza viruses with differing clinical effects 222
Adenovirus infection 223
Adenoviruses cause about 5% of acute respiratory tract illness overall 223
Human metapneumovirus 223
Human bocavirus 223
Influenza virus infection 223
Influenza viruses are classic respiratory viruses and cause endemic, epidemic and pandemic influenza 223
There are three types of influenza virus: A, B and C 223
The influenza virus envelope has haemagglutinin and neuraminidase spikes 223
Influenza viruses undergo genetic change as they spread through the host species 223
Transmission of influenza is by droplet inhalation 226
Influenzal damage to the respiratory epithelium predisposes to secondary bacterial infection 227
Rarely, influenza causes CNS complications 227
During influenza epidemics a diagnosis can generally be made clinically 227
Vaccines and antiviral agents can be used to prevent influenza 228
Severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus infection 228
Measles 229
Secondary bacterial pneumonia is a frequent complication of measles in developing countries 229
Antibiotics are needed for secondary bacterial complications of measles, but the disease can be prevented by immunization 229
Cytomegalovirus infection 230
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection can cause an interstitial pneumonitis in immunocompromised patients 230
Tuberculosis 230
Tuberculosis is one of the most serious infectious diseases of the resource-poor world 230
Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis 230
The pathogenesis of tuberculosis depends upon the history of previous exposure to the organism 231
The CMI response helps to curb further spread of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 231
Tuberculosis illustrates the dual role of the immune response in infectious disease 231
Primary tuberculosis is often asymptomatic 232
Complications of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection arise from local spread or dissemination 232
The Ziehl–Neelsen stain of sputum can provide a diagnosis of tuberculosis within 1 h, whereas culture can take 6 weeks 232
Specific antituberculosis drugs and prolonged therapy are needed to treat tuberculosis 232
Tuberculosis is prevented by improved social conditions, immunization and chemoprophylaxis 233
Cystic fibrosis 233
Individuals with cystic fibrosis are predisposed to develop lower respiratory tract infections 233
P. aeruginosa colonizes the lungs of almost all 15–20-year-olds with cystic fibrosis 233
Lung abscess 233
Lung abscesses usually contain a mixture of bacteria including anaerobes 233
Treatment of lung abscess should include an anti-anaerobic drug and last 2–4 months 234
Pleural effusion and empyema 234
Up to 50% of patients with pneumonia have a pleural effusion 234
Fungal infections 234
Aspergillus 234
Aspergillus can cause allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, aspergilloma or disseminated aspergillosis 234
Pneumocystis jirovecii (formerly P. carinii) 235
Pneumocystis pneumonia is an important opportunistic infection in AIDS 235
Parasitic infections 235
A variety of parasites localize to the lung or involve the lung at some stage in their development 235
Chapter 20: Urinary tract infections 237
Acquisition and etiology 237
Bacterial infection is usually acquired by the ascending route from the urethra to the bladder 237
The Gram-negative rod Escherichia coli is the commonest cause of ascending UTI 237
Viral causes of UTI appear to be rare, although there are associations with haemorrhagic cystitis and other renal syndromes 237
Very few parasites cause UTIs 238
Pathogenesis 238
A variety of mechanical factors predispose to UTI 238
Pregnancy, prostatic hypertrophy, renal calculi, tumours and strictures are the main causes of obstruction to complete bla ... 238
Catheterization is a major predisposing factor for UTI 239
A variety of virulence factors are present in the causative organisms 239
The healthy urinary tract is resistant to bacterial colonization 240
Clinical features and complications 240
Acute lower UTIs cause dysuria, urgency and frequency 240
Acute bacterial prostatitis causes systemic symptoms (fever) and local symptoms (perineal and low back pain, dysuria and f ... 240
Upper UTIs 240
Pyelonephritis causes a fever and lower urinary tract symptoms 240
Laboratory diagnosis 241
Infection can be distinguished from contamination by quantitative culture methods 241
The usual urine specimen for microbiologic examination is an MSU sample 241
For patients with a catheter, a catheter specimen of urine is used for microbiologic examination 241
Special urine samples are required to detect M. tuberculosis and Schistosoma haematobium 241
Laboratory investigations 242
Microscopic examination of urine allows a rapid preliminary report 242
A laboratory diagnosis of significant bacteriuria requires quantification of the bacteria 242
Interpretation of the significance of bacterial culture results depends upon a variety of factors 242
Treatment 242
Depending on clinical evaluation of the patient and local antimicrobial resistance trends, uncomplicated UTI 242
Complicated UTI (pyelonephritis) should be treated with a systemic antibacterial agent 243
Prevention 243
Many of the features of the pathogenesis of UTI and host predispositions are not clearly understood 243
Chapter 21: Sexually transmitted infections 245
The incidence of most STIs is increasing 245
STIs and sexual behaviour 245
The spread of STIs is inextricably linked with sexual behaviour 245
Various host factors influence the risk of acquiring an STI 245
Syphilis 245
Syphilis is caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum 245
Classically, T. pallidum infection is divided into three stages 247
An infected woman can transmit T. pallidum to her baby in utero 247
Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis 247
Microscopy 247
Serology 247
Non-specific tests (non-treponemal tests) for syphilis are the VDRL and RPR tests 248
Commonly used specific tests for syphilis are the treponemal antibody test, FTA-ABS test and the MHA-TP 249
Confirmation of a diagnosis of syphilis depends upon several serologic tests 249
Treatment 249
Penicillin is the drug of choice for treating people with syphilis and their contacts 249
Gonorrhoea 249
Gonorrhoea is caused by the Gram-negative coccus Neisseria gonorrhoeae (the ‘gonococcus’) 249
The gonococcus has special mechanisms to attach itself to mucosal cells 249
Host damage in gonorrhoea results from gonococcal-induced inflammatory responses 249
Gonorrhoea is initially asymptomatic in many women, but can later cause infertility 250
A diagnosis of gonorrhoea is made from microscopy and culture of appropriate specimens 251
Antibacterials used to treat gonorrhoea are cefixime or ceftriaxone 251
Chlamydial infection 251
C. trachomatis serotypes D–K cause sexually transmitted genital infections 251
Chlamydiae enter the host through minute abrasions in the mucosal surface 252
The clinical effects of C. trachomatis infection appear to result from cell destruction and the host's inflammatory respon ... 252
Laboratory tests are essential to diagnose chlamydial urethritis and cervicitis 253
C. trachomatis can be detected directly on microscopy using the direct fluorescent antibody test 253
A variety of nucleic acid-based tests are commercially available for chlamydial detection 253
Chlamydial infection is treated or prevented with doxycycline or azithromycin 253
Other causes of inguinal lymphadenopathy 253
Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) 253
Lymphogranuloma venereum is caused by C. trachomatis serotypes L1, L2 and L3 253
Lymphogranuloma venereum is a systemic infection involving lymphoid tissue and is treated with doxycycline or erythromycin 254
Chancroid (soft chancre) 254
Chancroid is caused by Haemophilus ducreyi and is characterized by painful genital ulcers 254
Chancroid is diagnosed by microscopy and culture and treated with azithromycin, ceftriaxone, erythromycin or ciprofloxacin 254
Donovanosis 254
Donovanosis is caused by Calymmatobacterium granulomatis and is characterized by genital nodules and ulcers 254
Donovanosis is diagnosed by microscopy and treated with doxycycline 255
Mycoplasmas and non-gonococcal urethritis 255
Mycoplasma hominis, M. genitalium, and Ureaplasma urealyticum may be causes of genital tract infection 255
Other causes of vaginitis and urethritis 255
Candida infection 255
Candida albicans causes a range of genital tract diseases, which are treated with oral or topical antifungals 255
Trichomonas infection 255
Trichomonas vaginalis is a protozoan parasite and causes vaginitis with copious discharge 255
Bacterial vaginosis 256
Bacterial vaginosis is associated with Gardnerella vaginalis plus anaerobic infection and a fishy-smelling vaginal dischar ... 256
Genital herpes 256
Genital herpes is characterized by ulcerating vesicles that can take up to 2 weeks to heal 256
Genital herpes is characterized by ulcerating vesiclesthat can take up to 2 weeks to heal 256
Genital herpes is generally diagnosed from the clinical appearance, and acyclovir can be used for treatment 256
Human papillomavirus infection 257
Many papillomavirus types are transmitted sexually and cause genital warts 257
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) was first recognized in 1981 in the USA 258
