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Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynaecology E-Book

Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynaecology E-Book

Barry O'Reilly | Cecilia Bottomley | Janice Rymer


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Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

The perfect clinical companion; fully revised and updated for this new edition.

  • Concise
  • Evidence-based
  • Focussed on the core curriculum
  • Comprehensive coverage sign-posted by clear, consistent headings, from definition, aetiology, pathophysiology, history taking, general advice, clinical features, investigations, management, treatment, prognosis and assessment to risk factors and differential diagnoses.
  • Includes self-assessment, emergency procedures and normal values.
  • The perfect clinical companion; fully revised and updated for this new edition.

    • Concise
    • Evidence-based
    • Focussed on the core curriculum
    • Comprehensive coverage sign-posted by clear, consistent headings, from definition, aetiology, pathophysiology, history taking, general advice, clinical features, investigations, management, treatment, prognosis and assessment to risk factors and differential diagnoses.
    • Includes self-assessment, emergency procedures and normal values.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynaecology iii
Copyright iv
Series preface v
Preface vii
Contents ix
Section 1: History-taking and examination in obstetricsand gynaecology 1
Chapter 1: Gynaecology history-taking 3
The consultation 3
Presenting complaint 3
Abnormal bleeding 3
Urinary symptoms 4
Past history 4
Past medical history 5
Past surgical history 5
Systems review 5
Drug history 5
Family history 5
Personal and social history 5
Presenting a history 5
Chapter 2: Gynaecological examination 7
Abdominal examination 7
Pelvic examination 7
Presenting an examination 9
Chapter 3: Obstetric history-taking 11
Parity 11
Gravidity 11
Gestation 11
Naegele’s rule 11
Presenting complaint 11
Past history 12
Past obstetrical history 12
Past gynaecological history 12
Past medical history 12
Family history 12
Personal and social history 12
Presenting a history 12
Chapter 4: Obstetric examination 13
General examination 13
Abdominal examination 13
Inspection 13
Palpation 13
Auscultation 15
Section 2: Gynaecology 17
Chapter 5: The menstrual cycle, menstrual disorders, infertility and the menopause 19
The menstrual cycle 19
Hypothalamus and pituitary 20
Ovary 20
Follicular phase 20
Ovulation 20
Luteal phase 20
Endometrium 20
Proliferative phase 20
Secretory phase 20
Menstruation 20
Menstrual disorders 21
Menorrhagia 21
Prevalence 21
Age 22
Aetiology 22
Presentation 22
History 22
Examination 22
Investigations 23
Management 23
First-line treatments 23
Second-line treatments 23
Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system 23
Endometrial ablation techniques 23
Hysteroscopic endometrial ablation techniques 24
Transcervical resection of the endometrium 24
Complications of transcervical resection of the endometrium 24
Uterine perforation 24
Fluid overload 24
Bleeding 24
Infection 24
Late complications 24
Outcome of transcervical resection of the endometrium 24
Rollerball endometrial ablation 25
Endometrial laser ablation 25
Non-hysteroscopic endometrial ablation techniques 25
Thermal balloon ablation 25
Microwave endometrial ablation 25
Photodynamic therapy, cryotherapy, radiofrequency ablation and free fluid endometrial ablation 25
Third-line treatment 25
Dysmenorrhoea 26
Definition 26
Prevalence 26
Aetiology 26
Clinical features 26
Examination 26
Investigations 26
Management 26
Amenorrhoea and oligomenorrhoea 27
Definitions 27
Incidence 27
Primary amenorrhoea 27
Aetiology 27
Clinical features 27
Examination 27
Investigations 27
Management 29
Secondary amenorrhoea 29
History 29
Examination 29
Investigations 29
Management 30
Polycystic ovaries 30
Premature ovarian failure (spontaneous or iatrogenic) 30
Anorexia- or exercise-related amenorrhoea 30
Prolactinoma 30
Hypothyroidism 30
Asherman’s syndrome 31
Contraceptive-related amenorrhoea 31
Intermenstrual and postcoital bleeding 31
Aetiology of intermenstrual and postcoital bleeding 31
