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Satellite Meteorology

Satellite Meteorology

Stanley Q. Kidder | Thomas H. Vonder Haar


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Book Details


At last, a book that has what every atmospheric science and meteorology student should know about satellite meteorology: the orbits of satellites, the instruments they carry, the radiation they detect, and, most importantly, the fundamental atmospheric data that can be retrieved from their observations.
Key Features
* Of special interest are sections on:
* Remote sensing of atmospheric temperature, trace gases, winds, cloud and aerosol data, precipitation, and radiation budget
* Satellite image interpretation
* Satellite orbits and navigation
* Radiative transfer fundamentals
This excellent, comprehensive book is far more than an introduction to satellite meteorology; it begins with the basics of radiation and a physical understanding of measurements from space and how they are converted to useful parameters....Good index. Great material for upper-division undergraduate and graduate students.