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Foundations of Nursing Practice E-Book

Foundations of Nursing Practice E-Book

Chris Brooker | Anne Waugh


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Book Details


This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It is written specifically to meet the needs of nursing students undertaking the common foundation programme. It aims to explain how and why sensitive, holistic and evidence-based nursing care is carried out. Therefore it is relevant to students who will enter all branches of nursing and includes material that is both common to all and specific to each branch. The book aims to provide all students on foundation nursing and health care programmes with material of sufficient depth/breadth to achieve the NMC outcomes required for entry into the branch programmes. There is an emphasis not only on the theory that underpins nursing practice in the common foundation programme but also on nursing skills which form an increasingly emphasized part of the programme. The chapters have been reviewed by experts from each branch and also clinical skills to ensure the content reflects each branch accurately and appropriately.

  • Emphasis on clinical skills & lifelong learning
  • Realistic scenarios reinforce the need for patient/client-centred care with a holistic approach
  • Activity boxes for all branches and age groups in each chapter ensure relevance to nurses in diverse settings
  • An integrated approach to health promotion with activity boxes emphasises that health maintenance and promotion are central to contemporary nursing practice
  • Reflection, critical thinking and research/appraisal skills are encouraged with a problem centred approach that will help to develop the skills needed to provide sensitive and effective, high quality care and to integrate theory with practice
  • The emphasis on nursing/clinical skills underlines the importance of core skills - an integral part of the patient/client experience
  • Cultural diversity is a core theme throughout
  • The importance of evidence-based practice is highlighted and the text helps readers are assisted to acquire the skills to provide evidence-based care
  • A wide range of general and branch-specific interactive boxes help to develop an understanding of some issues in other branches as well as the core issues that affect all nurses.
  • Self- test questions and answers provide an opportunity for readers to take responsibility for and check their learning.
  • Valuable learning tools are included: glossary of key terms, useful websites and references

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Foundations of Nursing Practice: Fundamentals of Holistic Care iii
Copyright Page\r iv
Table of Contents\r v
Contributors vii
Foreword xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xiv
How to use this book xv
Chapter 1. Understanding health and health promotion 3
Introduction 3
Definitions of health 4
Models of health and illness 7
Health beliefs 8
Attitudes, values and behaviours 12
Factors in.uencing health 14
Changing trends in health and illness 19
Health promotion 20
UK health policy context 28
Measuring health and illness 29
Illness behaviour 32
Chapter 2. Evolution of contemporary nursing 37
Introduction 37
Evolution of nursing 37
Approaches to nursing practice 47
Contemporary nursing 49
Roles of the nurse 65
Chapter 3. Health and social care delivery systems 71
Introduction 71
Health and social care provision 72
The National Health Service 77
Social care provision 85
Providing high quality health and social care – quality issues 89
Chapter 4. Learning and teaching 99
Introduction 99
Theories of learning 99
The learning process 103
Factors in. uencing learning 109
Teaching and learning methods 113
The process of teaching 115
Chapter 5. Evidence-based practice and research 123
Introduction 123
What is evidence-based practice? 123
Overview of the research process 134
Appraisal of the evidence 137
Putting evidence into practice 142
Chapter 6. Legal issues that impact on nursing practice 147
Introduction 147
Legal frameworks 147
Legal concepts integral to nursing 152
Chapter 7. The NMC Code of conduct and applied ethical principles 163
Introduction 163
The role of the Nursing and Midwifery Council 163
The Code of professional conduct 165
Ethical principles 168
The ethical and moral dimensions of nursing practice 169
Power: its use and abuse 174
Ethical frameworks and models 177
Chapter 8. The human lifespan and its effect on selecting nursing interventions 185
Introduction 185
Psychology and sociology related to development and nursing 185
Development across the lifespan 197
Chapter 9. Relationship, helping and communication skills 221
Introduction 221
Communication theory 222
Language 224
Interpersonal communication skills 230
Nursing relationships 235
Barriers to communication 245
Chapter 10. Sleep, rest, relaxation, complementary therapies and alternative therapies 251
Introduction 251
Sleep, rest and relaxation 252
Nursing interventions to promote sleep, rest and relaxation 262
Complementary and alternative medicine 266
Chapter 11. Stress, anxiety and coping 277
Introduction 277
Nature of stress 277
Stress and people 289
Chapter 12. Loss and bereavement 299
Introduction 299
Loss including death 299
Palliative care 303
Death and dying 309
Chapter 13. Safety in nursing practice 321
Introduction 321
Risk assessment 322
Health and safety legislation 325
First aid 332
Infection control and standard precautions 337
Principles of managing violence and aggression 338
Fire safety 342
Chapter 14. The nursing process, holistic assessment and baseline observations 349
Introduction 349
The nursing process 349
Nursing models 359
Integrated care pathways 363
Planning care for people with learning disability 364
Approaches in mental health nursing 366
Approaches to planning care for children 367
Documentation and record keeping 368
Vital signs 368
Chapter 15. Preventing the spread of infection 391
Introduction 391
Overview of microbiology 391
Host defence mechanisms 397
Infection control 399
Standard precautions 399
Additional precautions 414
Specimen collection 419
Chapter 16. Caring for the person with physical needs, sensory impairment and unconsciousness 425
Introduction 425
Personal hygiene and appearance 426
Sensory considerations 445
The unconscious patient 451
Chapter 17. Breathing and circulation 463
Introduction 463
An overview of breathing and circulation 464
Care of the person with breathing and/or circulation problems 488
Chapter 18. Mobility and immobility 501
Introduction 501
The nervous and musculoskeletal systems 501
Posture, balance and movement 509
Ef. cient handling and moving (EHM) 514
The bene. ts of mobility and hazards of immobility 523
Chapter 19. Promoting hydration and nutrition 531
Introduction 531
Maintaining . uid, electrolyte and acid–base balance 532
Nutrition 549
Chapter 20. Elimination – urine 569
Introduction 569
Overview – anatomy and physiology of the urinary system 570
Urinary elimination 572
Nursing interventions – micturition 577
Promoting continence 582
Types of urinary incontinence 585
Chapter 21. Elimination – faeces 599
Introduction 599
An overview of defecation 599
Nursing interventions to promote defecation 607
Chapter 22. Promoting the safe administration of medicines 627
Introduction 627
Legislation concerning medicines 627
Introduction to pharmacology 630
Naming of drugs and common groups 634
Medicinal preparations and routes of administration 636
Administering prescribed medication 637
Chapter 23. Pain management – minimizing the pain experience 653
Introduction 653
The nature of pain 653
Pain assessment 661
Pain management 668
Chapter 24. Caring for the person having surgery 681
Introduction 681
Types of surgery 681
Preoperative care 683
Perioperative care 691
Postoperative care 692
Discharge planning 700
Chapter 25. Wound management 703
Introduction 703
Types of wound 703
Wound healing 705
Wound management 708
Chronic wounds 714
Appendix: Answers to self tests 727
Chapter 1 727
Chapter 2 727
Chapter 3 727
Chapter 4 727
Chapter 5 727
Chapter 6 728
Chapter 7 728
Chapter 8 728
Chapter 9 728
Chapter 10 728
Chapter 11 728
Chapter 12 728
Chapter 13 728
Chapter 14 729
Chapter 15 729
Chapter 16 729
Chapter 17 729
Chapter 18 729
Chapter 19 729
Chapter 20 729
Chapter 21 729
Chapter 22 729
Chapter 23 730
Chapter 24 730
Chapter 25 730
Glossary 731
Index 739