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Numerical Ecology

Numerical Ecology

P. Legendre | Loic F J Legendre


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The book describes and discusses the numerical methods which are successfully being used for analysing ecological data, using a clear and comprehensive approach. These methods are derived from the fields of mathematical physics, parametric and nonparametric statistics, information theory, numerical taxonomy, archaeology, psychometry, sociometry, econometry and others.

  • An updated, 3rd English edition of the most widely cited book on quantitative analysis of multivariate ecological data
  • Relates ecological questions to methods of statistical analysis, with a clear description of complex numerical methods
  • All methods are illustrated by examples from the ecological literature so that ecologists clearly see how to use the methods and approaches in their own research
  • All calculations are available in R language functions

"Pierre Legendre…and Louis Legendre… present this text of data analysis methods for ecologists, with an emphasis on use of the statistical computer language R. The book begins by articulating salient points about ecological data in particular, such as the many functional correlations that must be adjusted for without ascribing as-yet-unexplained variation to random noise, then covers the mathematical foundations of matrix algebra and dimensional analysis."--Reference & Research Book News, December 2013 "What I really love about this book is that for most methods the formulae are given. Thus, we learn the statistical rea-soning, the mathematics and the ecological interpretation…Numerical Ecology is a definite must-have for any quanti-tative ecologist."--Basic and Applied Ecology, December 2013