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Principles and Practice of Modern Chromatographic Methods

Principles and Practice of Modern Chromatographic Methods

Kevin Robards | P. E. Jackson | Paul A. Haddad


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Though many separation processes are available for use in todays analytical laboratory, chromatographic methods are the most widely used. The applications of chromatography have grown explosively in the last four decades, owing to the development of new techniques and to the expanding need of scientists for better methods of separating complex mixtures. With its comprehensive, unified approach, this book will greatly assist the novice in need of a reference to chromatographic techniques, as well as the specialist suddenly faced with the need to switch from one technique to another.
"This is a carefully written, broadly-based, text for either the non-specialists chromatographer or those scientists who use chromatography extensively in their work but dont consider themselves experts on the topic. It is significantly more than a simple introduction to the topic but by no means an advanced treatise...Overall, this is a welcomed contribution to the chromatography literature and can be recommended to its target audience. This reviewer would rate it among the besttexts of its type currently available and the authors have been broadly successful in meeting their stated goals."
"The introductory chapter is one of the best that I have seen; it is comprehensive and educational...and concludes with an excellent and extensive bibliography....I found this to be an excellent book: by steering away from the more specialised areas the authors have written an easily readable and understandable basic reference for chromatography. I highly recommend it to anyone considering analytical chemistry as a career–if only to whet their appetite!"