Human immunodeficiency virus, the causative virus of AIDS, was isolated from blood lymphocytes in 1983 258
Human immunodeficiency virus infection probably started in Africa in the 1950s, and 35 million people worldwide were infec ... 258
Human immunodeficiency virus mainly infects cells bearing the CD4 cell surface antigen and also requires chemokine co-rece ... 259
At first the immune system fights back against HIV infection, but then begins to fail 260
The exact mechanism of the immunosuppression in HIV infection is still unclear 261
Routes of transmission 261
Heterosexual transmission has not so far been as important in resource-rich as in resource-poor countries 261
Development of disease 263
Primary HIV infection may be accompanied by a mild mononucleosis-type illness 263
Progression to AIDS 263
Treatment 264
Antiretroviral therapy results in a dramatic improvement in disease prognosis 264
Development of antiretroviral resistance and cross-resistance is a feature 264
Treatment of AIDS involves prophylaxis and treatment of opportunist infections as well as using antiretrovirals 264
Laboratory tests 265
Laboratory tests for HIV infection involve both serological and molecular analysis 265
Measures to control spread 266
Many resource-rich countries have taken measures to reduce the spread of HIV 266
Vaccination 266
There are a number of challenges in developing a successful vaccine against HIV infection 266
Opportunist STIs 267
Opportunist STIs include salmonellae, shigellae, hepatitis A, Giardia intestinalis and Entamoeba histolytica infections 267
Hepatitis B virus is often transmitted sexually 267
Arthropod infestations 267
Infection with the pubic or crab louse causes itching and is treated with permethrin shampoo 267
Genital scabies is also treated with permethrin cream 267
Chapter 22: Gastrointestinal tract infections 269
Food-associated infection versus food poisoning 269
Diarrheal diseases caused by bacterial or viral infection 270
Diarrhea is the most common outcome of gastrointestinal tract infection 270
In the resource-poor world, diarrheal disease is a major cause of mortality in children 270
Bacterial causes of diarrhea 270
Escherichia coli 270
There are six distinct groups of E. coli with different pathogenetic mechanisms 271
Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) do not appear to make any toxins 271
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) possess colonization factors (fimbrial adhesins) 271
Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) isolates produce a verotoxin 272
Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) attach specifically to the mucosa of the large intestine 272
Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) derive their name from their characteristic attachment pattern to tissue culture cells 273
Diffuse-aggregative E. coli (DAEC) produce an alpha haemolysin and cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 273
EPEC and ETEC are the most important contributors to global incidence of diarrhea, while EHEC is more important in resourc ... 273
Specific tests are needed to identify strains of pathogenic E. coli 274
Antibacterial therapy is not indicated for E. coli diarrhea 274
Salmonellae are the most common cause of food-associated diarrhea in many resource-rich countries 274
Salmonella 274
Salmonellae are almost always acquired orally in food or drink that is contaminated 274
Salmonella diarrhea can be diagnosed by culture on selective media 275
Fluid and electrolyte replacement may be needed for salmonella diarrhea 275
Salmonellae may be excreted in the faeces for several weeks after a salmonella infection 275
Campylobacter 275
Campylobacter infections are among the most common causes of diarrhea 275
Campylobacter diarrhea is clinically similar to that caused by other bacteria such as salmonella and shigella 276
Cultures for Campylobacter should be set up routinely in every investigation of a diarrheal illness 276
Erythromycin is used for severe Campylobacter diarrhea 276
Cholera 276
Cholera flourishes in communities with inadequate clean drinking water and sewage disposal 276
V. cholerae serotypes are based on somatic (O) antigens 276
The symptoms of cholera are caused by an enterotoxin 277
Culture is necessary to diagnose sporadic or imported cases of cholera and carriers 277
Prompt rehydration with fluids and electrolytes is central to the treatment of cholera 277
Cholera vaccines are not recommended for most travellers 278
Shigellosis 278
Symptoms of Shigella infection range from mild to severe depending upon the infecting species 278
Shigella diarrhea is usually watery at first, but later contains mucus and blood 278
Antibiotics should only be given for severe shigella diarrhea 278
Other bacterial causes of diarrheal disease 278
V. parahaemolyticus and Yersinia enterocolitica are food-borne Gram-negative causes of diarrhea 279
Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus cereus are spore-forming Gram-positive causes of diarrhea 279
Antibiotic-associated diarrhea – Clostridium difficile 279
Treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics can be complicated by antibiotic associated Cl. difficile diarrhea 280
Viral diarrhea 281
Over 3 million infants die of gastroenteritis each year, and viruses are the most common cause 281
Rotaviruses 281
Replicating rotavirus causes diarrhea by damaging transport mechanisms in the gut 281
Rotavirus infection is confirmed by viral RNA or antigen detection 282
Fluid and salt replacement can be life-saving in rotavirus diarrhea 283
Other viruses 283
Other viruses causing diarrhea in humans include caliciviruses, astroviruses, adenoviruses and coronaviruses 283
Food poisoning 283
Staphylococcus aureus 283
Eight different enterotoxins are produced by different strains of Staph. aureus 283
Botulism 283
Exotoxins produced by Cl. botulinum cause botulism 283
Infant botulism is the most common form of botulism 284
Laboratory diagnosis of botulism involves injecting faecal and food samples into mice 284
Polyvalent antitoxin is recommended as an adjunct to intensive supportive therapy for botulism 284
Helicobacter pylori and gastric ulcer disease 284
Helicobacter pylori is associated with most duodenal and gastric ulcers 284
Parasites and the gastrointestinal tract 284
Transmission of intestinal parasites is maintained by the release of life cycle stages in faeces 285
Protozoan infections 285
Entamoeba histolytica 285
Entamoeba histolytica infection is particularly common in subtropical and tropical countries 285
E. histolytica infection may cause mild diarrhea or severe dysentery 285
E. histolytica infection can be diagnosed in asymptomatic patients from the presence of characteristic four-nucleate cyst ... 286
Acute E. histolytica infection can be treated with metronidazole or tinidazole 286
Giardia intestinalis 287
Like Entamoeba , Giardia has only two life cycle stages 287
Mild Giardia infections are asymptomatic, more severe infections cause diarrhea 287
Diagnosis of Giardia infection is based on identifying cysts or trophozoites in the stool 287
Giardia infection can be treated with a variety of drugs 287
Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum 288
The protozoan genus Cryptosporidium is widely distributed in many animals 288
Cryptosporidial diarrhea ranges from moderate to severe 288
Routine faecal examinations are inadequate for diagnosing cryptosporidial diarrhea 288
In general, only immunocompromised patients need antiparasitic treatment for cryptosporidial diarrhea 288
Cyclospora , Isospora and the Microsporidia 288
‘Minor’ intestinal protozoa 288
Worm infections 288
The most important intestinal worms clinically are the nematodes known as ‘soil-transmitted helminths’ 288
Life cycle and transmission 289
Female Ascaris and Trichuris lay thick-shelled eggs in the intestine, which are expelled with faeces and hatch after bein ... 289
Adult female hookworms lay thin-shelled eggs that hatch in the faeces shortly after leaving the host 289
The adult female Strongyloides lays eggs that hatch in the intestine 289
Clinical features 289
Large numbers of adult Ascaris worms can cause intestinal obstruction 289
Moderate to severe Trichuris infection can cause chronic diarrhea 290
Hookworm disease can result in iron-deficiency anaemia 290
Strongyloidiasis can be fatal in immunosuppressed people 290
Laboratory diagnosis 290
The eggs of Ascaris , Trichuris and hookworms are characteristic 290
Pinworm infection is diagnosed by finding eggs on perianal skin 290
Treatment and prevention 290
Other intestinal worms 291
Many other worm species can infect the intestine, but most are uncommon in resource-rich countries 291
Systemic infection initiated in the gastrointestinal tract 291
Enteric fevers: typhoid and paratyphoid 291
S. typhi , and paratyphi types S. paratyphi A , S. schottmuelleri (previously named S. paratyphi B), and S. hirschfeldii ... 292
The salmonellae multiply within, and are transported around, the body in macrophages 292
Rose spots on the upper abdomen are characteristic, but absent in up to half of patients with enteric fever 292
Before antibiotics, 12–16% of patients with enteric fever died, usually of complications 292