Hormonal and contraception-related causes 31
Uterine causes 31
Cervical causes 31
Vaginal causes 31
Non-gynaecological causes 31
Clinical features 31
Examination 31
Investigations 32
Management 32
Premenstrual syndrome 32
Pathophysiology 32
Clinical features 32
Diagnosis 33
Treatment 33
Ovulation inhibition 33
Serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors 33
Alternative treatments 33
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 33
Definition 33
Incidence 34
Aetiology 34
Pathophysiology 34
Presentation 34
Clinical features 34
Examination 35
Investigations 35
Management 35
Contraception in polycystic ovarian syndrome 36
Prognosis 36
Infertility 36
Definitions 36
Incidence 36
Age 37
Aetiology 37
History 37
Examination 38
Investigations 38
Female investigations 38
Hormone profile 38
Blood tests 39
Transvaginal ultrasound scan 39
Further investigations 39
Tests for tubal patency 39
Hysterosalpingogram 39
Hystercontrastsalpingography 39
Laparoscopy and dye 39
Postcoital test 39
Male investigations 39
Semen analysis 39
Semen deficiency definitions 40
Further investigations 40
Management 40
Sperm dysfunction 40
Tubal infertility 40
Anovulatory infertility 41
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 41
Endometriosis 41
Fibroids 41
Social factors 42
Unexplained infertility 42
Assisted conception techniques 42
Ovulation induction 42
Intrauterine insemination 42
In vitro fertilization 42
Complications of in vitro fertilization 43
Ovarian hyperstimulation 43
Multiple pregnancies 43
Ectopic pregnancy 43
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection 43
Gamete intrafallopian transfer 44
Alternative infertility options 44
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority 44
Ovarian failure 44
Definitions 44
Menopause 44
The climacteric (menopause transition) 44
Premature ovarian failure 44
Age 44
Pathophysiology 45
Clinical features of menopause 45
Signs 45
Investigations 45
Management 45
Hormone replacement therapy 45
Symptom control 45
Osteoporosis prevention 46
Types of hormone replacement therapy 46
Sequential hormone replacement therapy 46
Continuous combined hormone replacement therapy 46
Unopposed oestrogen 46
Tibolone 46
Modes of administration 46
Oral 46
Transdermal 46
Implants 46
Topical 46
Combined approach 47
Side effects of hormone replacement therapy 47
Vaginal bleeding 47
Oestrogenic effects 47
Progestogenic effects 47
Weight gain 47
Contraindications to hormone replacement therapy 47
Risks of hormone replacement therapy 47
Breast cancer 47
Thrombosis 48
Endometrial cancer 48
Cardiovascular disease 48
Benefits of hormone replacement therapy 48
Osteoporosis 48
Bowel cancer 48
Alzheimer’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis 48
Counselling about hormone replacement therapy 48
Alternatives to hormone replacement therapy 48
Selective oestrogen receptor modulators 48
Clonidine 49
Osteoporosis 49
Risk factors 49
Management 49
Lifestyle and diet 49
Hormone replacement therapy 49
Bisphosphonates 49
Contraception and the menopause 50
Premature ovarian failure 50
Incidence 50
Aetiology 50
Clinical features 50
Investigations 50
Management 50
Oestrogen replacement 50
Fertility options 51
Psychological issues 51
Summary 51
Chapter 6: Pelvic pain, endometriosis andminimal-access surgery 53
Pelvic pain 53
Aetiology 53
Acute pelvic pain 53
Pregnancy-related: 53
Non-pregnancy-related: 53
Non-gynaecological: 53
Chronic pelvic pain 53
Gynaecological: 53
Non-gynaecological: 54
Clinical features 54
Examination 54
Investigations 55
Management 55
Acute pelvic pain 55
Pelvic pain in early pregnancy: 55
Acute pelvic inflammatory disease: 55
Ovarian cyst accident: 55
Appendicitis: 55
Appendix mass and abscess: 56
Chronic pelvic pain 56
Pelvic inflammatory disease: 56
Adhesions: 56
Ovarian cysts (see Chapter 7): 56
Fibroids (see Chapter 7): 56
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome: 56
Irritable bowel syndrome: 57
Constipation: 57
Urinary tract infection/interstitial cystitis/renal calculi: 57
Functional pain: 57
Endometriosis 57
Definition 57
Incidence 57
Age 57
Aetiology 57
Pathology 58
History 58
Examination 58
Abdominal palpation 58
Investigations 58
Treatment 59
Medical 59
Analgesia: 59
Hormonal medical treatment: 59
