Malware Forensics Field Guide for Windows Systems
Cameron H. Malin | Eoghan Casey | James M. Aquilina
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Book Details
Malware Forensics Field Guide for Windows Systems is a handy reference that shows students the essential tools needed to do computer forensics analysis at the crime scene. It is part of Syngress Digital Forensics Field Guides, a series of companions for any digital and computer forensic student, investigator or analyst. Each Guide is a toolkit, with checklists for specific tasks, case studies of difficult situations, and expert analyst tips that will aid in recovering data from digital media that will be used in criminal prosecution.
This book collects data from all methods of electronic data storage and transfer devices, including computers, laptops, PDAs and the images, spreadsheets and other types of files stored on these devices. It is specific for Windows-based systems, the largest running OS in the world. The authors are world-renowned leaders in investigating and analyzing malicious code. Chapters cover malware incident response - volatile data collection and examination on a live Windows system; analysis of physical and process memory dumps for malware artifacts; post-mortem forensics - discovering and extracting malware and associated artifacts from Windows systems; legal considerations; file identification and profiling initial analysis of a suspect file on a Windows system; and analysis of a suspect program.
This field guide is intended for computer forensic investigators, analysts, and specialists.
- A condensed hand-held guide complete with on-the-job tasks and checklists
- Specific for Windows-based systems, the largest running OS in the world
- Authors are world-renowned leaders in investigating and analyzing malicious code
"For anyone working in this field, this is an invaluable book that deserves a permanent place in your toolkit. For those entering into this line of work, it’s worth reading so that you know what you’re in for." --Network Security, December 2013