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Principles and Applications of Radiological Physics E-Book

Principles and Applications of Radiological Physics E-Book

Martin Vosper | Donald Graham | Paul Cloke


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Book Details


Principles and Application of Radiological Physics 6E provides comprehensive and easy-to-follow coverage of the principles and application of physics for both diagnostic and therapeutic radiography students. Regardless of changes in technology and clinical grading, the most important role of the radiographer remains unchanged - ensuring the production of high quality images and optimal treatment. These should be performed with the minimum of radiation hazard to patients, staff and others. An understanding of physics and the basics of radiographic technology is essential to do this effectively. The book covers all the physics and mathematics required by undergraduate diagnostic and therapeutic radiography students, catering for those who do not have a mathematics qualification as well as for those who do.


A focus upon application of physics to reflect current teaching approaches

Completely revised structure, leading from science principles to applications

New chapters on CT, MRI, ultrasound, PET, RNI, mammography and digital imaging

Electronic learning resources for students, hosted on EVOLVE

*Strong links between theory and practice throughout *Clear and concise text

Focus on application of physics, as well as principles

New, updated 2-colour design

New Sections - Equipment for X-ray production, The Radiographic Image and Diagnostic Imaging Technologies

Electronic learning resources for students support the text

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
Principles and applications of radiological physics iii
Copyright page iv
Contents v
Preface vii
1 Introduction 1
1 Principles of radiography 3
1.1 Aim 3
1.2 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiography 3
1.3 Methods of Radiation Treatment 5
1.4 Radiation Protection 6
Further Reading 7
2 Basic physics 9
2 Power sources for radiation production 11
2.1 Aim 11
2.2 Obtaining Energy for Radiation Production 11
2.3 A Special Case – Radioactive Sources 12
2.4 X-ray Generators 13
2.5 The Linear Accelerator 14
2.6 Ultrasound Generation 15
2.7 Magnetic Resonance Imaging 15
3 Laws of classical physics 17
3.1 Aim 17
3.2 Law of Conservation of Matter (Mass) 17
3.3 Law of Conservation of Energy 17
3.4 Law of Conservation of Momentum 18
3.5 Newton’s Laws of Motion 18
3.6 Avogadro’s Hypothesis, the Mole and Avogadro’s Number 19
Further Reading 20
4 Units of measurement 21
4.1 Aim 21
4.2 Units of Measurement 21
4.3 SI Base Units 21
4.4 Units Used in Radiography 25
Further Reading 26
5 Heat 27
5.1 Aim 27
5.2 Introduction 27
5.3 Heat Energy and Temperature 27
5.4 Transfer of Heat 29
5.5 Thermal Expansion 31
5.6 Evaporation and Vaporization 32
Further Reading 32
6 Electrostatics 33
6.1 Aim 33
6.2 Introduction 33
6.3 Properties of Electrical Charges 33
6.4 Force Between Two Electrical Charges in a Vacuum 34
6.5 Permittivity and Relative Permittivity (Dielectric Constant) 35
6.6 Electrical Field Strength 35
6.7 Electrostatic Induction of Charge 35
6.8 Electrical Potential 36
6.9 Distribution of Electrical Charge on an Irregulary Shaped Conductor 38
Further Reading 38
7 Electricity (DC) 39
7.1 Aim 39
7.2 Introduction 39
7.3 Simple Electron Theory of Conduction 39
7.4 Electric Current 41
7.5 mA, mAs and Millicoulombs 42
7.6 Potential Difference and Electromotive Force 42
7.7 Resistance 43
7.8 Ohm’s Law 44
7.9 Electrical Energy and Power 45
7.10 Power Loss in Cables 46
Further Reading 47
8 Magnetism 49
8.1 Aim 49
8.2 Magnetic Fields 49
8.3 Bulk Magnetic Properties and Permanent Magnets 51
Further Reading 52
