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Frequency Specific Microcurrent in Pain Management E-book

Frequency Specific Microcurrent in Pain Management E-book

Carolyn McMakin | Leon Chaitow



This comprehensive text describes the origins, mechanisms, beneficial applications and practical details of frequency specific therapy - a treatment technique that uses frequencies, micro amperage current and the principles of biological resonance to treat pain and a wide range of medical conditions. It includes condition specific frequency protocols for the treatment of various pain complaints, and multi-center clinical case reports documenting successful application of the technique. Each section includes a review of condition pathophysiology and differential diagnosis, plus current research. A DVD feature a lecture from the author, Powerpoint teaching slides, practical demonstrations of techniques, fully searchable text and downloadable images from the book!

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Frequency-Specific Microcurrent in Pain Management iii
Copyright Page iv
Dedication v
Contents vii
Foreword ix
Preface xi
Microcurrent Device Safety Statement xiii
Warnings xiii
Considerations xiii
Chapter 1: The history of frequency-specific microcurrent 1
The history of electromagnetic therapies 1
Where the frequencies came from 1
First uses of microcurrent and the frequencies 2
Clinical practice using frequencies 3
FSM clinical practice expands 4
Developing the protocols 4
Why use graphite gloves? 5
The first FSM course 5
Teaching the seminars 6
The first collected case report presentation 7
FSM goes public 8
New discoveries - treating nerve pain 8
Improving clinical skills 9
Discovering the treatment team 10
Discovering the treatment for fibromyalgia from spine trauma 10
Understanding the CTF treatment - developing the model 12
Speaking at NIH - presenting the model 12
The volunteer and the cytokine data 13
Presenting the cytokine data 14
The Australia connection 14
FSM animal research 15
FSM seminars go national 17
Travels with Dr. Bland 17
New equipment - new possibilities 18
The first FSM symposium 19
Crohn's disease case report 20
FSM and the future 20
Bibliography 20
Chapter 2: The theoretical foundation for frequency-specific microcurrent 23
Biological quantum system 23
Four factors operating 24
The model 38
Bibliography 38
Chapter 3: Treating neuropathic pain 41
Types of nerve pain 43
Basic physical examination to evaluate nerve function 43
Clinical example 45
Dermatomal nerve pain due to disc injuries 46
Diagnosing neuropathic pain from disc injuries 47
Diagnosing dermatomal nerve pain due to nerve traction injuries 47
Treating dermatomal nerve pain 48
Improve motion in the nerve 53
Treating central pain amplification 58
Treating carpal tunnel syndrome 59
Treating thoracic outlet 63
Treating peripheral neuropathies 67
Case reports 70
Carpal tunnel syndrome case reports 71
Bibliography 72
Chapter 4: Treating the discs 73
Diagnosing the disc 75
Treating spinal discs 80
Treating chronic discs 81
Treating acute discs 90
Adjunctive therapies 93
Acute disc case report 94
Bibliography 96
Chapter 5: Treating facet joint generated pain 97
Treating chronic facet joint pain 100
Treating acute facet joint pain 110
Treating facet joint pain week 1 to week 5 after injury 112
Chronic facet joint patient case report 114
Bibliography 115
Chapter 6: Treating ligaments and sprain injuries 117
Treating ligamentous laxity 122
Case report 131
Bibliography 132
Chapter 7: Treating muscles, fascia and myofascial trigger points 133
Treating myofascial trigger points with FSM 135
Treating chronic myofascial pain and trigger points 136
Customize treatment 150
Side effects of FSM myofascial treatment 151
Myofascial trigger points - Case reports 157
Bibliography 158
Chapter 8: Treating fibromyalgia associated with spine trauma 161
Fibromyalgia diagnosis 162
Treating fibromyalgia associated with spine trauma 170
Making recovery possible 178
Case reports 184
Bibliography 185
Chapter 9: Treating shingles and oral and genital herpes 187
Shingles 187
Oral and genital herpes 194
Bibliography 195
Chapter 10: Treating concussion, central pain and emotions 197
Incidence of traumatic brain injuries 197
Pathologies associated with TBI 198
Van Gelder's concussion model 198
Treating concussion - the concussion protocols 202
Treating central pain 207
Emotional balance 215
Bibliography 220
Chapter 11: Frequency-specific microcurrent in clinical practice 221
The diagnosis matters 221
The learning curve 231
Managing patients 232
FSM beyond this text 235
Index 237