Combined oral contraceptive pill: 59
Progestogens: 59
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues: 59
Antiandrogens: 61
Surgical 61
Laparoscopic diathermy/laser ablation or excision: 61
Surgical excision: 61
Laparoscopic uterosacral nerve ablation: 61
Total abdominal hysterectomy: 61
Support 61
Fertility 61
Prognosis 62
Adenomyosis 62
Minimal-access surgery 62
Laparoscopy 62
Preoperative counselling 62
Technique 63
Closure of the wounds 64
Postoperative management 64
Complications 64
Safety in laparoscopy 64
Contraindications 65
Electrosurgery in laparoscopy 65
Unipolar: 65
Bipolar: 65
Lasers in laparoscopy 65
Hysteroscopy 65
Preprocedure counselling 65
Technique 66
Distension media 67
Types of hysteroscope 67
Antibiotic prophylaxis 67
Complications 67
Haemorrhage: 67
Infection: 67
Cervical shock: 67
False passage: 67
Uterine perforation: 67
Fluid overload: 68
Contraindications 68
Summary 68
Chapter 7: Problems of the female genital tract 69
Benign conditions of the vulva 69
Bartholin’s cyst 69
Vulvodynia 70
Definition 70
Assessment 70
Dermatoses 70
Eczema 70
Lichen planus 70
Lichen sclerosus 70
Vulvar vestibulitis 70
Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia 71
Clinical features 71
Symptoms 71
Physical signs 71
Diagnosis 71
Management 71
Carcinoma of the vulva 72
Clinical features 72
FIGO staging 72
Investigations 72
Management 72
Prognosis 73
Benign conditions of the cervix 73
Cervical ectropion 73
Cervical polyps 73
Cervical neoplasia 73
Role of human papillomavirus 73
Cervical cytology 73
Definitions 73
Cervical screening 74
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 74
Management 74
Treatment 75
Cervical intraepithelial glandular neoplasia 75
Carcinoma of the cervix 75
Presentation 75
Investigations 75
Management 76
Surgery 76
Preoperative assessment: 76
Technique: 76
Complications: 76
Radiotherapy 77
Early-stage cervical cancer 77
Follow-up 77
Prognosis 77
Adenocarcinoma of the cervix 77
Benign tumours of the uterus 77
Polyps 77
Uterine fibroids 78
Presentation 78
Management 78
Medical 78
Surgery 78
Adenomyosis 79
Presentation 79
Management 79
Congenital abnormalities of the uterus 79
Endometrial carcinoma 79
FIGO staging of endometrial cancer (updated 2009) 80
Microscopic appearance 80
Management 80
Prognosis 80
5-year survival 80
Follow-up 80
Ovarian cysts 80
Ovarian cysts in postmenopausal women 81
Low risk 81
High risk 81
Tumours of the ovary 81
Epithelial tumours 81
Germ cell tumours 82
Sex cord tumours 82
Ovarian carcinoma 82
Aetiology 82
Microscopic appearance 83
Presentation 83
Management 83
Ultrasound 83
Tumour markers 83
Surgery 83
Chemotherapy 84
FIGO staging (and 5-year survival rate) 84
Gynaecological cancer in pregnancy 84
Carcinoma of the cervix 84
Management 84
Carcinoma of the ovary 84
Carcinoma of the vulva and endometrium 85
Summary 85
Chapter 8: Uterovaginal prolapse and urinary incontinence 87
Uterovaginal prolapse 87
Definition 87
Incidence 87
Anatomy of the pelvic floor 88
Types of prolapse 88
Aetiology of prolapse 89
Congenital 89
Childbirth 89
Menopause 89
Iatrogenic 89
Chronic predisposing factors 89
Clinical assessment 89
History 90
Examination 90
Urodynamics 90
Treatment 90
Conservative measures 91
Surgical procedures 92
Urinary incontinence 94
Physiology of micturition 95
Bladder innervation 95
Assessment 95
History 95
Examination 95
Investigation of urinary incontinence 96
Overactive bladder 96
Management 97
Stress incontinence 97
Aetiology 97
Management 98
Overflow incontinence 99
Causes 99
Obstruction to urinary flow 99
Detrusor dysfunction 99
Management 99
Treatment 99
True incontinence 99
Assessment 99
Management 100
Summary 100
Chapter 9: Family planning and sexual health 101
Sexual health 101
Family planning 102
The Pearl index 102
History 103
Barrier methods 103
Male condom 103
Mode of action 103
How to use 103
Benefits 103
Disadvantages 103
Female condom 104
Diaphragm and cap 104
Section 3: Obstetrics 151
Chapter 11: Prepregnancy counselling, prenatal diagnosis and antenatal care 153
Prepregnancy counselling 153
History 153
General advice 154
Timing of intercourse 154
Smoking 154
Alcohol 154
Recreational drugs 154
Weight 154
Exercise 155
Diet 155
Vitamins 155
Medications 155
