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Teaching at University : A Guide for Postgraduates and Researchers

Teaching at University : A Guide for Postgraduates and Researchers

Kate Morss,Rowena Murray


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With an application spanning all disciplines, Teaching at University provides postgraduate researchers with the basic skills required to enter their first lectures, tutorials, lab-sessions and assessments with confidence. This handy guide offers: accessible and generic language; basic but relevant advice; a direct and practical approach and style; an emphasis on helping new researchers to get started and build up their confidence in the first few classes they teach, and integration of theory with practice.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Preface Deborah Eade
Development, NGOs, and civil society: the debate and its future Jenny Pearce
Scaling up NGO impact on development: learning from experience Michael Edwards and David Hulme
Help yourself by helping The Poor Gino Lofredo
NGOs: ladles in the global soup kitchen? Stephen Commins
Collaboration with the South: agents of aid or solidarity? Firoze Manji
Corporate governance for NGOs? Mick Moore and Sheelagh Stewart
‘Dancing with the prince’: NGOs’ survival strategies in the Afghan conflict Jonathan Goodhand with Peter Chamberlain
NGOs and the State: a case-study from Uganda Christy Cannon
NGOs, the poor, and local government Christopher Collier
Let’s get civil society straight: NGOs, the state, and political theory Alan Whaites
Depoliticising development: the uses and abuses of participation Sarah C. White
Birds of a feather? UNDP and ActionAid implementation of Sustainable Human Development Lilly Nicholls
Strengthening civil society: participatory action research in a militarised state Amina Mama
Annotated bibliography