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Working with Children: Assessment, Representation and Intervention

Working with Children: Assessment, Representation and Intervention

Tom Billington


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Book Details


Written for professionals working with children and young people who require support, assessment or intervention at home or in school, this interdisciplinary book explores everything from the legislative background and foundations of ideas in the social sciences, to dealing with children's distress, fear or special needs in professional practice. The book is an excellent resource for those who either work with children in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services settings, social work, youth work, counselling, psychology, general education and special educational needs or who are undertaking professional training in any of these fields.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Tina Wallace and Fenella Porter
Section One – A Perfect Storm
2.Development from the ground: A worm’s eye view
Stan Thekaekara
3.Evaluation, complexity, uncertainty – theories of change and some alternatives
Chris Mowles
4. Losing Sight of our Purpose?
Suzanne Walker
5. Can girls save the world?
Kate Grosser and Nikki van der Gaag
6. Lost in Translation: Gender Mainstreaming in Afghanistan
Anastasiya Hozyainova
7. Insulating the Developing Classes
Tom Scott-Smith
8. Reconnecting Development Policy, People and History
David Lewis
Section Two – Changing conversations
9. Taking our lead from reality - an open practice for social development
David Harding
10. Women on wheels
Meenu Vadera
11.Too young to be women, too old to be girls: The [Un]Changing Aid landscape and the reality of girls at risk
Seri Wendoh
12. Looking Beyond the Numbers: reducing violence against women in Ghana
Kanwal Ahluwalia
13. From local to global and back again – learning from Stepping Stones
Alice Welbourn
14.Peace Practice Examined
Bridget Walker
15. I don’t know ... and related thoughts
Ashish Shah
16.Apolitical stories of sanitation and suffering women
Deepa Joshi
Tina Wallace