Drugs associated with subfertility 155
Drugs in pregnancy 155
Rubella 156
Fetal abnormality and genetic disorders 156
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis 156
Specific medical conditions 157
Diabetes 157
Epilepsy 157
Cardiac disease 157
Hypertension 157
Renal disease 157
Prenatal diagnosis 158
Screening tests 158
Serum screening 158
Ultrasound scan 158
Combined tests 159
Limits of screening tests 159
Pretest counselling 159
False positives and unnecessary tests 159
False-negative results 159
Twins 159
Screening tests to detect other abnormalities 159
AFP 159
Increased NT 159
Structural abnormalities 159
Diagnostic tests 160
Amniocentesis 160
Chorionic villous sampling 160
Cordocentesis 160
Ultrasound in pregnancy 160
First trimester (10–14 weeks) 160
Second trimester (18–24 weeks) 161
Further scans 161
Other ultrasound screening tests 161
Fetal echocardiography 161
Uterine artery Doppler 161
Cervical length 162
Antenatal care 162
Booking (6–12 weeks) 163
Booking blood tests 163
16 weeks 164
25 weeks 164
28 weeks 164
31 weeks 164
34 weeks 164
36 weeks 164
38 weeks 164
40 weeks 164
41 weeks 164
Obstetric-led care 165
Rhesus disease and other red-cell alloimmune antibodies 165
Other antibodies 165
Effect on the fetus 166
Effect on the mother 166
Antenatal education 166
Seat belts in pregnancy 166
Flying in pregnancy 166
Summary 166
Chapter 12: Physiology of pregnancy and pregnancy problems 169
Physiology of pregnancy 170
Cardiovascular 170
Respiratory 170
Haematological 170
Renal 171
Hepatic 171
Gastrointestinal 171
Metabolic 171
Endocrine 171
Minor disorders of pregnancy 171
Nausea and vomiting 171
Incidence 171
Pathophysiology 172
Clinical features of hyperemesis 172
Management 172
Intravenous fluids 172
Antiemetics 172
Thiamine 172
Folic acid 173
Heartburn 173
Constipation 173
Haemorrhoids 173
Urinary frequency 173
Breathlessness 174
Skin problems 174
Itching 174
Pigmentation 174
Backache 174
Symphysis pubis dysfunction 174
Carpal tunnel syndrome 174
Concentration 175
Oedema 175
Varicose veins 175
Vaginal discharge 175
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy 175
Definitions 175
Hypertension in pregnancy 175
Chronic hypertension 175
Essential hypertension 175
Pregnancy-induced hypertension 175
Pre-eclampsia 176
Incidence 176
Aetiology 176
Prediction 176
Pathophysiology 176
Clinical features 177
History 177
Examination 177
Investigations 177
Urinalysis 177
Full blood count 177
Urea and electrolytes 177
Uric acid (urate) 177
Liver function tests 178
Albumin 178
Coagulation tests 178
Ultrasound scan 178
Management 178
Monitoring of the disease 178
Monitoring fetal well-being 178
Treatment of hypertension 178
Antenatal management 178
First-line management 178
Second-line management 179
Intrapartum management 179
Hydralazine 179
Labetalol 179
Nifedipine 179
Postnatal management of hypertension 179
Timing of delivery 180
Severe hypertension or pre-eclampsia in labour 180
Postnatal management 182
Prognosis 182
Prevention of pre-eclampsia 182
Complications of pre-eclampsia 182
Fetal growth restriction 182
Haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets 182
Pulmonary oedema 182
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 183
Cerebral haemorrhage 183
Abruption 183
Eclampsia 183
Antepartum haemorrhage 183
Definition 183
Incidence 183
Aetiology 183
History 184
Examination 184
Investigations 185
Management 185
Placenta praevia 186
Placental abruption (abruptio placentae) 186
Complications of placental abruption 187
Uterine rupture 187
Vasa praevia 188
Cervical lesions 188
Infections of pregnancy 190
Urinary tract infection 190
Chickenpox 190
Section 4: Emergencies and practical procedures 273
Chapter 17: Emergencies and procedures 275
Obstetric emergencies and procedures 275
Antepartum haemorrhage 275
Severe antepartum haemorrhage 275
Labour ward emergencies and procedures 277
Unconscious patient 277
Index 311
Final medicine examination: Questions and answers 293
Questions 293
Extended matching questions 299
Contraception 299
Gynaecology presentation 299
Prenatal diagnosis and screening 300
Answers 301
Contraception 303
Gynaecology presentation 303
Prenatal diagnosis and screening 303
Appendices 305
Normal values 305
Definitions 307