9 Electromagnetism 53
9.1 Aim 53
9.2 Introduction 53
9.3 Electron Flow and ‘Conventional’ Current 53
9.4 Magnetic Field Due to a Straight Wire 53
9.5 Magnetic Field Due to a Circular Coil of Wire 54
9.6 Magnetic Field Due to a Solenoid 54
Further Reading 56
10 Electromagnetic induction 57
10.1 Aim 57
10.2 Introduction 57
10.3 Conditions Necessary for Electromagnetic Induction 57
10.4 Faraday’s Laws of Electromagnetic Induction 58
10.5 Lenz’s Law 58
10.6 Sign Convention for the Induced Current 59
10.7 Mutual Induction 59
10.8 Self-induction 60
10.9 The AC Generator 61
Further Reading 62
11 Alternating current (AC) flow 63
11.1 Aim 63
11.2 Introduction 63
11.3 Types of DC and AC 63
11.4 Sinusoidal AC 64
11.5 AC and the X-ray Tube 66
11.6 Basics of AC Circuits 67
11.7 Simple AC Circuits 67
11.8 Three-phase AC 68
Further Reading 70
12 The motor principle 71
12.1 Aim 71
12.2 Introduction and Definition of the Motor Principle 71
12.3 Direction and Magnitude of the Force on the Conductor 72
12.4 Convention for the Direction of the Force 72
12.5 Interaction of Two Electromagnetic Fields 73
12.6 The DC Electric Motor 74
12.7 The AC Induction Motor 74
12.8 Magnetic Deflection of an Electron Beam 75
12.9 The Motor Principle in Radiography 76
Further Reading 76
13 Capacitors 77
13.1 Aim 77
13.2 Introduction 77
13.3 Electrical Capacity (Capacitance) 77
13.4 Capacitance of a Parallel-Plate Capacitor 78
13.5 Charging a Capacitor Through a Resistor from a DC Supply 80
13.6 Discharging a Capacitor Through a Resistor 80
13.7 The Time-Constant for a Capacitor Resistor Circuit 80
13.8 Capacitors and Alternating Current 81
13.9 Capacitors in Radiography 81
Further Reading 82
14 The AC transformer 83
14.1 Aim 83
14.2 Introduction 83
14.3 The Ideal Transformer 83
14.4 Faraday’s Laws and Lenz’s Law Applied to Transformers 85
14.5 Transformers in Practice 86
14.6 Transformer Losses 86
14.7 The Autotransformer 90
14.8 The Constant Voltage Transformer 91
14.9 Transformer Rating 91
Further Reading 92
15 Semiconductor materials 93
15.1 Aim 93
15.2 Introduction 93
15.3 Intrinsic Semiconductors 94
15.4 Extrinsic Semiconductors 95
15.5 The PN Junction 98
15.6 Integrated Circuits 100
15.7 Semiconductor Devices in Radiography 102
Further Reading 103
3 Atomic physics 105
16 The laws of modern physics 107
16.1 Aim 107
16.2 Introduction 107
16.3 Classical Versus Modern Laws 107
16.4 Law of Conservation of Energy 108
16.5 Law of Conservation of Momentum 108
16.6 Wave–Particle Duality 109
16.7 Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle 109
Further Reading 110
17 Electromagnetic radiation 111
17.1 Aim 111
17.2 Introduction 111
17.3 Properties of Electromagnetic Radiations 111
17.4 The Electromagnetic Spectrum 115
17.5 Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (Laser) 115
17.6 Electromagnetic Radiations and Radiography 116
Further Reading 117
18 The elementary structure of the atom 119
18.1 Aim 119
18.2 Introduction 119
18.3 The Atomic Nucleus 121
18.4 Electron Orbitals 122
18.5 The Periodic Table of Elements 124
18.6 Electron Orbital Changes 125
18.7 Binding Energy of the Electron Shells 125
Further Reading 126
19 Radioactivity 127
19.1 Aim 127
19.2 Introduction 127
19.3 Nuclide Chart 128
19.4 Alpha Decay or Alpha-Particle Emission 129
19.5 Beta Decay or Beta-Particle Emission 129
19.6 Gamma Decay or Gamma-Ray Emission 132
19.7 Electron Capture 134
19.8 Branching Decay Programmes 135
19.9 Fission 135
19.10 Summary of Radioactive Nuclear Transformations 137
Further Reading 137
20 The exponential law 139
20.1 Aim 139
20.2 Description of the Exponential Law 139
20.3 Radioactive Decay and the Exponential Law 140
20.4 Measures of Radioactivity 141
20.5 Half-Life and Decay Constant 142
20.6 Physical Half-Life, Biological Half-Life and Effective Half-Life 143
20.7 Attenuation of Electromagnetic Radiation by Matter 144