One to three per cent of patients with enteric fever become chronic carriers 292
Diagnosis of enteric fever depends upon isolating S. typhi or paratyphi types using selective media 292
Antibiotic treatment should be started as soon as enteric fever is diagnosed 293
Prevention of enteric fever involves public health measures, treating carriers and vaccination 293
Listeriosis 293
Listeria infection is associated with pregnancy and reduced immunity 293
Viral hepatitis 293
An alphabetical litany of viruses directly target the liver, from hepatitis A to E 293
Hepatitis A 294
HAV is transmitted by the faecal–oral route 294
Clinically, hepatitis A is milder in young children than in older children and adults 294
Hepatitis E 295
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) spreads by the faecal–oral route 295
Hepatitis B 295
HB surface antigen can be found in blood and other body fluids 295
HBV is not directly cytopathic for liver cells, and the pathology is largely immune mediated 297
Certain groups of people are more likely to become carriers of hepatitis B 297
Serological tests are used in the diagnosis of HBV infection 297
Antiviral therapy is available 298
Hepatitis B infection can be prevented by immunization 298
Hepatitis C 298
Hepatitis C virus was the most common cause of transfusion-associated non-A-non-B viral hepatitis 298
HCV transmission routes share similarities with hepatitis B 298
About 75–85% of HCV-infected individuals develop chronic HCV 299
Treatment with pegylated IFN α and ribavirin is the standard of care 299
Hepatitis D 299
Hepatitis D virus can only multiply in a cell infected with HBV 299
Spread of HDV is similar to that of HBV and HBC 299
Viral hepatitis, the rest of the alphabet 300
Parasitic infections affecting the liver 300
Inflammatory responses to the eggs of Schistosoma mansoni result in severe liver damage 300
Liver abscesses 301
Despite the name, an amoebic liver abscess does not consist of pus 301
Biliary tract infections 301
Infection is a common complication of biliary tract disease 301
Peritonitis and intra-abdominal sepsis 301
Peritonitis is generally classified as primary (withoutapparent source of infection) or secondary (e.g. due toperforated a ... 301
Chapter 23: Obstetric and perinatal infections 303
Infections occurring in pregnancy 303
Immune and hormonal changes during pregnancyworsen or reactivate certain infections 303
The fetus has poor immune defences 303
Congenital infections 303
Intrauterine infection may result in death of the fetusor congenital malformations 303
Congenital rubella 305
The fetus is particularly susceptible to rubella infection when maternal infection occurs during the first 3 months of pre ... 305
Congenital rubella can affect the eye, heart, brain and ear 305
Fetal rubella IgM is found in cord and infant blood 305
Congenital rubella can be prevented by vaccination 305
Congenital CMV infection 306
Mothers with a poor T-cell proliferative response to CMV antigens are more likely to infect their fetus 306
Congenital syphilis 307
Congenital toxoplasmosis 307
Acute asymptomatic infection by Toxoplasma gondii during pregnancy can cause fetal malformation 307
Congenital HIV infection 307
In resource-poor countries, approximately one-quarter of infants born to mothers with HIV are infected: about one-third of ... 307
Congenital and neonatal listeriosis 308
Maternal exposure to animals or foods infected with Listeria can lead to fetal death or malformations 308
Infections occurring around the time of birth 308
Effects on the fetus and neonate 308
The routes of infection in the fetus and neonate are shown in Figure 23.4 308
Neonatal septicaemia often progresses to meningitis 309
Fetal infection with herpes simplex must be considered in a baby who is acutely ill within a few weeks of birth 309
Effects on the mother 309
Puerperal sepsis is prevented by aseptic techniques 309
Other neonatal infections 309
Chapter 24: Central nervous system infections 312
Invasion of the central nervous system 312
Natural barriers act to prevent blood-borne invasion 312
Invasion of the CNS via peripheral nerves is a feature of herpes simplex, varicella-zoster and rabies virus infections 312
The body's response to invasion 312
CSF cell counts increase in response to infection 312
The pathologic consequences of CNS infection depend upon the microorganism 313
CNS invasion only rarely assists in the transmission of infection 314
Meningitis 314
Bacterial meningitis 314
Acute bacterial meningitis is a life-threatening infection, needing urgent specific treatment 314
Meningococcal meningitis 314
Neisseria meningitidis is carried by about 20% of the population, but higher rates are seen in epidemics 314
Clinical features of meningococcal meningitis include a haemorrhagic skin rash 315
A diagnosis of acute meningitis is usually suspected on clinical examination 316
Type b H. influenzae causes meningitis in infants and young children 316
Acute H. influenzae meningitis is commonly complicated by severe neurologic sequelae 316
H. influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine is effective for children from 2 months of age 317
Pneumococcal meningitis 317
Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common cause of bacterial meningitis, particularly in children and the elderly 317
Listeria monocytogenes causes meningitis in immunocompromised adults 317
Neonatal meningitis 317
Although mortality rates due to neonatal meningitis in resource-rich countries are declining, the problem is still serious 317
Tuberculous meningitis 317
Tuberculous meningitis usually presents with a gradual onset over a few weeks 317
Fungal meningitis 319
Cryptococcus neoformans meningitis is seen in patients with depressed cell-mediated immunity 319
Coccidioides immitis infection is common in particular geographic locations 319
Protozoal meningitis 319
Viral meningitis 319
Viral meningitis is the most common type of meningitis 319
Encephalitis 320
Encephalitis is usually caused by viruses, but thereare many cases where the infectious aetiology is notidentified 320
HSV encephalitis (HSE) is the most common form of severe sporadic acute focal encephalitis 320
Other herpesviruses less commonly cause encephalitis 321
Enteroviral infections 321
Poliovirus used to be a common cause of encephalitis 321
Enterovirus-71-associated hand, foot and mouth epidemic resulted in a high rate of neurologic complications 322
Paramyxoviral infections 322
Mumps virus is a common cause of mild encephalitis 322
Nipah virus encephalitis, a zoonotic paramyxovirus infection 323
Rabies encephalitis 323
More than 55000 people die of rabies worldwide each year 323
Clinical features of rabies include muscle spasms, convulsions and hydrophobia 323
Rabies can be diagnosed by detecting viral antigen or RNA 323
After exposure to a possibly infected animal, immediate preventive action should be taken 324
Togavirus meningitis and encephalitis 324
Numerous arthropod-borne togaviruses can cause meningitis or encephalitis 324
West Nile virus, another emerging viral cause of encephalitis 324
HIV meningitis and encephalitis 324
HIV can cause subacute encephalitis, often with dementia 324
Viral myelopathy 325
Post-vaccinial and post-infectious encephalitis 325
Encephalitis following viral infection or vaccination possibly has an autoimmune basis 325
Neurologic diseases of possible viral Aetiology 325
Spongiform encephalopathies caused by scrapie-type agents 325
Scrapie-type agents are closely associated with hostcodedprion protein 325
CNS Disease caused by parasites 325
The CNS is an important target in toxoplasmosis 325
Cerebral malaria is a major killer 325
Toxocara infection can result in granuloma formation in the brain and retina 325
Cystic hydatid disease is characterized by cyst formation, potentially in any organ but most commonly in the liver 326
Cysticercosis is characterized by cyst formation in the brain and eye 326
Brain abscesses 326
Brain abscesses are usually associated withpredisposing factors 326
Tetanus and botulism 327
Tetanus 327
Cl. tetani toxin is carried to the CNS in peripheral nerve axons 327
Clinical features of tetanus include muscle rigidity and spasms 327
Human antitetanus immunoglobulin should be given as soon as tetanus is suspected clinically 327
Botulism 327
Cl. botulinum toxin blocks acetylcholine release from peripheral nerves 327
Clinical features of botulism include weakness and paralysis 327
Botulism is treated with antibodies and respiratory support 328
Chapter 25: Infections of the eye 330
Conjunctivitis 330
Chlamydial infections 330
Different serotypes of Chlamydia trachomatis cause inclusion conjunctivitis and trachoma 330
Eight million people worldwide are visually impaired because of trachoma 330
Chlamydial infections are treated with antibiotic and prevented by face washing 330
Other conjunctival infections 331
In resource-rich countries, conjunctivitis is caused by a variety of bacteria 331
Direct infection of the eye may be associated with wearing contact lenses 331
Conjunctival infection may be transmitted by the blood or nervous system 331
Infection of the deeper layers of the eye 333
Entry into the deeper layers occurs by many routes 333
Toxoplasmosis 333
Toxoplasma gondii infection can cause retinochoroiditis leading to blindness 333
Parasitic worm infections 333
