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Practical Lock Picking

Practical Lock Picking

Deviant Ollam


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Practical Lock Picking, Second Edition, is an instructional manual that covers everything from straightforward lockpicking to quick-entry techniques such as shimming, bumping, and bypassing. Written by Deviant Ollam, one of the security industry's best-known lockpicking teachers, and winner of the Best Book Bejtlich Read in 2010 award, this book contains detailed photos that make learning as easy as picking a lock. Material is offered in easy-to-follow lessons that allow even beginners to acquire the knowledge very quickly. Whether the student will be hired at some point to penetrate security or simply trying to harden his or her own defenses, this book is essential.

This edition has been updated to reflect the changing landscape of tools and tactics which have emerged in recent years. It consists of 6 chapters that discuss topics such as the fundamentals of pin tumbler and wafer locks; the basics of picking, with emphasis on how to exploit weaknesses; tips for beginners on how to get very good and very fast in picking locks; advanced training; quick-entry tricks about shimming, bumping, and bypassing; and pin tumblers in other configurations.

This book is geared specifically toward penetration testers, security consultants, IT security professionals, and hackers.

  • Detailed full-color photos make learning as easy as picking a lock
  • Extensive appendix details tools and toolkits currently available for all your lock picking needs

Winner of the Best Book Bejtlich Read in 2010--

"Practical Lock Picking (PLP) is an awesome book. I don't provide physical testing services, but as a security professional familiar with Deviant's reputation I was curious to read PLP. Not only is PLP an incredible resource, it should also serve as a model text for others who want to write a good book. First, although the book is less than 250 pages, it is very reasonably priced. Second, Deviant wastes NO space. There is no filler material, background found in other readily available texts, reprinted Web site content, etc. Third, the writing is exceptionally clear and methodical, with extreme attention to detail and a master's approach to educating the reader. Finally, the diagrams, pictures, and figures are superb."--Richard Bejtlich, TaoSecurity

"No matter what your background is, if you want a new and fascinating insight into this world, I don't think any book will give you a better introduction to this field than this one."--Barry Wels, Founder and President, The open Organisation Of Lockpickers

"You have exhausted your budgets on the myriad of high tech cyber threats and finally have time to take a breath. Just as you settle in your chair to review the dashboard which shows the fruits of your tireless effort, an alert hits your phone. The voice on the phone cries out 'The servers are GONE!' This book will show you what happens when attackers decide to 'get physical."--Chris Nickerson, Lares Consulting

"The clear explanation and plentiful diagrams leave the reader with a clear idea of how lock mechanisms work, and the practice exercises that follow build on this knowledge to allow the reader to quickly progress before moving on to the simpler techniques, shimming and bumping...Overall the book does much to dispel the myth that lock-picking is an arcane, difficult art and puts the reader in a position to carry out more effective physical security reviews...In summary this is an excellent practical introduction to the subject and the publishers are to be congratulated for producing another good niche penetration testing book."--Nick Dunn, BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT