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Modern Neuromuscular Techniques E-Book

Modern Neuromuscular Techniques E-Book

Leon Chaitow


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Book Details


Fully updated throughout, this popular book explains the history, rationale, and detailed descriptions of the class of soft tissue manipulation methods known collectively as NMT techniques. Complete with accompanying website - - which contains film sequences of the author demonstrating the techniques, this book will be ideal for bodyworkers and acupuncturists in Europe, the USA and beyond.

  • Facilitates the rapid and accurate identification of local soft-tissue dysfunction
  • Explains the origin of soft tissue distress
  • Provides diverse maps and explanations for the patterns of tender and trigger points seen daily in clinical practice
  • Includes guidance on the use of NMT for the treatment of the symptoms of fibromyalgia and abdominal dysfunction
  • Gives important guidance on the treatment of trigger points in treating lymphatic dysfunction
  • Discusses the use of NMT in the management of pain and hyperventilation
  • Explains the diagnostic and therapeutic value of tender reflex points related to viscero-somatic and somatic-visceral reflexes
  • Describes both European and North American versions of NMT
  • Provides a clear set of treatment options for all bodywork therapists and acupuncture practitioners
  • Authored by a highly respected, internationally known teacher, practitioner and author, with contributions from three leading practitioners from the U.S. and Europe
  • Contains a new chapter on the value of Thai Yoga massage, associated with NMT methodology
  • Contains source material and commentary on the contribution of Raymond Nimmo DC in the evolution of NMT
  • Website - - containing updated video clips demonstrating the application of NMT

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Modern Neuromuscular Techniques iii
Copyright Page iv
Contents v
Abbreviations vii
Foreword ix
Preface ix
Dedication xiii
Chapter 1: Soft Tissue Distress 1
Somatic Dysfunction 2
Causes of Soft Tissue Dysfunction 12
Fibrositis 22
The Fascial Network 22
References 30
Chapter 2: Introduction To Nmt 35
Nmt: a Brief Historical Overview 35
Tissues Involved in Nmt 38
References 42
Chapter 3: Myofascial Trigger Points and Other Reflex Phenomena 43
Pain Patterns 43
Understanding Facilitation 51
Trigger Points 56
Hyperventilation: an Example of Compound Stress Influences 69
Pathophysiology of Fibromyalgia/fibrositis/myodysneuria 69
Conclusion and Hypothesis 72
References 72
Chapter 4: The Variety of Reflex points 75
Reflex Patterns and Areas 75
Acupuncture Points 78
Chapman's Reflexes 86
Connective Tissue Massage/manipulation 89
Confusion? 93
References 95
Chapter 5: Diagnostic Methods 97
Neuromuscular Technique - Assessment and Diagnosis 97
Palpation 98
Skin: Reflex Effects and Hyperalgesic Skin Zones 104
Chapman's Reflexes in Diagnosis And treatment 110
Bennett's Neurovascular Reflexes 117
Conclusions 117
References 121
Chapter 6: Basic Spinal Nmt 123
Defining Nmt 123
Unique Aspects of Nmt 124
Most Used Nmt Approaches - and `variable Pressure´ 125
Thumb Considerations 125
Lief's Basic Spinal Treatment 129
References 140
Chapter 7: Basic Abdominal and Pelvic Nmt Application 141
Somaticovisceral Symptoms 142
Junctional Tissues 142
Assisting Organ Dysfunction 143
More on Abdominal Reflex Areas 143
Abdominal Nmt Application 148
References 154
Chapter 8: Associated Techniques 155
Soft Tissue Approaches 155
Neuromuscular Therapy (soft Tissue Manipulation) 171
Skin Techniques 184
References 199
Chapter 9: Nmt in Clinical use 203
Contextual Thinking and synchronicity 203
Evaluation Before Treatment 205
A Focus on Trigger Points 207
Nmt and Sports Injuries: Moule's methods 211
When is Nmt Useful? 213
The Init Hypothesis 216
References 218
Chapter 10: American Neuromuscular Therapy 221
History 221
Platform of Nmt American Version 222
Application of Nmt 224
Nmt Techniques 226
Nmt Methods 230
Overview of Differences 244
References 246
Chapter 11: Progressive Inhibition of Neuro-musculoskeletal Structures (Pins) Technique 247
Neuromuscular Techniques 247
Background 248
Inhibition 249
Osteopathic Point And/or Pressure Techniques 251
Non-osteopathic Point And/or Pressure Systems 254
Progressive Inhibition of Neuromusculoskeletal Structures (Pins) Method 254
Possible Mechanism of Action 268
Contraindications and Side-effects 271
Conclusion 271
References 272
Chapter 12: Thai Massage and Neuromuscular Technique 275
Thai Massage - Past and Present 276
Sen, Nadi, Meridian, Myofascial Pathway? 277
Sen and Chinese Meridians 278
Sen and Ayur-vedic Nadis 278
Sen and Myofascial Pathways 279
Myofascial Sen 282
Myofascial Leg Lines 283
Myofascial Arm Lines 284
Myofascial Back Lines 285
Thai Massage as Myofascial Massage 286
Thai Massage and Neuromuscular Technique 287
Conclusion 288
References 289
Appendix 291
Introduction 291
Nimmo Notes on Technique 291
Raymond L. Nimmo and the Evolution of Trigger Point Therapy, 1929-1986 292
Council on Chiropractic Guidelines and Practice Parameters 299
Chiropractic Management of Myofascial Trigger Points and Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A systematic Review of the literatu... 299
Methods 300
Results 301
References 310
Further Reading 313
Index 315