Toxocara canis larvae cause an intense inflammatory response and can lead to retinal detachment 333
Onchocerca volvulus infection causes ‘river blindness’ and is transmitted by Simulium flies 334
Chapter 26: Infections of the skin, soft tissue, muscle and associated systems 335
Infections of the skin 335
Microbial disease of the skin may result from any of three lines of attack 335
Bacterial infections of skin, soft tissue and muscle 337
These can be classified on an anatomic basis 337
Staphylococcal skin infections 338
Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of skin infections and provokes an intense inflammatory response 338
Staph. aureus infections are often diagnosed clinically and treatment includes drainage and antibiotics 338
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome is caused by toxin-producing Staph. aureus 338
Toxic shock syndrome is caused by toxic shock syndrome toxin-producing Staph. aureus 338
Streptococcal skin infections 339
Streptococcal skin infections are caused by Strep. pyogenes (group A streptococci) 339
Clinical features of streptococcal skin infections are typically acute 339
M protein is a major virulence factor in Strep. pyogenes with over 100 types, some of which (e.g. M49) are specifically as ... 340
Streptococcal skin infections are usually diagnosed clinically and treated with penicillin 340
Cellulitis and gangrene 340
Cellulitis is an acute spreading infection of the skin that involves subcutaneous tissues 340
Anaerobic cellulitis may develop in areas of traumatized or devitalized tissue 341
Synergistic bacterial gangrene is a relentlessly destructive infection 341
Necrotizing fasciitis, myonecrosis and gangrene 341
Necrotizing fasciitis is a frequently fatal mixed infection caused by anaerobes and facultative anaerobes 341
Traumatic or surgical wounds can become infected with Clostridium species 341
Amputation may be necessary to prevent further spread of clostridial infection 342
Propionibacterium acnes and acne 342
P. acnes go hand in hand with the hormonal changes of puberty which result in acne 342
Treatment of acne includes long-term administration of oral antibiotics 343
Mycobacterial diseases of the skin 343
Leprosy 343
Leprosy is decreasing in incidence but still remains a concern 343
Leprosy is caused by Mycobacterium leprae 343
The clinical features of leprosy depend upon the cell-mediated immune response to M. leprae 343
M. leprae are seen as acid-fast rods in nasal scrapings and lesion biopsies 344
Treatment 344
Leprosy is treated with dapsone given as part of a multidrug regimen to avoid resistance 344
Other mycobacterial skin infections 345
Mycobacterium marinum, M. ulcerans and M. tuberculosis also cause skin lesions 345
Fungal infections of the skin 345
Superficial and cutaneous mycoses 345
Pityriasis versicolor 345
M. furfur is the cause of pityriasis or tinea versicolor 345
Diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor can be confirmed by direct microscopy of scrapings 345
Cutaneous dermatophytes 346
Dermatophyte infections are acquired from many sources and are spread by arthrospores 346
Dermatophytes invade skin, hair and nails 347
Most dermatophyte species fluoresce under ultraviolet light 348
Dermatophyte infections are treated topically if possible 348
Candida requires moisture for growth 349
Subcutaneous mycoses 349
Subcutaneous fungal infections can be caused by a number of different species 349
Sporotrichosis is a nodular condition caused by Sporothrix schenckii 349
Systemic fungal infections with skin manifestations include blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis and cryptococcosis 349
Parasitic infections of the skin 350
Leishmaniasis may be cutaneous or mucosal (formerly termed mucocutaneous) 350
Schistosome infection can cause a dermatitis 350
Cutaneous larval migrans is characterized by itchy inflammatory hookworm larvae trails 350
Onchocerciasis is characterized by hypersensitivity responses to larval antigens 350
Arthropod infections 350
Some flies, mainly in the tropics and subtropics, have larvae that develop within the skin 350
Certain ticks, lice and mites live on blood or tissue fluids from humans 350
Mucocutaneous lesions caused by viruses 351
Papillomavirus infection 352
Over 120 different types of papillomavirus can infect humans and are species specific 352
Papillomavirus infects cells in the basal layers of skin or mucosa and are tissue tropic 352
Papillomavirus infections are associated with cancer of the cervix, vulva, penis, rectum, head, and neck 352
Diagnosis of papillomavirus infection is clinical and there are many treatments 352
Molluscum contagiosum is an umbilicated lesion caused by a poxvirus 353
Orf is a papulovesicular lesion caused by a poxvirus 353
Herpes simplex virus infection 353
Herpes simplex virus infection is universal and occurs in early childhood 353
Clinical features of HSV infection are vesicles and latency 353
Herpes simplex virus reactivation is provoked by a variety of factors 353
Herpes simplex virus is readily isolated from vesicle fluid, and infection is treated with aciclovir 354
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection 355
Varicella-zoster virus causes chickenpox (varicella) and zoster (shingles) and is highly infectious 355
Varicella is characterized by crops of vesicles that develop into pustules and then scab over 355
Varicella is usually more severe and more likely to cause complications in adults 355
Zoster results from reactivation of latent VZV 356
Postherpetic neuralgia is a common complication of zoster 356
Treatment of varicella and zoster infection 356
Rashes caused by coxsackieviruses and echoviruses 356
Coxsackieviruses and echoviruses cause a variety of exanthems (skin rashes) 356
Rashes caused by human parvovirus B19 357
Parvovirus B19 causes slapped cheek syndrome 357
Symptomless parvovirus B19 infection is common and spreads by respiratory droplets 357
Rashes caused by human herpesviruses 6 and 7 (HHV-6 and -7) 357
Human herpesviruses-6 is present in the saliva of over 85% of adults and causes roseola infantum 357
Human herpesviruses -7 is acquired slightly later in early childhood 357
Human herpesviruses-8 is associated with all forms of Kaposi's sarcoma skin lesions 357
Smallpox 358
Global smallpox eradication was officially certified in December 1979 358
Global eradication of smallpox was possible for a variety of reasons 358
Measles 358
Aetiology and transmission 359
Measles outbreaks occur every few years in unvaccinated populations 359
Clinical features of measles include respiratory symptoms, Koplik's spots and a rash 359
Measles rash results from a cell-mediated immune response 359
Complications of measles are particularly likely among children in resource-poor countries 360
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention 360
Measles is usually diagnosed clinically; ribavirin can be used as antiviral treatment if clinically indicated and there is ... 360
Rubella 360
Rubella virus infection causes a multisystem infection, but its main impact is on the fetus 360
Rubella is diagnosed serologically; there is no treatment, but there is a vaccine 361
Other infections producing skin lesions 361
Other bacterial, fungal and rickettsial infections produce a variety of rashes or other skin lesions 361
Kawasaki syndrome 361
Kawasaki syndrome is an acute vasculitis and is probably caused by superantigen toxins 361
Viral infections of muscle 361
Viral myositis, myocarditis and pericarditis 361
Some viruses, particularly coxsackievirus B, cause myocarditis and myalgia 361
Postviral fatigue syndrome 362
It has been difficult to establish postviral fatigue syndrome as a clinical entity 362
Parasitic infections of muscle 362
Trypanosoma cruzi infection 362
Trypanosoma cruzi is a protozoan and causes Chagas disease 362
Chagas disease is complicated by cardiac conduction disorders, ventricular aneurysm formation or heart failure many years l ... 362
Taenia solium infection 362
The larval stages of Taenia solium invade body tissues 362
Trichinella spiralis infection 363
The larvae of Trichinella spiralis invade striated muscle 363
Sarcocystis 363
Sarcocystis is a rare muscle parasite 363
Joint and bone infections 363
Reactive arthritis, arthralgia and septic arthritis 363
Arthralgia and arthritis occur in a variety of infections and are often immunologically mediated 363
Circulating bacteria sometimes localize in joints, especially following trauma 363
Osteomyelitis 364
Bone can become infected by adjacent infection or haematogenously 364
Osteomyelitis is treated with antibiotics and sometimes surgery 364
Infections of the haemopoietic system 365
Many infectious agents cause changes in circulating blood cells 365
Human T-lymphotropic virus-1 infection 365
Human T-lymphotropic virus -1 is mainly transmitted by maternal milk 365
Human T-lymphotropic virus -1 infects T cells, and up to 5% of those infected develop T-cell leukaemia 365
Human T-lymphotropic virus-2 infection 366
Chapter 27: Vector-borne infections 367
Transmission of disease by vectors 367
In sparsely populated areas, transmission by insectsis an effective means of spread 367
Arbovirus infections 367
Arboviruses are arthropod-borne viruses 367
Only a small number of arboviruses are important causes of human disease 367