20.8 Half-value Thickness 145
20.9 Tenth-value Thickness 146
20.10 Use of Logarithmic Form of the Exponential Law 146
Further Reading 147
4 X-rays and matter 149
21 Production of X-rays 151
21.1 Aim 151
21.2 Interactions of Electrons with Matter 151
21.3 Interactions Between Electrons from the Filament and the Outer Electrons of the Target Atoms in the X-ray Tube 151
21.4 Interactions Between Electrons from the Filament and the Nuclei of the Target Atoms in the X-ray Tube 152
21.5 Inelastic Collisions with the Electrons of the Target Atoms – Production of Characteristic Radiation 154
21.6 The X-ray Spectrum 155
Further Reading 157
22 Factors affecting X-ray beam quality and quantity 159
22.1 Aim 159
22.2 Introduction 159
22.3 The Effect of mA on the X-ray Beam 160
22.4 The Effect of kVp on the X-ray Beam 160
22.5 The Effect of the Target Material on the X-ray Beam 161
22.6 The Effect of Rectification on the X-ray Beam 161
22.7 The Effect of Filtration on the X-ray Beam 161
22.8 Summary of the Factors Affecting the Quantity, Quality and Intensity of the X-ray Beam 163
Further Reading 164
23 Interactions of X-rays with matter 165
23.1 Aim 165
23.2 Outline of Possible Interactions 165
23.3 Attenuation and Absorption 168
23.4 Elastic (Coherent) Scattering 168
23.5 Photoelectric Absorption 169
23.6 Compton Scattering 171
23.7 Pair Production 173
23.8 Relative Importance of the Attenuation Processes in Radiography 174
23.9 Conclusion 175
Further Reading 176
24 Luminescence and photostimulation 177
24.1 Aim 177
24.2 Introduction 177
24.3 Luminescence, Fluorescence and Phosphorescence 177
24.4 Photostimulation 180
Further Reading 181
25 The radiographic image 183
25.1 Aim 183
25.2 Introduction 183
25.3 The X-ray Image Pattern 183
25.4 The Radioigraphic Image Pattern 187
25.5 Practical Considerations in Exposure Selection 188
Further Reading 189
26 The inverse square law 191
26.1 Aim 191
26.2 Intensity of Radiation 191
26.3 Statement of the Inverse Square Law 191
26.4 Similar-triangles Proof of the Inverse Square Law 192
26.5 The Inverse Square Law and the X-ray Beam 192
26.6 mAs and the Inverse Square Law 192
Further Reading 194
5 Radiation dosimetry 195
27 Principles of radiation dosimetry 197
27.1 Aim 197
27.2 Introduction 197
27.3 Units of Exposure and Dose 197
27.4 Quality Factor and Dose Equivalent 200
27.5 Absolute Measurement of Absorbed Dose 201
27.6 Types of Detectors and Dosimeters 204
Further Reading 207
6 Equipment for X-ray production 209
28 Rectification 211
28.1 Aim 211
28.2 Introduction 211
28.3 Four-diode Full-wave Rectification 211
28.4 Capacitor Smoothing 211
28.5 Medium-frequency Generators 213
Further Reading 214
29 Exposure and timing circuits 215
29.1 Aim 215
29.2 Preparation for Exposure 215
29.3 The Switching Section 215
29.4 The Timing Section 217
Further Reading 220
30 The diagnostic X-ray tube 221
30.1 Aim 221
30.2 Introduction 221
30.3 Construction of X-ray Tubes 221
30.4 Construction of the Tube Shield (Housing) 222
30.5 Construction of the Rotating Anode Tube Insert 224
30.6 Construction of the Stationary Anode Tube Insert 227
30.7 Principles of Operation of the X-ray Tube 227
30.8 Modern Trends in X-ray Tube Design 229
Further Reading 230
31 Monitoring and protection of X-ray tubes 231
31.1 Aim 231
31.2 Definition of Rating 231
31.3 Single Exposures 231
31.4 Multiple Exposures 234
31.5 Automatic Monitoring of Rating 235
Further Reading 236
32 Orthovoltage generators and linear accelerators 237
32.1 Aim 237
32.2 Introduction 237
32.3 The Orthovoltage Unit 237
32.4 The Linear Accelerator 238
Further Reading 241
33 Radiotherapy simulators 243
33.1 Aim 243
33.2 Introduction 243
33.3 Simulator Specifications 243
33.4 Gantry Design 243
33.5 The Treatment Planning Process 246
33.6 CT Simulator 247
Further Reading 247
