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Career Counselling

Career Counselling

Robert Nathan,Linda Hill


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Book Details


Praise for the First Edition : 'This text has made me more aware of the importance of thinking in terms of counselling and group counselling in the work I do relating to careers' - Guidance Matters. This fully revised and updated second edition of Career Counselling explains what career counselling actually is, why people seek it, and indicates the many contexts where it is used. It describes in detail the skills, tools and techniques of career counselling, useful to both professional career counsellors and those for whom career counselling is just part of their work. This practical guide examines the issues typically brought to career counselling, and includes a completely new chapter on the role of career counselling within organisations. Illustrated throughout by case studies from the authors' experience, the book also contains an invaluable resources section and includes a brand new appendix containing photocopiable exercises which practitioners and their clients can use in conjunction with their counselling sessions.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cultures, spirituality, and development 1
Culture, liberation, and 'development' 25
Globalism and nationalism: which one is bad? 38
Faith and economics in 'development': a bridge across the chasm? 45
Spirituality: a development taboo 60
Communal conflict, NGOs, and the power of religious symbols 78
Ethnicity and participatory development methods in Botswana: some participants are to be seen and not heard 92
Women, resistance, and development: a case study from Dangs, India 110
Gendering the millennium: globalising women 130
Stressed, depressed, or bewitched? A perspective on mental health, culture, and religion 142
Responding to mental distress in the Third World: cultural imperialism or the struggle for synthesis? 155
Research into local culture: implications for participatory development 168
Some thoughts on gender and culture 174
Resources 177
Index 194