Yellow fever 368
Yellow fever virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and is restricted to Africa, Central and South America and the Caribbean 368
Clinical features of yellow fever may be mild, but in 10% to 20% of cases classic yellow fever with liver damage occurs, w ... 368
The diagnosis is usually clinical; there is no specific treatment, but there is a vaccine 368
Dengue fever 368
Dengue virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and occurs in SE Asia, the Pacific area, India, South and Central America 368
Dengue fever may be complicated by dengue haemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome 368
Chikungunya virus infection (CHIKV) 368
Arbovirus encephalitis 369
The encephalitic arboviruses only occasionally cause encephalitis 369
Arboviruses and haemorrhagic fevers 369
Arboviruses are major causes of fever in endemic areas of the world 369
Infections caused by rickettsiae 369
The rickettsiae are small bacteria and infections tend to be persistent or become latent 369
Typical clinical symptoms of rickettsial infection are fever, headache and rash 371
Laboratory diagnosis is based on serologic tests 371
All rickettsiae are susceptible to tetracyclines 372
Rocky Mountain spotted fever 372
Rocky Mountain spotted fever is transmitted by dog ticks and has a mortality of up to 10% 372
Mediterranean spotted fever 372
Mediterranean spotted fever is transmitted by dog ticks 372
African tick-bite fever 372
Rickettsialpox 372
Rickettsialpox is a mild infection 372
Epidemic typhus 372
Epidemic typhus is transmitted by the human body louse 372
Untreated epidemic typhus has a mortality as high as 60% 372
Endemic (murine) typhus 372
Scrub typhus 373
Borrelia infections 373
Relapsing fever 373
The epidemic form of relapsing fever is caused by Borrelia recurrentis , which is transmitted by human body lice 373
The endemic form of relapsing fever in humans is transmitted by tick bites 373
Relapsing fever is characterized by repeated febrile episodes due to antigenic variation in the spirochetes 373
Relapsing fever is diagnosed in the laboratory and treated with tetracycline 374
Lyme disease 374
Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia spp. and is transmitted by Ixodes ticks 374
Erythema migrans is a characteristic feature of Lyme disease 374
Lyme disease commonly causes additional disease 1 week to 2 years after the initial illness 374
Lyme disease is diagnosed serologically and treated with antibiotic 375
Protozoal infections 375
Malaria 375
Malaria is initiated by the bite of an infected female anopheline mosquito 375
The life cycle of the malaria parasite comprises three stages 375
Clinical features of malaria include a fluctuating fever and drenching sweats 375
Malaria has an immunosuppressive effect and interacts with HIV infection 377
Immunity to malaria develops gradually and seems to need repeated boosting 377
Malaria is diagnosed by finding parasitized red cells in thin and thick blood films 378
Trypanosomiasis 378
Three species of the protozoan Trypanosoma cause human disease 378
African trypanosomiasis 378
African trypanosomiasis is transmitted by the tsetse fly and restricted to equatorial Africa 378
Clinical features of African trypanosomiasis include lymphadenopathy and sleeping sickness 378
T. brucei evades host defences by varying the antigens in its glycoprotein coat 378
Pentamidine prophylaxis is no longer deployed 379
Chagas disease 379
T. cruzi is transmitted by the reduviid (‘kissing’) bug 379
Chagas disease has serious long-term effects, which include fatal heart disease 379
Chronic Chagas disease is usually diagnosed serologically 379
Leishmaniasis 379
Leishmania parasites are transmitted by sandflies and cause New World and Old World leishmaniasis 379
Leishmania is an intracellular parasite and inhabits macrophages 379
Untreated visceral leishmaniasis (‘kala-azar’) is fatal in 80–90% of cases 379
Cutaneous leishmaniasis is characterized by plaques, nodules or ulcers 380
Immunodeficient patients may suffer more severe leishmaniasis 380
Leishmaniasis is diagnosed by demonstrating the organism microscopically and is treated with antimonials 380
Helminth infections 380
Schistosomiasis 380
Schistosomiasis is transmitted through a snail vector 380
Clinical features of schistosomiasis result from allergic responses to the different life cycle stages 380
Schistosomiasis is treated with praziquantel 381
Filariasis 381
Filarial nematodes depend upon blood-feeding arthropod vectors for transmission 381
Lymphatic filariasis caused by Brugia and Wuchereria is transmitted by mosquitoes 381
Few drugs are really satisfactory for treating filariasis 382
Chapter 28: Multisystem zoonoses 383
Arenavirus infections 383
Arenaviruses are transmitted to humans in rodentexcreta 383
Arenavirus infection is diagnosed by viral genome detection, serology or virus isolation 383
Lassa fever virus is an arenavirus that occurs naturally in bush rats in parts of West Africa 385
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus occurs worldwide 385
Haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) 385
The Hantaan and Seoul viruses infect rodentsand cause HFRS in Asia 385
Marburg and ebola haemorrhagic fevers 385
Fruit bats are the reservoir for Marburg and Ebolaviruses 385
Crimean–congo haemorrhagic fever, a tick-borne virus 385
Q Fever 386
Coxiella burnetii is the rickettsial cause of Q fever 386
C. burnetii is transmitted to humans by inhalation 386
Q fever is diagnosed serologically and treated with antibiotics 386
Anthrax 386
Anthrax is caused by Bacillus anthracis and is primarily a disease of herbivores 386
Anthrax is characterized by a black eschar, and the disease can be fatal if untreated 386
Anthrax is diagnosed by culture and treated with penicillin 386
Anthrax, as a natural infection, is now mainly confined to resource-poor countries. Vaccines are available. Bioterrorism i ... 387
Plague 387
The plague is caused by Yersinia pestis, which infectsrodents and is spread from them by fleas to humans 387
Clinical features of plague include buboes, pneumonia and a high death rate 387
Plague is diagnosed microscopically and treated with antibiotics 387
Yersinia enterocolitica infection 389
Tularaemia 389
Tularaemia is caused by Francisella tularensis andis spread by arthropods from infected animals 389
Clinical features of tularaemia include painful swollen lymph nodes 389
Tularaemia is diagnosed clinically and serologically. Streptomycin is the drug of choice, although other antimicrobials ha ... 389
Pasteurella multocida infection 389
Pasteurella multocida is part of the normal flora of catsand dogs and is transmitted to humans by an animalbite or scratch 389
P. multocida infection causes cellulitis, is diagnosed by microscopy and treated with amoxicillin/clavulanate 389
Leptospirosis 389
Leptospirosis is caused by the spirochete Leptospirainterrogans, which infects mammals such as rats 389
Clinical features of leptospirosis include kidney and liver failure 390
Leptospirosis is diagnosed by microscopy and serologic tests and treated with antibiotics 390
Rat-bite fever 390
Rat-bite fever is caused by bacteria transmittedto humans by a rodent bite 390
Clinical features of rat-bite fever can include endocarditis and pneumonia 390
Rat-bite fever is diagnosed by microscopy or culture and is treated with antibiotics 390
Brucellosis 390
Brucellosis occurs worldwide and is caused byBrucella species 390
Clinical features of brucellosis are immune-mediated and include an undulant fever and chronicity 391
Brucellosis is diagnosed by culture and by serologic tests and treated with antibiotics 391
Helminth infections 391
Few helminth infections are true multisystem diseases 391
Echinococcus 392
Echinococcus granulosus (cystic echinococcosis; cystic hydatid disease) 392
Echinococcus multilocularis (alveolar echinococcosis; alveolar hydatid disease) 392
Trichinella 392
Trichinella spiralis is transmitted in undercooked pork and causes the disease trichinosis 392
The clinical features of trichinosis are mainly immunopathologic in origin 392
Trichinosis is diagnosed by microscopy and serologically and treated with anthelmintics and anti-inflammatories 392
Strongyloides 393
Strongyloides infections are generally passed between humans, but can develop in animal hosts including dogs 393
Strongyloides infections are usually asymptomatic, but can cause disseminated disease in patients with immunodeficiency s ... 393
Chapter 29: Fever of unknown origin 395
Definitions of fever of unknown origin 395
Causes of FUO 395
Infection is the most common cause of FUO 395
Infective causes of classical FUO 395
Investigation of classic FUO 396
Steps in the investigative procedure 396
Stage 1 comprises careful history-taking, physical examination and screening tests 396
Stage 2 involves reviewing the history, repeating the physical examination, specific diagnostic tests and non-invasive inv ... 397
Stage 3 comprises invasive tests 398
Stage 4 involves therapeutic trials 399
Treatment of FUO 399
FUO in specific patient groups 399
The main difference between FUO in these groups andclassic FUO is the time course 399
Infective endocarditis 400
Almost any organism can cause endocarditis, but native valves are usually infected by oral streptococci and staphylococci 400