7 The radiographic image 249
34 Production of the digital radiographic image 251
34.1 Aim 251
34.2 The Digital Image 251
34.3 Digital Image Production 252
34.4 Short-term Storage, Manipulation and Display of Digital Images 253
34.5 Digital Imaging in General Radiography 253
Further Reading 257
35 The fluoroscopic image 259
35.1 Aim 259
35.2 Fluoroscopic Principles 259
35.3 The Image Intensifier 260
35.4 Solid-state Image Intensifiers 261
35.5 Fluoroscopic Image Quality 262
35.6 Dose Reduction in Fluoroscopy 263
Further Reading 264
36 Consequences of digital imaging in radiography 265
36.1 Aim 265
36.2 Image Processing 265
36.3 Image Storage and Retrieval 266
36.4 Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) 267
36.5 Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) 268
Further Reading 268
8 Applications of radiographic physics 269
37 Radionuclide imaging 271
37.1 Aim 271
37.2 Basic Concept of Radionuclide Imaging 271
37.3 Production of Artificially Produced Radionuclides 271
37.4 Clinically Useful Radionuclides 272
37.5 Organ Scanning 274
Further Reading 278
38 CT scanning 279
38.1 Aim 279
38.2 Introduction 279
38.3 The Development of the CT Scanner 279
38.4 Scanner Subsystems 280
38.5 Advances in CT Technology 281
38.6 Formation of the CT Image 283
38.7 CT and Radiation Dose 284
Further Reading 285
39 Magnetic resonance imaging 287
39.1 Aim 287
39.2 Key Principles of MRI 287
39.3 Image Weightings, Sequences and Appearances 291
39.4 MRI Equipment – Scanners and Coils 293
39.5 MRI Bioeffects and Safety 294
Further Reading 295
40 Positron emission tomography (PET) scanning 297
40.1 Aim 297
40.2 Revision of Positron Physics 297
40.3 Detection of Positrons 297
40.4 Radionuclides Used in Pet Scanning 298
40.5 Modern Trends in Pet Scanning 299
Further Reading 300
41 Hybrid scanners 301
41.1 Aim 301
41.2 Background 301
41.3 Historical Development 301
41.4 The Spect/CT Hybrid Scanner 302
41.5 The PET/CT Hybrid Scanner 302
41.6 The PET/MRI Hybrid Scanner 302
41.7 Other Hybrid Scanner Combinations and Current Research 303
Further Reading 303
42 Ultrasound imaging 305
42.1 Aim 305
42.2 Sound Properties 305
42.3 The Doppler Effect 309
42.4 Production and Application of Ultrasound 309
Further Reading 310
43 Mammography 311
43.1 Aim 311
43.2 Introduction 311
43.3 Tissue X-ray Attenuation Challenges for Breast Imaging 311
43.4 X-ray Beam Adaptations for Breast Imaging 312
43.5 Image Quality Considerations 313
Further Reading 313
9 Radiation protection 315
44 Practical radiation protection 317
44.1 Aim 317
44.2 Purpose and Scope of Radiation Protection 317
44.3 Legal Aspects 318
44.4 Dose-equivalent Limits 319
44.5 Local Rules 320
44.6 The Role of the Practitioner 322
44.7 The Role of the Operator 323
Further Reading 325
10 Appendices and tables 327
Appendix A: Mathematics for radiography 329
A.1 Algebraic Symbols 329
A.2 Fractions and Percentages 330
A.3 Multiplying and Dividing 331
A.4 Solving Equations 332
A.5 Powers (Indices) 334
A.6 Powers of 10 335
A.7 Proportionality 336
A.8 Graphs 336
A.9 The Geometry of Triangles 338
A.10 Pocket Calculators and Calculations in Examinations 339
A.11 Logarithms 339
A.12 Vector Quantities 340
Answers to Exercises 340
Appendix B: Modulation transfer function 343
B.1 Modulation and Spatial Frequencies 343
B.2 MTF and Spatial Frequency 344
B.3 Objects as Spatial Frequencies 344
B.4 Measurement of MTF 345
Appendix C: SI base units 347
C.1 Mass 347
C.2 Length 347
C.3 Time 347
C.4 Electric Current 347
C.5 Temperature 347
C.6 Luminous Intensity 347
C.7 Amount of Substance 347
Table A: Powers of 10 349
Table B: Physical constants 351
Table C: Important conversion factors 353
Table D: Greek symbols and their common usage 355
Table E: The periodic table of elements 357
Table F: Electron configuration of the elements 359
Index 365