A patient with infective endocarditis almost always has a fever and a heart murmur 401
Blood culture is the most important test for diagnosing infective endocarditis 401
The mortality of infective endocarditis is 20–50% despite treatment with antibiotics 401
The antibiotic treatment regimen for infective endocarditis depends upon the susceptibility of the infecting organism 401
People with heart defects need prophylactic antibiotics during invasive procedures 401
Most people with an FUO have a treatable disease presenting in an unusual manner 401
Chapter 30: Infections in the compromised host 403
The compromised host 403
The host can be compromised in many different ways 403
Primary defects of innate immunity include congenital defects in phagocytic cells or complement synthesis 403
Secondary defects of innate defences include disruption of the body's mechanical barriers 403
Primary adaptive immunodeficiency results from defects in the primary differentiation environment or in cell differentiati ... 404
Causes of secondary adaptive immunodeficiency include malnutrition, infections, neoplasia, splenectomy and certain medical ... 404
Microbes that infect the compromised host 405
Infections of the host with deficient innate immunity due to physical factors 405
Burn wound infections 405
Burns damage the body's mechanical barriers, neutrophil function and immune responses 405
The major pathogens in burns are aerobic and facultatively anaerobic bacteria and fungi 407
P. aeruginosa is a devastating Gram-negative pathogen of burned patients 407
Staph. aureus is the foremost pathogen of burn wounds 407
The high transmissibility of Strep. pyogenes makes it the scourge of burns wards 407
Traumatic injury and surgical wound infections 407
Staph. aureus is the most important cause of surgical wound infection 407
Catheter-associated infection of the urinary tract is common 407
Staphylococci are the most common cause of intravenous and peritoneal dialysis catheter infections 407
Infections of plastic devices in situ 408
Staph. epidermidis is the most common cause of prosthetic valve and joint infections 408
Infections due to compromised clearance mechanisms 408
Infections associated with secondary adaptive immunodeficiency 408
Haematologic malignancy and bone marrow transplant infections 408
A lack of circulating neutrophils following bone marrow failure predisposes to infection 408
Solid organ transplant infections 409
Most infections occur within 3–4 months of transplantation 409
HIV infection leading to AIDS 409
The clinical definition of AIDS includes the presence of one or more opportunistic infections 409
Other important opportunist pathogens 409
Fungi 409
Candida is the most common fungal pathogen in compromised patients 409
Cryptococcus neoformans infection is most common in people with impaired cell-mediated immunity 410
Disseminated Histoplasma capsulatum infection may occur years after exposure in immunocompromised patients 410
Invasive aspergillosis has a very high mortality rate in the compromised patient 411
Pneumocystis jirovecii (formerly P. carinii) only causes symptomatic disease in people with deficient cellular immunity 412
Bacteria 412
Nocardia asteroides is an uncommon opportunist pathogen with a worldwide distribution 412
Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare disease is often a terminal event in AIDS 413
Protozoa and helminths 413
Cryptosporidium and Isospora belli infections cause severe diarrhea in AIDS 413
Immunosuppression may lead to reactivation of dormant Strongyloides stercoralis 414
Viruses 414
Certain virus infections are both more common and more severe in compromised patients, and regular surveillance is critical 414
EBV infection can lead to tumour development 414
Respiratory virus infections 415
Adenovirus infection has a high mortality rate 415
Hepatitis B and C infection in transplant recipients 415
Polyomaviruses can cause haemorrhagic cystitis and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy 415
Section 5: Diagnosis and control 417
Chapter 31: Diagnosis of infection and assessment of host defence mechanisms 419
Aims of the clinical microbiology laboratory 419
Identification is achieved by detecting the microorganism or its products or the patient's immune response 419
Specimen processing 419
Specimen handling and interpretation of resultsis based upon a knowledge of normal flora andcontaminants 419
Routine culture takes at least 18 th to produce a result 420
Non-cultural techniques for the laboratory diagnosis of infection 420
Non-cultural techniques do not require microorganism multiplication before detection 420
Microscopy 421
Microscopy is an important first step in the examination of specimens 421
Light microscopy 421
Bright field microscopy is used to examine specimens and cultures as wet or stained preparations 421
The most important differential staining technique in bacteriology is the ‘Gram’ stain 422
Acid-fast stains are used to detect mycobacteria 422
Other staining techniques can be used to demonstrate particular features of cells 422
Dark field (dark ground) microscopy is useful for observing motility and thin cells such as spirochetes 423
Phase contrast microscopy increases the contrast of an image 423
Fluorescence microscopy is used for substances that are either naturally fluorescent or have been stained with fluorescent ... 423
Electron microscopy 423
The specimen needs to be cut into thin sections for electron microscopy 423
Although not routinely used in the clinical laboratory, electron microscopy can aid in the identification of virus particl ... 424
Detection of microbial antigens in specimens 424
Specific antibody coated onto latex particles will react with the organism or its product, resulting in visible clumping 424
Immunoassay can be used to measure antigen concentration 425
Monoclonal antibodies can distinguish between species and between strains of the same species on the basis of antigenic di ... 425
Detection of microbes by probing for their genes 426
Organisms carrying genes for virulence factors can be detected by nucleic acid probes for the virulence factors 426
Polymerase chain reaction can be used to amplify a specific DNA sequence to produce millions of copies within a few hours 426
The specificity of PCR is determined by careful choice of primers 426
Dideoxy chain terminator sequencing 427
Cultivation (culture) of microorganisms 428
Bacteria and fungi can be cultured on solid nutrientor liquid media 428
Different species of bacteria and fungi have different growth requirements 428
Viruses, chlamydia and rickettsia must be grown in cell or tissue cultures 429
Identification of microorganisms grown in culture 429
Bacteria are identified by simple characteristicsand biochemical properties 429
Antibiotic susceptibility can only be determined after the bacteria have been isolated in a pure culture 429
Fungi are identified by their colonial characteristics and cell morphology 431
Protozoa and helminths are identified by direct examination although newer molecular methods are also available 431
Viruses are usually identified using serologic tests 431
Mass spectrometry heralds a novel diagnostic era 431
Antibody detection methods for the diagnosis of infection 432
Diagnoses based on detecting antibodies in patients’ sera are retrospective 432
Antibody detection can be invaluable for identifying organisms that grow either slowly or with difficulty 432
Common serologic tests used in the laboratory to diagnose infection 432
Solid-phase immunoassays can be used to estimate antibody in a given sample 432
A variety of tests assess the ability of antibodies to inhibit microbial activity 432
Antibodies to cytopathic viruses can be detected by the ability of the patient's serum to prevent virus infectivity 432
Point of care tests 432
New simpler diagnostic tests are being developed that can be used at the point of care 432
Assessment of host defence systems 432
The opsonic activity and activities of individualcomponents of complement can also be assessed 432
The nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) test is used to assess phagocytic activity 433
Lymphocytes 433
Lymphocytes are counted and classified by detecting their cell surface molecules 434
Individual cells secreting antibodies or cytokines can be counted by the ELISPOT technique or by flow cytometry 435
The ability of cytotoxic T cells to attack targets is conventionally assayed using a radioisotope 436
Putting it all together: detection, diagnosis, and epidemiology 436
Chapter 32: Epidemiology and control of infectious diseases 439
Outcome measurements 439
Types of epidemiological studies 439
Cross-sectional study 439
Case–control study 440
Cohort study 440
Intervention study 440
Transmission of infectious disease 444
Infectiousness ( Box 32.3) 444
Time periods of infections 444
Time periods of infectious disease 444
Basic and net reproductive rate 445
Vaccine efficacy 446
Chapter 33: Attacking the enemy: antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 447
Selective toxicity 447
Discovery and design of antimicrobial agents 447
Classification of antibacterial agents 448
Some antibacterial agents are bactericidal, others are bacteriostatic 449
There are five main target sites for antibacterial action 449
Antibacterial agents have diverse chemical structures 449
Resistance to antibacterial agents 449
The genetics of resistance 449
Chromosomal mutation may result in resistance to a class of antimicrobial agents (cross-resistance) 450
Genes on transmissible plasmids may result in resistance to different classes of antimicrobial agents (multiple resistance) 450
Resistance may be acquired from transposons and other mobile elements 450
‘Cassettes’ of resistance genes may be organized into genetic elements called integrons 450
Staphylococcal genes for methicillin resistance are organized into a unique cassette structure 451
Mechanisms of resistance 451
The target site may be altered 452
Access to the target site may be altered (altered uptake or increased exit) 452
Enzymes that modify or destroy the antibacterial agent may be produced (drug inactivation) 452
Classes of antibacterial agents 452
Inhibitors of cell wall synthesis 452
Beta-lactams 452
Beta-lactams contain a beta-lactam ring and inhibit cell wall synthesis by binding to penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) 452
Most beta-lactams have to be administered parenterally 452
Different beta-lactams have different clinical uses, but are not active against species that lack a cell wall 453
Resistance to beta-lactams may involve one ormore of the three possible mechanisms 453
Resistance by alteration in target site 453
Resistance by alteration in access to the target site 454
Resistance by production of beta-lactamases 454
Side effects 454
Toxic effects of beta-lactam drugs include mild rashes and immediate hypersensitivity reactions 454
Glycopeptides 454
Glycopeptides are large molecules and act at an earlier stage than beta-lactams 454
Vancomycin and teicoplanin must be given by injection for systemic infections 455
Both vancomycin and teicoplanin are active only against Gram-positive organisms 455
Resistance 457
Some organisms are intrinsically resistant to glycopeptides 457
Organisms may acquire resistance to glycopeptides 457
VanA is the best understood mechanism of acquired glycopeptide resistance 457
Glycopeptide resistance in the staphylococci occurs by mutation or by acquisition from the enterococci 457
Side effects 457
The glycopeptides are potentially ototoxic and nephrotoxic 457
Inhibitors of protein synthesis 458
Aminoglycosides 458
The aminoglycosides are a family of related molecules with bactericidal activity 458
Aminoglycosides must be given intravenously or intramuscularly for systemic treatment 459
Gentamicin and the newer aminoglycosides are used to treat serious Gram-negative infections 459
Production of aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes is the principal cause of resistance to aminoglycosides 460
The aminoglycosides are potentially nephrotoxic and ototoxic 460
Tetracyclines 460
Tetracyclines are bacteriostatic compounds that differ mainly in their pharmacological properties rather than in their ant ... 460
Tetracyclines are active against a wide variety of bacteria, but their use is restricted due to widespread resistance 460
Tetracyclines should be avoided in pregnancy and in children under 8 years of age 461
Chloramphenicol 461
Chloramphenicol contains a nitrobenzene nucleus and prevents peptide bond synthesis, with a bacteriostatic result 461
Resistance and toxicity have limited the use of chloramphenicol 461
The most important toxic effects of chloramphenicol are in the bone marrow 462
Macrolides, lincosamides and streptogramins 462
Macrolides 462
Erythromycin is a widely used macrolide preventing the release of transfer RNA after peptide bond formation 462
Erythromycin is an alternative to penicillin for streptococcal infections, but resistant strains of streptococci are common 462
Newer generation macrolides have fewer side effects than erythromycins 462
Ketolides are new semi-synthetic derivatives of erythromycin with improved activity against respiratory pathogens 462
Lincosamides 462
Clindamycin inhibits peptide bond formation 462
Clindamycin has a spectrum of activity similar to that of erythromycin 462
Pseudomembranous colitis caused by Cl. difficile was first noted following clindamycin treatment 464
Streptogramins 464
Oxazolidinones 464
Fusidic acid 464
Fusidic acid is a steroid-like compound that inhibits protein synthesis 464
Fusidic acid is a treatment for staphylococcal infections, but should be used with other antistaphylococcal drugs to preve ... 465
Fusidic acid has few side effects 465
Inhibitors of nucleic acid synthesis 465
Quinolones 465
Quinolones are synthetic agents that interfere with replication of the bacterial chromosome 465
Resistance to quinolones is usually chromosomally mediated 465
Because of their safety and tolerability, quinolones are commonly used as alternatives to beta-lactam antibiotics for trea ... 466
Fluoroquinolones are not recommended for children or pregnant or lactating women because of possible toxic effects on cart ... 466
Rifamycins 467
Rifampicin is clinically the most important rifamycin and blocks the synthesis of mRNA 467
The primary use for rifampicin is in the treatment of mycobacterial infections, but resistance is a concern 467
Rashes and jaundice are side effects of rifampicin treatment 467
Antimetabolites affecting nucleic acid synthesis 467
Sulphonamides 467
Sulphonamides are structural analogues of and act in competition with para -aminobenzoic acid 467
Sulphonamides are useful in the treatment of urinary tract infection, but resistance is widespread 468
Rarely, sulphonamides cause Stevens–Johnson syndrome 468
Trimethoprim (and co-trimoxazole) 468
Trimethoprim is a structural analogue of the aminohydroxypyrimidine moiety of folic acid and prevents the synthesis of THFA 468
Trimethoprim is often given with sulphamethoxazole as co-trimoxazole for urinary tract infections 469
Resistance to trimethoprim is provided by plasmid-encoded dihydrofolate reductases 469
People with AIDS seem to be more prone to the side effects of trimethoprim and co-trimoxazole 469
Other agents that affect dna 469
Nitroimidazoles 469
Metronidazole is a nitroimidazole with antiparasitic and antibacterial properties 469
Metronidazole was originally introduced for the treatment of the flagellate parasite Trichomonas vaginalis 469
Rarely, metronidazole causes central nervous system side effects 469
Inhibitors of cytoplasmic membrane function 469
Lipopeptides 469
Lipopeptides are a new class of membrane-active antibiotics 469
Polymyxins 469
Polymyxins act on the membranes of Gram-negative bacteria 469
Polymyxins are primarily used topically but have also been used in the past for gut decontamination, wound irrigation and ... 469
Urinary tract antiseptics 470
Nitrofurantoin and methenamine inhibit urinary pathogens 470
Antituberculosis agents 470
M. tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections need prolonged treatment 470
The drugs for first-line therapy of tuberculosis are isoniazid, ethambutol, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and streptomycin 470
Isoniazid 470
Isoniazid inhibits mycobacteria and is given with pyridoxine to prevent neurologic side effects 470
Ethambutol 470
Ethambutol inhibits mycobacteria, but can cause optic neuritis 470
Pyrazinamide 471
Mycobacterial resistance 471
Drug resistance and immunocompromised patients complicate tuberculosis therapy 471
Treatment of leprosy 471
The development of resistance during dapsone monotherapy for leprosy has led to its use in combination with rifampicin 471
Antibacterial agents in practice 471
Susceptibility tests 471
Diffusion tests involve seeding the organism on an agar plate and applying filter paper disks containing antibiotics 471
A dilution test provides a quantitative estimate of susceptibility to an antibiotic 471
Killing curves provide a dynamic estimate of bacterial susceptibility 472
Combining antibacterial agents can lead to synergism or antagonism 473
Antibiotic assays 473
Antiviral therapy 473
Prodrugs that target the viral DNA polymerase 477
Acyclovir (acycloguanosine) 477
Acyclovir inhibits HSV and varicella-zoster virus (VZV) DNA polymerase 477
Ganciclovir (dihydroxypropoxy-methylguanine,DHPG) 477
Valganciclovir 477
Cidofovir (HPMPC) 477
Pyrophosphate analogue that blocks the pyrophosphate binding site on the viral DNA polymerase 477
Foscarnet (phosphonoformate) 477
Nucleoside and nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) 477
Zidovudine (azidothymidine, AZT) 478
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) 478
Nevirapine, efavirenz (EFV), delavirdine and etravirine 478
Protease inhibitors 478
Nelfinavir, saquinavir, indinavir, ritonavir,lopinavir plus ritonavir (Kaletra) 478
Fusion inhibitors 479
Integrase inhibitors 479
Chemokine receptor antagonists 479
Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase inhibitor 479
Ribavirin (tribavirin) 479
Antivirals targeting influenza viruses 479
Amantadine and rimantadine 479
Neuraminidase inhibitors: zanamivir, oseltamivir, and peramivir 479
Hepatitis B treatment 480
Hepatitis C treatment 480
Intereferons – immunomodulatory agents 480
Other targets 480
Clinical management of antiviral therapy 481
Viral load and antiviral resistance tests as well as therapeutic drug monitoring assist in clinical management 481
Antifungal agents 481
Antifungals can be classified on the basis of target site and chemical structure 481
Azole compounds inhibit cell membrane synthesis 481
Echinocandins interfere with cell wall synthesis 482
Polyenes inhibit cell membrane function 482
Flucytosine and griseofulvin inhibit nucleic acid synthesis 482
Other topical antifungal agents include Whitfield's ointment, tolnaftate, ciclopirox, haloprogin and naftifine 482
No single antifungal agent is ideal 482
Fungi develop resistance to antifungal agents 483
There is an urgent need for safer more efficacious antifungal agents 483
Antiparasitic agents 483
Parasites pose particular problems 483
Drug resistance is an increasing problem 483
Control by chemotherapy versus vaccination 483
The concept of selectivity, or specificity, is central to both chemotherapy and vaccination 486
The specificity of an antimicrobial drug resides in its ability to damage the microbe and not the host 486
Control versus eradication 487
Control and eradication are different objectives,although eradication is always an ideal endpoint 487
Realism is required when considering the long-term aims of antimicrobial control strategies 487
Use and misuse of antimicrobial agents 487
Antimicrobial agents should only be used appropriately for prophylaxis or treatment 488
Antimicrobial use results in the selection of resistant strains 488
Chapter 34: Protecting the host: vaccination 491
Vaccination - four hundred year history 491
Aims of vaccination 491
The aims of vaccination can vary from preventingsymptoms to eradication of disease 491
The importance of herd immunity 493
Vaccines can be of different types 493
Adjuvants 495
Vaccine safety 495
Vaccines in current use 495
Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis 495
Measles, mumps and rubella vaccines 496
Mumps vaccine 496
Rubella vaccine 496
Polio vaccine 496
Pneumococcal vaccines 498
Meningococcal vaccines 498
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) 498
Influenza 498
BCG and new vaccines for TB 500
Vaccines against hepatitis 501
Human papillomavirus (HPV) 501
Rotavirus vaccine 501
Vaccines that are required for entry into particular countries, or for particular regions 501
Vaccines for subgroups at high risk 501
Complexity of vaccine schedules 501
Changes in demography means new vaccine strategies are needed 502
New vaccines in development 502
HIV vaccines 503
Malaria 503
Vaccines for neglected tropical diseases 503
New delivery systems and technologies for future vaccines 503
New routes of vaccination 503
The Decade of Vaccines 504
Chapter 35: Passive and non-specific immunotherapy 505
Passive immunization with antibody 505
Certain diseases are treated by a passive transferof immunity, which can be life-saving 505
The use of antiserum raised in animals can cause serum sickness 505
Antibody in pooled normal serum can provide protection against infection 505
Theoretically, the most effective therapy is provided by one or more monoclonal antibodies specific for a known target ant ... 506
Engineering antibodies 507
Bacteriophage libraries provide an invaluable technology for engineering new antibody fragments 507
Single domain variable region fragments have several advantages 508
Non-specific cellular immunostimulation 508
Cytokines and other molecular mediators stimulatethe immune system 508
There is an interesting ‘grey area’ where immunostimulation and nutrition overlap 509
Correction of host immunodeficiency 509
Antibody defects are the easiest to treat 509
Probiotics 510
Chapter 36: Hospital infection, sterilization and disinfection 511
Many hospital infections are preventable 511
Common hospital infections 511
Urinary tract infections are the most common hospitalinfections in adults 511
Important causes of hospital infection 511
Staphylococci and Escherichia coli are the mostimportant Gram-positive and Gram-negative causesof infection, respectively, ... 511
Some infections historically associated with hospitals are now increasingly seen outside of the healthcare setting 512
Viral infections probably account for more hospital infections than previously realized 513
Sources and routes of spread of hospital infection 513
Sources of hospital infection are people andcontaminated objects 513
Hospital infections are spread in the air and by contact and common vehicle 514
Host factors and hospital infection 514
Underlying disease, certain treatments and invasiveprocedures reduce host defences 514
A variety of factors predispose to wound infection 515
Consequences of hospital infection 515
Hospital infections affect both the patientand the community 515
Prevention of hospital infection 517
There are three main strategies for preventing hospital infection 517
Exclusion of sources of infection 517
Exclusion of inanimate sources of infection is achievable, but it can be difficult to avoid contamination by humans 517
Breaking the chain of infection 518
Control of airborne transmission of infection 518
Ventilation systems and air flow can play an important role in the dissemination of organisms by the airborne route 518
Airborne transmission of infection can be reduced significantly by isolating patients 518
Facilitation of aseptic behaviour 519
Bacteriologically effective handwashing is one of the most important ways of controlling hospital infection 519
Enhancing the host's ability to resist infection 519
Host resistance can be enhanced by boosting immunity and reducing risk factors 519
Boosting specific immunity 520
Passive immunization provides short-term protection 520
Appropriate use of prophylactic antibiotics 520
There are well-documented uses for prophylaxis, but antibiotics tend to be misused 520
Gut decontamination regimens and selective bowel contamination aim to reduce the reservoir of potential pathogens in the g ... 520
Care of invasive devices 520
Care of invasive devices is essential to reduce the risk of endogenous infection 520
The majority of hospital-associated bacteraemias and candidaemias are infusion-related 520
Reducing the risks of postoperative infection 521
Prevention of postoperative infection involves minimizing the risks 521
Investigating healthcare-associated infection 521
Surveillance 522
Surveillance allows early recognition of any change in the number or type of hospital infections 522
Investigation of outbreaks 522
There must be a description of an outbreak in epidemiologic terms 522
The causative organism needs to be isolated and/or detected in all patients in the outbreak 522
Stages in tracking infection 522
Epidemiologic typing techniques 522
A variety of phenotypic and genotypic characters are used to ‘fingerprint’ bacteria for epidemiologic purposes 522
Antibiotic susceptibility patterns 523
Specialized typing techniques 523
Serotyping distinguishes between strains, using specific antisera 523
Bacteriophage (phage) typing has been used to type Staph. aureus , Staph. epidermidis and Salmonella typhi 523
Molecular typing 523
Molecular typing techniques involve characterizing an organism's DNA 523
Plasmid profiles are an example of ‘first-generation’ molecular epidemiology 523
Restriction enzymes and probes represent ‘second-generation’ molecular epidemiology 524
PFGE and PCR are ‘third-generation’ approaches to molecular epidemiology 525
‘Fourth-generation’ molecular epidemiology is based on DNA sequence analysis 525
Molecular techniques for epidemiologic fingerprinting have many advantages 525
Investigation of viral infections 526
Corrective / Preventive measures 526
Once tracking is complete, corrective and preventive measures can be introduced 526
Sterilization and disinfection 526
Definitions 526
Sterilization is the process of killing or removing all viable organisms 526
Disinfection is a process of removing or killing most, but not all, viable organisms 526
Antiseptics are used to reduce the number of viable organisms on the skin 526
Pasteurization can be used to eliminate pathogens in heat-sensitive products 527
Deciding whether sterilization or disinfection should be used 527
It is easier to sterilize a clean object than a physically dirty one 527
The rate of killing of microorganisms depends upon the concentration of the killing agent and time of exposure 527
Techniques for sterilization 528
Heat 528
Dry heat sterilizes by oxidation of the cell components 528
The most effective agent for sterilization is saturated steam (moist heat) under pressure 528
Immersion in boiling water for a few minutes can be used as a rapid emergency measure to disinfect instruments 528
Pasteurization uses heat at 62.8–65.6°C for 30 min 528
Irradiation 528
Gamma irradiation energy is used to sterilize large batches of small-volume items 528
Filtration 529
Filters are used to produce particle- and pyrogen-free fluid 529
Chemical agents 529
The gases ethylene oxide and formaldehyde kill by damaging proteins and nucleic acids 529
The liquid glutaraldehyde is used to disinfect heat-sensitive articles 529
Many different antimicrobial chemicals are available, but few are sterilant 529
Controlling sterilization and disinfection 529
In general, it is preferable to control the process rather than the product 529
Disinfectants can be monitored by microbiologic ‘in-use’ tests 530
Bibliography 531
Index 539
Pathogen parade e1
Viruses e1
Bacteria e13
Fungi e37
Protozoa e40